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HARI, TANGGAL : Kamis, 17 Maret 2022
WAKTU : Pukul. 07.00 – 09.00 (120 Menit)
JUMLAH SOAL : 40 Butir PG (No 1 – 40) dan 5 Butir Uraian (No 41 – 45)


1. Isikan nomor ujian, nama peserta, mata pelajaran, dan tanda tangan peserta pada
Lembar Jawaban Ujian Sekolah (LJUS), sesuai petunjuk di LJUS
2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUS
3. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
4. Jumlah Soal sebanyak 40 butir soal Pilihan Ganda dan 5 butir soal Uraian.
5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak,
atau tidak lengkap.
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan HP, kamus, atau alat komunikasi lainnya
8. Periksalah dahulu pekerjaan kamu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas Ujian


A. Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan secara penuh bulatan
jawaban Anda, dengan menggunakan pensil 2B.

Contoh menjawab :
a b c d e Salah a b c d e salah
a b c d e Salah a b c d e benar

B. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula

dengan karet penghapus hingga bersih, kemudian bulatkan pilihan jawaban yang Anda
anggap benar.


Listening Test no 1-16

1. What is the topic of the conversation?

A. The man’s business
B. Thanking someone
C. The man’s achievement
D. This week’s sales
E. Popular topic

2. What does the woman suggest…..

A. See the doctor
B. Taking a lot of rest
C. Take a medicine
D. Get vaccinated
E. Always keep healthy and exercise

3. What is the man's opinion about the game player?

A. Agreeing with the women
B. Satisfied with the game
C. Proud of the player
D. Disagreeing with the women
E. Appreciate the player

4. What is the best response to the conversation?

A.Why do you take a long time to make a juice
B. Thank you
C. Go away
D. Here you are
E. Good idea

5. What is the best response to the conversation?

A. That's a good idea
B. No it's bad idea
C. I hate it
D. Oh thanks it cannot help
E. Yeah i disagree with you

6. What is the best answer to fill the gap?

A. Because
B. Because of
C. Due to
D. Since
E. As a result
7. What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?
A. I disagree
B. I agree with you
C. I am not sure
D. This is horrible
E. I am not happy

8. What is being described in the monologue?

9. What is being described in the monologue?

A. B. C.

D. E.

10. What is the suitable picture based on the text ?


A. B. C.
D. E.

11. What is the news about ?

A. B. C.

D. E.

12. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To describe the keyboard
B. To tell the audiences how to use keyboard
C. To guide the audience how to clean a computer keyboard
D. To persuade the audience to buy a keyboard
E. To entertain the audience

13.What should we do after turn, tap and shake the keyboard? Except…..
A. Blow the keyboard
B. Shake the keyboard again
C. Unplug the keyboard cable from the CPU
D. Wipe the keyboard using damp free cloth
E. Clean the keyboard using a little rubbing alcohol

14.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the readers
B. To amuse the readers
C. To Inform the audience about the news
D. To explain how is the process of the accident
E. To persuade people to watch the news
15.What is the topic of the news?
A. Flooding in the capital city of Indonesia
B. Thunderstorm in Indonesia
C. Earthquake 7.9 magnitude in Sulawesi
D. 6000 people were evacuated from the hurricane
E. Flooding every month in Jakarta


To all students of Saraton High,

The library will not be open to students starting from Monday, 12th January. This is
done so the registration process for new students will run smoothly. All needs to buy
writing tools, books, etc. must be done before that date. The library will re-open on
Tuesday, 20th January.

Thank you for your attention,

The school principal

16. What is the text about ?

A. To persuade students to enter library
B. To describe library in the school
C. To inform that library will be opened next year
D. To inform students that the library will not be open from Monday
E. To invite students to enter school

17. Why will the library be closed?

A. The library has to buy writing tools, books, etc must be done
B. The clerk is lazy
C. The library on leave
D. The school is closed
E. Because the new students do not need library

Read the lyric of the song below is for number 18 !

