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Beyond-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPTs)

Lesson Idea Name: Asian Belief System Overview – Buddhism

Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level(s): 7
Content Standard Addressed: SS7G12 Analyze the diverse cultural characteristics of the people who live in
Southern and Eastern Asia.

Technology Standard Addressed: Creative Communicator 1.6a: Students choose the

appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

Selected Technology Tool: Popplet

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☒ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Popplet allows multiple means of representation by allowing for visual diagrams, variation in size, and audio
notations. Multiple means of expression and engagement are allowed via creation and manipulation of
timelines, text and audio, diagrams, and other mind map creations.

Lesson idea implementation:

Continuing their Asian religious studies as part of the standards, students will further their understanding
with this project. Students will each create a Popplet graphic organizer detailing their chosen Asian religion
and present it. I will introduce this project by presenting my example Popplet presentation on Buddhism.
Then, we will work together as a class through a tutorial on how to use Popplet. They will have 20 minutes
per day of the week to work on it in class, culminating in them presenting on Friday. For every student that
presents, the rest of the students will take at least 3 pertinent notes on the presented belief system. This will
be graded for completion. Students will be assessed on having sufficient uncopied information in their
Popplet and their presentation of it.

Students may use any of Popplet’s mapping tools to create their project, thus allowing for differentiation.
Their project allows for creativity both in its creation and its presentation. With that and multiple means of
expression along with interpretation and summarization, students utilize higher levels of learning. The lesson
will be concluded with a review and a test encompassing Asian belief systems. Every step they take along the
way will be met with constructive teacher feedback.
Reflective Practice:
I feel the activities created will sufficiently uphold student learning outcomes. In my experience as a student,
being allowed to be creative in my work motivated me to do the work, and I enjoyed the learning. I believe
this lesson plan will do the same. The lesson could be further extended by implementing their newfound
knowledge of Asian religions into the context of today’s diverse state of the world. To enhance the activity,
students could each create a Voki of a historical figure that has to do with the belief system they studied.

Spring 2018_SJB

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