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B_ write the names of the types in the correct sei n of the reading, The Scigntist The Team Member The Adveniurer The Independent The Peacemaker The Perfectionist. The Helper The Achiever The Romantic C Look at the words from the reading in bold. Choose the correct answer by thinking about the context of the word, Sociable is similar in meaning to —___. a. outgoing b. introverted ©. driven 2. A playful person doesn't feel a. driven b. relaxed ©. happy 3. Ifyou are loyal to your family, you alway them. a. criticize b. avoid . support 4. Harmony is similar to a. agreement b. arguing a ing questions 5. A curious person wants to a lot of new things. a. buy b, learn about ©. avoid 6. In this context, drama means a. stories b. acting c. excitement The Peacemaker The Scientist 5 4 The Romantic D Answer the questions. 1. Which type from the reading do you t ink you are? 2. Why does this description fit you? 3. Which of these types would be easy for you to get along with? Why? 4. Which of these types would be hard for you to get along with? Why?

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