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Instructor: Van Tran


Referring to the case given:

GOME Electrical Appliances Holding Limited: The “Tuangou” Challenge

Question 1.
What type of consumer decision-making process does a tuangou
purchase belong to? Explain why.
Question 2.
In the case of an electrical home appliance purchase at GOME,
assuming a tuangou shopper goes through the general stages through
his/her decision-making process, as denoted in Mothersbaugh &
Hawkins (2016):
a. Describe the decision-making process of a typical tuangou
b. How does each stage of the consumer decision-making process
of a tuangou shopper different compare with that of a typical
walk-in customer?
Question 3.
Summarize GOME’s tactics towards tuangou shoppers and discuss their
pros and cons.
Question 4.
What other options does GOME have? What are the pros and cons of
these options?

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