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
We'll find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there

18.What is the moral value of the song?

A. We need to find a new friend
B. We hate our friends
C. We never need a friend
D. We lost our friend
E. We can always trust our bestfriend

Read the lyric of the song below is for answering number 19 !

19. The sentence “if I were a boy” in the lyric of the song means..
A. If the writer becomes a boy , he would be a good boy
B. If the writer becomes a boy, he would be a cruel boy
C. If the writer becomes a boy, he would be a bad boy
D. The writer gives a satire for all boys
E. The writer tells about her feelings about her friend

Read the text below to answer questions numbers 20 - 22.

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of
mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java.
The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called
Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married.
One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.
Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan
and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When
Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had
been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept this, so she killed
Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice
fairy took her to the Kahyangan.

20.Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make raden begawan unconscious?
A. She didn’t like Raden Begawan
B. She didn’t want Raden Prabu marry the princess
C. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding
D. She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess
E. She wants to kill Raden Begawan

21. What we can learn from the story ?

A. Never jealous with someone’s life
B. Never affair with someone
C. Never give up with our life
D. Never come to the Kahyangan
E. Never come to the world

22. “The wicked fairy had enchanted Raden Begawan” in passive voice it becomes
A. Raden Begawan had been enchanted by the wicked fairy
B. Raden Begawan had being enchanted by the wicked fairy
C. Raden Begawan had been being enchanted by the wicked fairy
D. Raden Begawan had been enchanting by the wicked fairy
E. Raden Begawan had enchanting by the wicked fairy

Read the text below for answering number 23 -24 !

Petruk cave is one of the leading tourist attractions in Kebumen, Central Java. The cave is
located in the Dukuh Mandayana Candirenggo Village, Ayah District, Kebumen regency. In
the petruk cave there is no lighting that illuminates the cave. It is still very natural cave so
that petruk cave is very dark to be entered. Petruk cave’s name is taken from the punokawan
of puppet characters that is Petruk.
The cave named Petruk cave because the length of cave is as long as petruk’s nose.
In the cave there are 3 floors that are the first is a basic cave, Hindu caves and Petruk cave.
The base cave is a short cave which is just 100 meters away. The cave is used for tourist
attractions. Hindu cave is part of the cave that is usually used to put offerings to the ancestor.
Inside Petruk cave there are so many stalactites and stalagmites which are really awesome.
If you want to explore this cave, you must be led by guides who are ready to take you through
the cave. After arriving at the end of the cave, you can see the beach or waterfall located near
at the end of the cave

23. What is the text purpose?

A. To inform readers about tourism in Kebumen
B. To entertain reader about Petruk Cave
C. To explain the reader about floors in Petruk Cave
D. To Introduce The Local tourism in Kebumen
E. To describe Petruk Cave

24. Why did Petruk cave named as one of character in Punokawan puppet?
A. Because the cave is belong to Petruk
B. Because Petruk is the first explorer of the cave
C. Because Petruk is buried at the cave
D. Because the cave’s length is as long as Petruk’s nose
E. Because the cave’s depth is as deep as Petruk’s hair

Read the text below for answering number 25-27 !

The government should provide rehabilitation Program for Drug Users

Drug users are actually ill people who need help. Rehabilitation is one of the main
things they should get. Instead of punishing drug users in prisons, the government should
provide rehabilitation for them.
Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from
consuming the drugs. Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually helping them out
from traps, which they might accidentally step on.
If we only arrest drug users and send them to jail, this doesn't solve the problem as
drug users will still be addicted unless proper rehabilitation is imposed on them. Providing
rehabilitation programs for drug users and forcing them to participate in the programs is
better than only arresting them and doing nothing to their illness. Only drug dealers,
traffickers, and wholesalers should be imprisoned.

