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To, Rev.Sr. Shanthi,Moderator General Nava Jeevan Vikas Secular Institute, Methanagar, Chennai — 29, From, Sr. Reshma (Bindu Thomas) Chennai. May 23°, 2021 ‘Subject: Request to relieve & Acknowledgement of the certificates Respected Sister Moderator General, Warm Greetings from Sr. Reshma Thomas! | am writing this letter to you to acknowledge the receipt of all my certificates and Some of the reasons for my leaving from the Nava Jeevan Vikas Secular Institute. First of all, sincerely and very gratefully | thank Very Rev. Dr. Kurian Thomas, The Father Founder and you Rev. Sr. Shanthi, the Moderator General, for accommodating me and taking care of me in the institute almost for the past two years. After having heard about the mission and ministry of the Nava Jeevan Vikas Secular Institute, it was with a lot of enthusiasm and expectations that | came to the institute. |n my initial talk with you, the Moderator General, | was offered various possible ways of doing my ministry among the poor, orphan and destitute and finding joy and fulfilment in my religious life and ministry, As you have said many times, | have done my best with the responsibilities that you had entrusted me with. In the first year you had asked me to be the assistant formator and | have discharged my responsibilities well by taking classes for the Candidates on various subjects, taking care of their studies, leading and organizing many liturgical celebrations etc. | stil remember very vividly your words of great appreciation and encouragement at the end of the'first year. You even ‘spoke quite well about me to the Founder Father. In the second year you had made me in charge of the formation and the administrations of the entire generalate community with the children’s home. As you know, | have done everything in the best way possible and thank God everything went well. | used to do the shopping, accounting, take classes for the candidates, and do everything for the house maintenance, taking the candidates to the hospital etc., despite being with the candidates all other times However, | regret to point out that, | do not know, why at a certain point you began to shout at me and scold me in front of the candidates and even began to avoid me. It was very painful for me when you would isolate me and avoid speaking to me. Though many times, | asked you, you never told me any reasons for your treatment and discriminations of me. General when | came to you in 2019. Because when | joined you, | clearly mentioned you of my desire in working with the destitute and in which you had agreed, Sadly, even the Founder Father had no regard for me and did not even listen to me Properly when | had a talk with him. He had no concern for me or my feelings. Because of the above reasons, | was not enjoying my religious life and had no fulfilment in my ministry. Therefore, after mature thinking and a lot of prayer and reflections, | have on my own free will decided to leave the Nava Jeevan Vikas Secular Institute. With a grateful hear, 1 acknowledge that | have received all my certificates that were Submitted to the Moderator General. | sincerely thank also the Founder Father, the Sister Moderator General and all the sisters, candidates and the children in the children’s home for your care and concern. Yours Sincerely, Ge Dave, Sr. Reshma Thomas

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