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Since I became a student in grade 3 at SMAN 1 Ponorogo, learning activities have

been carried out in their respective homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. How I wanted to
wear a uniform and study at school with my friends. Even at the end of the school year
holidays, I can't go anywhere because of COVID-19. Time passed so fast and I finally
graduated from that school. My impression while at this school is very pleasant. Both the
teachers, the school environment, and friends. During this school, there are many stories that
cannot be told and many experiences that will not be forgotten. The impression of how fun
school is here will not be forgotten. If I could go back in time, I would like to go back to the
early days of school until now. Although sometimes there are fun, but when I think back, all
of this made me like this school even more. Because none of this would ever exist if I didn't
go to this school. It would be a different story and experience if I didn't choose this school.

Finally, I continued my education to a higher education, namely at the University of

Brawijaya majoring in Business Administration. I chose Brawijaya University as a place for
me to continue my education because of course Brawijaya University is one of the state
universities in East Java which is accredited A. Brawijaya University also has many faculties
and departments which not all campuses or universities have. And on average the faculties
and departments are accredited A as well. In addition, I also chose to major in business
administration because a business administration program can help me develop these skills.
Not only did I learn the basics of business including finance, operations, human resources,
marketing, and management, but I also learned how to lead and motivate people,
communicate effectively, and think critically.

As long as I was in college since I first entered, my friends and I went through online
lectures, namely learning from home, it was an extraordinary experience that I got. Because
with online lectures I can only communicate with lecturers and friends via the zoom
application. I hope this COVID-19 outbreak will improve soon so that I can do offline
learning on campus.

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