25. The text gives us information about ..

A. The ways to minimize drugs users
B. The ways to increase drugs users
C. The effects of using drugs
D. The importance of consuming local drugs
E. The way to treat drugs users

26. The main idea of paragraph two is .…

A. Arrest the drug users into a jail is a good idea
B. The government has not controlled yet the use of drug
C. The prohibition to use drugs
D. Drugs users should be rehabilitated
E. The prohibition of using drugs

27. "Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually helping them out from traps, which
they might accidentally step on"
What is the conjunction of the sentence above .…

Read the text below for answering number 28-30 !

Two state-owned lenders — Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI — will build temporary houses for
400 families displaced by the recent strong earthquake that hit Sigi District, Central Sulawesi
Province.Second Assistant Secretary of Sigi District Government Iskandar Nontji informed
that the temporary houses for 100 families will be constructed by Bank Mandiri in the South
Sibayala area of Dolo Sub-district. Meanwhile, Bank BNI will erect the temporary shelters
for 300 families in Jonoge Village of Sigi Biromaru Sub-district that severely suffered from
soil liquefaction during the 7.4-magnitude earthquake that rocked the area on Sept 28, he
The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land, owned by the sub-district
government, village, and community members, he stated, adding that the Sigi district
government will facilitate all related parties to sign a letter of agreement.
“We are going to provide a letter of agreement that will be signed by all related parties to
avoid any unexpected eventuality in the future,” he explained. (Antara, 17th October, 2018)

28. What is the text about?

A. Building temporary houses for displaced family
B. Planning to displace the temporary house
C. Signing a letter of agreements to build a permanent house
D. New luxury house will be built by BNI
E. Assistant Secretary has built temporary houses

29. What can we infer from the text?

A. The temporary house will be built in the family lands
B. The displaced family will build 400 houses for two state banks
C. The temporary house will be built by two state banks for the earthquake victims
D. Bank Mandiri will be built in the South Sibayala
E. Bank BNI will be built by the earthquake victims in Jonoge Village of Sigi

30. Bank Mandiri will construct temporary houses for 100 families in the South Sibayala area
of Dolo sub-district……. Bank BNI will erect the temporary shelters for 300 families in
Jonoge Village
The suitable conjunction to fill the gap is..
A. But
B. And
C. Therefore
D. Next
E. Meanwhile

Read the text below for answering number 31-33 !

Recycling is a collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would otherwise be

thrown away. Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers
to plastic spoons, can be recycled. The recycling process reclaims the original material and
uses it in new products. In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less
and requires less energy than using new materials. Recycling can also reduce pollution, either
by reducing the demand for high-pollution alternatives or by minimizing the amount of
pollution produced during the manufacturing process.

Paper products that can be recycled include cardboard containers, wrapping paper,
and office paper. The most commonly recycled paper product is newsprint. In newspaper
recycling, old newspapers are collected and searched for contaminants such as plastic bags
and aluminum foil. The paper goes to a processing plant where it is mixed with hot water and
turned into pulp in a machine that works much like a big kitchen blender. The pulp is
screened and filtered to remove smaller contaminants. The pulp then goes to a large vat
where the ink separates from the paper fibers and floats to the surface. The ink is skimmed
off, dried and reused as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with new
wood fibers to be made into paper again. Experts estimate the average office worker
generates about 5 kg of wastepaper per month. Every ton of paper that is recycled saves about
1.4 cu m (about 50 cu ft) of landfill space. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 pulpwood trees
(trees used to produce paper).

31.  Which of the following is NOT the benefit of recycling?

A. It costs much money for the process of recycling
B. It costs less to make new products
C. It requires less energy
D. It can reduce pollution
E. It reduces the demand for high-pollution alternatives
32. What is the third step of recycling paper products?
A. Collect and search for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminium foil
B. Mix the paper with hot water in a blender which turns it into pulp
C. Screen and filter the pulp to remove smaller contaminants
D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibers
E. Mix the pulp with new wood fiber to be made into paper again

33. We can make use of the ink after being separated from the paper fibers by doing the
followings, EXCEPT….
A. Skim it off
B. Dry it
C. Reuse as ink
D. Burn as boiler fuel
E. Mix it with the pulp

