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Elaisa Mae V.





1. As a student, is it still possible to resolve the present problems on

pollution? Explain in no less than one hundred (100) words.

2. What do you think is the most feasible way to resolve these problems?
Explain in no less than one hundred (100) words.


1. It is possible to solve problems as a student. We address the first by

putting an end to oil burning, and the second in two ways. The first is
to take use of nature. Reforestation, grassland planting, and kelp forest
planting This information can be shared with your family, friends, and
community. You can explain why this is important and what steps can
be made to resolve the issue. You can interact with polluters and
inquire about their efforts to decrease their influence on your
neighborhood. You can contact your government and inquire about how
they plan to address the health and economic consequences of
pollution, as well as if polluters will be held accountable.

2. The easiest approach to deal with it is to After that, recycle properly.

One of the most efficient strategies to help minimize landfill waste,
protect natural resources, safeguard habitats, reduce pollution, reduce
energy consumption, and slow down global warming is to incorporate
recycling habits into your daily life. Anything you use and discard might
end up in a landfill for generations. Simple changes can be made to
reduce the amount of disposable objects in your daily life, as seen
below. Recycle and reuse are two more things we must adjust to.The
concept of recycling and reuse not only helps to conserve resources
and use them wisely, but it also helps to reduce pollution emissions,
which is good for the environment. In addition, recycled materials use
less energy to manufacture. and Plastic bags are not allowed. Plastic
items may be hazardous to the environment since they take a long time
to degrade due to their oil-based composition. Instead, paper bags are
a preferable option because they degrade quickly and are recyclable.
Last but not least, afforestation should be implemented. Last but not
least, make a concerted effort to establish and nurture as many trees
as possible. The technique of planting trees has numerous
environmental benefits and aids in the release of oxygen.

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