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Chapter One: A land of water and silt

1. What roles mountain Himalayas played in the formation of Bengal Delta?

2. Briefly discuss about the weather around the year of Bangladesh?

3. "The forms of water-river, rain, and sea - give Bangladesh a natural Janus face" Explain.

4. "Summer flood are a way of life." Explain.

5. "Time and again natural forces have acted as protagonists in history, upsetting social arrangements
and toppling rulers." Explain with examples (at least three).

6. How natural environment construct the social environment of Bangladesh?

Chapter Two: Jungle, Field, cities and states

1. Briefly discuss the pre-historic Bengal.

2. Outline some of the common vocabularies associated with food habit of the people of Bengal?

3. Discuss the emergence of Urban life with proper evidences.

4. What linguistic history of Bangladesh reveals about the life of Bengal?

5. Discuss briefly about the rise and fall of Gaur. How it indicates the rise and fall of cities in Bengal?

Chapter Three: A region of multiple frontiers

1. How agrarian involution causes the expansion of Bengal?

2. What we know about the earlier formation of State in Bengal?

3. Discuss the dynamics of traditional religious frontiers in Bengal?

4. How Islam emerge as the majority religion in this region from the Middle East and surrounded on
all sides by areas where Islam never had such an impact?

5. How the history of Bangladesh showed that it was a multilingual place? Explain with evidence.

6. Why it can be said that the gender relation is complex in Bangladesh?

7. Discuss the religiosity of Bangladesh.

8. Briefly discuss the regional culture of Bangladesh.

Chapter Four: the delta as crossroads

1. How archaeological evidences suggest that Bengal delta was a crossroads?

2. Briefly discuss about the trade in the fourteen century Bangladesh?

3. How the Portuguese arrivals changed the trade structure of Bangladesh?

4. While the Indian maritime merchants played a significant role in transforming the economy, it was
quite small and confined to specific and limited time periods. Do you agree? Explain with evidence.

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