Questions 34 – 36 are based on the following text

How to clean an LCD screen

1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 -20 cm away from the LCD screen.
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly
3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush

you can also do the following steps

1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser
2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one

34. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform the reader how to make detergen
B. To guide how to clean an LCD screen
C. To persuade people to buy an LCD screen
D. To give instruction to people how to clean TV screen
E. To ask people to clean DVD player

35. Before cleaning the screen surface, we spray the detergent on the screen surface directly
Spray it on...
A. Our finger
B. The paper
C. The fabric cleanser
D. The brush
E. The sponge

36. “Cleanse gently with the fabric cleanser or brush” ( step 3 ) what does “gently” the
underlined word mean ?
A. Carefully
B. Directly
C. Harshly
D. Cleanly
E. Roughly
37. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To give detailed information of the picture
B. To give motivation to readers
C. To amuse the reader
D. To persuade the reader to not have a high expectation
E. To tell the readers about the writer’s life

38. What we can get from the text?

A.We can follow the wind
B. We can change the God’s will
C. We need to change our destiny
D. We never be late to reach our goal
E. We should follow the rule in our life

Questions 39 – 40 refer to the following text !

Here is my unforgettable experience. One day I joined a story telling contest.

Two of my friends and I had been chosen to take a part in the final round at the
district level. I was very happy and eager to win the competition.

For preparation, I had to memorize and understand the story well. My teacher
guided and taught me pronunciation, facial expression and gestures. One day, before
performing, my friends and I were busy to prepare the props and costumes for the
competition. Thing that made me sad was my teacher rented the props and costumes
for my friends but not for me.

My two friends had beautiful costumes and luxurious props. Although I just
wore the simple ones, I performed my best to win the competition. The competition
started. I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I
showed my best performance on stage. Lots of people took photos and videos of me.

Finally, anxiety was gone after I had finished performing. And then, the
announcement made three of us very curious. Luckily I was chosen as the first winner.
I went to the stage and all the judges congratulated me and gave a plague, trophy, and
money. I was very happy.

39. What is the writer intention to write the text?

A. To tell his achievement
B. To win the competition.
C. To describe his feeling to the teacher.
D. To show his disappointment to teacher
E. To persuade people to vote

40. Why did the writer feel sad before the competition?
A. She had no luxurious gown.
B. Her teacher really cares about her.
C. Her teacher was not fair to her about rent the props and costumes
D. Her friends did not support her.
E. Her parents did not support her


SMA. Negeri 137
JL Mawar 15/26
Telp (0261) 4255612
Dear Samanta
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 8,2018
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda : final preparation for the 2018 PENSI competition on next Tuesday, please come on
time, see you there.
Chair Person
41. What is the text above ?
42. When the agenda will be held ?

Read the following and answer the questions!

Jakarta, July 22nd 2021

Mr. Danu Wijaya
Head of Human Resource Department
PT. Bintang Abadi
Jalan Mangga No. 89B

Dear Mr. Danu Wijaya

Based on the job vacancy in Tempo Magazine at July 20th2017, I would like to apply in
your company as an Accountant.
I consider myself to be qualified for the job. I have years of experience in accounting and
that might be an asset to your company, PT. Bintang Abadi, in aiming and reaching the
company’s goals in the future.
I got my bachelor degree in accounting 5 years ago and after that I completed a
professional certification on tax. I have experience in accounting division in some companies
and I am usually responsible for the preparation of monthly consolidate financial statements
in the companies. I have experience in taking care of the management of the company and
making public reporting
Herewith the letter, I enclose my copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate, my academic
transcript, my curriculum vitae, and my recent photograph with size of 4x6.
I have high to be qualified for the job and that I can be the part of your company in the
near future.

Citra Kirana

43. What are the experiences of the applicant?

44. What position does applicant want to apply?

“STRONGER by Kelly Clarkson”

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

45. What can we get from the song ?

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