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2 Issue 01, 2020 1
p-ISSN: 2685-2020 ; e-ISSN: 2685-2012

Nursing Therapy in Hallucinations of Schizophrenia Patients

A Literature Review

Angga Sugiarto1); Suyanta1); Erna Erawati1); Sri Handayani2)


Background: Hallucination is a problem that appears in schizophrenia as a positive symptom that must be
addressed immediately so as not to disturb the health status. Nursing therapy is the main alternative to
resolve hallucinatory problems in schizophrenic patients who are treated at the Mental Hospital.
Methods: The method used is literature review with a library of articles or journals from 2010-2019 by
searching through Google Scholar, Pro Quest, GALE, EBSCOhost, and Ovid Journal.
Results: The results of the synthesis show that nursing therapy can overcome the problem of hallucinations
in schizophrenic patients.
Conclusion: CBT and group activity therapy as nursing therapy are effective for hallucinations of

Keyword : Nursing Therapy; Hallucinations; Schizophrenia;

1) Nursing Study Program of Magelang, Health Polytechnic of Semarang, Indonesia

Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Magelang, Indonesia
2) RSJ Prof. dr. Soerojo Magelang,

Jl. Ahmad Yani, Magelang, Indonesia

Background. Schizophrenia is one of the articles obtained with the search keywords
severe and chronic mental disorders that nursing therapy, hallucinations, and
affects more than 21 million people worldwide schizophrenia.
Result and Discussion. Nursing therapy
(WHO, 2019). The prevalence of severe mental
using group therapy in hallucinations of
illness in Indonesia is 1,7 per mile schizophrenic patients shows an increase in
(Balitbangkes, 2013). The highest prevalence the ability to control hallucinations. Session 1-2
of households with the highest incidence of perception stimulation group activity therapy on
schizophrenia / psychosis mental disorders the ability to control hearing halusination in the
were Bali (11 per mile), DIY and NTB (10 per skizofrenia patients shows an increase in the
mile) Aceh, Central Java, South Sulawesi, and ability to control hallucinations (Halawa, 2015).
The results of the study on 55 respondents
West Sumatra (9 per mile) (Badan penelitian
using I-III Group Activity Therapy found 65.5%
dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian had an increased ability to control
Kesehatan RI, 2018). hallucinations (Muhammad Qodir, Anjas
In schizophrenia there are positive and Surtiningrum and Nurullita, 2013). Quasy
negative symptoms, where one of the positive experimental research of Group Activity
symptoms is hallucinations (Videbeck, 2010) Therapy on 20 respondents showed that there
(Hawari, 2014). Schizophrenia treatment was was a significant influence on the influence
done in two ways namely pharmacological and TAK sensory-perception stimulation of the
non pharmacological (Stuart and Laraira, 2005). ability to control hallucinations on
Pharmacological therapy can be in the form of hallucinations patients indicated by p = 0,000
antipsychotics known as neuroleptic (Nugroho, (Hidayah, 2015).
2012). Non-pharmacological therapy in The other nursing therapy was modified
schizophrenia includes nursing therapy. nursing therapy. One frequent done now in
Methods. The method used is literature patients with schizophrenia is cognitive therapy,
review with library sources using journal
behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral
articles from 2010 - 2019 through Google
Scholar, Pro Quest, GALE, EBSCOhost, and therapy. The results of applying cognitive
Ovid Journal. The author synthesizes the behavioral therapy enhance the client's ability
p-ISSN: 2685-2020 ; e-ISSN: 2685-2012

