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Public Speaking

 engage your audience member

o we can hook them from the outset by starting with an interesting fact, a
challenging question, or an intriguing statement
o encourage your audience to participate by asking a question
 Practive and review
o Our audience will also more likely warm to you if we talk naturally, as if we
addressing one person, not a crowd. But his takes practice.
o Rehearse plenty of times so that we can talk fluently, then do a practice run in
front of a small, supportive and ask for feedback.
o We can record our seassions so you can see your strengths and weaknesses for
yourself and hone our skills

 Prepare, practive and review

o Our audience will also more likely warm to you if we talk naturally, as if we
addressing one person, not a crowd. But his takes practice.
o Rehearse plenty of times so that we can talk fluently, then do a practice run in
front of a small, supportive and ask for feedback.
o We can record our seassions so you can see your strengths and weaknesses for
yourself and hone our skills
 Think positively
o Before we deliver our speech, get yourself into the right mindset by thingking
o Banish any negative selftalk by using affirmations.
o Visualize yourself giving a succesful speech.
 Cope with nerves
o A natural reaction to the fear of public speaking is the flight, fight or freeze
response, but you can lessen its hold on us.
o Focus on what your audience is going to gain from your talk, rather than on how
youre feeling.
o Take slow deep breaths before we begin.
o Be aware that nerves might make you talk too quickly, so force yourself to slow
 Pay attention to your body language
o We can more relaxed and confident by not charging on in a panic.
o We will look particularly confident if youre standing up straight, looking people
in the eye and smiling
o Be sure to take opportunities to deliver presentations rather than avoiding them.

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