to use rational responses against negative Generalist nursing actions comply with
thoughts and behaviors, thereby reducing nursing care standards, namely identifying
cognitive, affective and negative behavioral hallucinations that appear (content, type,
responses, and increasing the ability of families duration, situation and response), controlling
to care for clients with hallucinations. The hallucinations by rebuking or expelling,
results of applying behavioral therapy on 20 conversing with others, carrying out activities
hallucinations patient enhance the client's and taking medication regularly, and
ability to fight negative thoughts that arise when performing therapeutic activity of perception
hallucinations arise. The results of applying stimulation. This is in accordance with research
cognitive therapy also enhance the client's conducted by Caroline et al (Nyumirah, 2014)
ability to perform positive behaviors when that the application of hallucinatory client
hallucinations appear (Nyumirah, 2014). nursing care standards in controlling
The Effect Of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy hallucinations will affect the cognitive and
On Clients With Halusination Nursing Problems psychomotor abilities of the client, so that
is cognitive, affective, client behavior hallucinatory clients will experience a decrease
significantly improved, and hallucinations in sign intensity andhallucinatory symptoms
decreased by 47%. CBT also increases the that appear.
cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities of Generalist therapy is an intervention nursing
hallucinatory patients with the highest results that is commonly done in asylums through
up to 57% (Hastuti and Setianingsih, 2016). direct application implementation strategy
(Wahyuni, 2010) in his research on 28 according to the problem patient nursing.
schizophrenic clients who had hallucinations Generalist therapy consists from individual
found that cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) therapy and group therapy. Suitable therapy to
can reduce hallucinogenic symptoms by 34.5%, practice socialization the patient is group
while the ability to control hallucinations therapy. There is patient interaction with
increases by 18%. patients and patients with nurses in a therapy
CBT using individually tailored case- group. Group therapy assesses sensitivity
formulation that aimed to reduce hallucinations social and collaboration that occur within
statistically significant effect-sizes was 0.44 interactions between patients and patients with
with hallucinations, effect-size for CBT for nurse (Kurniasari, Dwidiyanti and Sari, 2019)
hallucinations increased (0.49) (M, LR and F, The other therapy is cognitive therapy,
2014). An acceptance-based cognitive personality therapy (behavioral therapy),
behavioural therapy for command Cognitive Behavioral and others (McQuaid cit
hallucinations in psychotic disorder at 43 (Kurniasari, Dwidiyanti and Sari, 2019)).
participants with problematic command Nursing actions that can be performed for both
hallucinations were randomized to receive 15 individual and family clients with hallucinations
sessions of the intervention “TORCH” include individual therapy is cognitive
(Treatment of Resistant Command behavioral therapy (CBT) that the application of
Hallucinations) or the control, Befriending, then psychosocial therapy with cognitive behavior
followed up for 6 months. A sub-sample of 17 can change negative thought patterns into
participants was randomized to a waitlist positive ones, so that maladaptive behaviors
control before being allocated to TORCH or become adaptive.
Befriending. Participants engaged equally well Cognitive therapy (CT) according to Copel is
with both treatments. Despite TORCH a therapy that helps clients to develop rational
participants subjectively reporting greater thought patterns and according of Fauziyah
improvement in command hallucinations Cognitive behavioral therapy can improve
compared to Befriending participants (F et al., cognitive abilities and behavior of
2012). schizophrenic clients with violent behavior
p-ISSN: 2685-2020 ; e-ISSN: 2685-2012

(Nyumirah, 2014), and improve cognitive MENUR SURABAYA’, Jurnal

abilities and behavior hallucinatory client Keperawatan, 4(1). doi:
(Wahyuni, 2010). 10.2320/materia.46.171.
Rieckert states that CBT therapy can
Hastuti, R. Y. and Setianingsih (2016)
significantly reduce anger, guilt and low self-
‘Pengaruh Cognitive Behaviour Threapy
esteem. The application of CBT in
pada Klien dengan Masalah Keperawatan
hallucinations of clients was trained to
Perilaku Kekerasan dan Halusinasi di
recognize various events that occurred in his
RSJD DR. RM Soedjarwadi Klaten’, Jurnal
life, including unpleasant events. Clients are
Keperawatan Jiwa, 4(1), pp. 7–12.
also taught to recognize feelings that arise from
Available at:
the way clients interpret the events they
experienced and the actions taken after
experiencing these feelings (Hastuti and
Setianingsih, 2016). Cognitive behavioral
Hawari, D. (2014) Skizofrenia Pendekatan
therapy can be given to schizophrenic clients,
Holistik (BPSS) Bio-Psiko Sosial-Spiritual.
which makes clients able to control angry
Jakarta: Badan Penerbit Fakultas
behavior, control clients who talk to themselves
Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
or hallucinations and can improve client
relationships in the hospital, family and at work
Hidayah, A. N. (2015) ‘Pengaruh Terapi
(MD, 2009).
Aktivitas kelompok Stimulasi persepsi-
Conclusion and Suggestions. The
Sensori terhadap Kemampuan Mengontrol
results of the synthesis show that nursing
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therapy can overcome the problem of
Gondohutomo Semarang’, Jurnal
hallucinations in schizophrenic patients. CBT
keperawatan, 8(1), pp. 44–55. doi:
and group activity therapy as nursing therapy
are effective for hallucinations of
schizophrenia. CBT and group activity therapy
Kurniasari, C. I., Dwidiyanti, M. and Sari, P.
are recommended for hallucinations of
(2019) ‘Terapi Keperawatan Dalam
Mengatasi Masalah Interaksi Sosial pada
Acknowledgements. Thanks to the
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researchers say to all those who have helped
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa, 2(1), pp.
in completing this research.
41–46. Available at:
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Available at:

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