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This assessment encouraged me to reflect about my life.

I've been on this earth for over 20

years and I think I've had a dull existence. I perceive myself as someone who is still seeking her
passion and purpose and is still in her comfort zone. I'm frightened of taking chances. I feel that
my behaviors and outlook on life reflect my laziness, indecisiveness and lack of assertiveness. I
need to change my lazy habits in order to develop and progress in life. These lazy habits makes
me feel confused and uncertain about life. Changing my lazy habits will help me to figure out what
are my dreams and desires in life. I need to practice to be courageous in attempting new activities
each day and set short and long-term goals. I believe that I can truly achieve these changes in my
self with the help of my family, friends, especially with the guidance of God. My family and friends
have always been supportive and pushed me to step beyond of my comfort zone. They are ready
to guide and assist me throughout my challenges in life. Having a conversation or sincere prayer
to God and asking Him for courage and guidance will help me to have more confidence in myself
and strengthen me mentally and spiritually. I am willing to take any calculated risks to discover
new skills and improve my weakness to be better, to achieve my goals in life, and to serve other
people. I believe that God will assist me in accomplishing these goals for He works in mysterious

In our family, despite the heavy work and busy schedules, I always try my best to connect
with my parents and with my siblings. I kiss and hug them throughout the day to express my
genuine love and fondness for them. My parents have always been supportive and kind to me and
to my siblings. They continuously give us life advice, teach us good values throughout our journeys
and draw us near to God. We tend to do things together, such as attending mass, praying together,
and spending our mealtimes altogether. I always follow my parents’ advice, do my best in every
field of my life and do not disappoint them. I always treat every family member with kindness,
love and respect through my words and actions. These attitudes that I developed inside our home
helped me to create good relationships and act kindly towards other people. I realized that families
are the first instrument of God to help us to be interdependent with each other. This
interdependence sharpens children and each family member's ability to serve and learn from one
another. However, sometimes I tend to not share with them my problems and dilemmas in life
because I have difficulties with expressing my feelings and I do not want them to be burdened.
This leads me to feel distanced from them, and I want to change that by attempting to speak calmly,
bravely, and honestly about what I think and feel. To live a life of integrity and sincerity like God's,
I must practice being honest with myself and my family.

When it comes to service, I am not that active in my community. When there are donation
drives at my school or by family friends, I encourage my parents to donate to the respective
organizers. We donate cash, relief goods and clothes to the victims of typhoons and other
calamities. When the pandemic ends, I will look for different outreach programs here in our
community and experience being a volunteer. I will dedicate my time and do my best to
communicate and build bonds with other people through serving our mother earth and those who
are in need. I can share my editing skills/talents by making flyers or publication materials for a
community program. I can plant trees, flowers, and other seeds through environmental programs
for our mother earth. I can also provide a sympathetic ear and be a friend to people who need
someone to listen and help them to develop plans to make changes in their lives. I can do simple
acts of service to someone in need. In our world today and as a Christian Lasallian it is important
to be kind to other people. God created us to be kind and do well with one another. No matter how
tiny our acts of kindness are, kindness will return to us for the rest of our lives. Kindness causes
our spirits to open up, grow, and embrace the world. We inspire people to be nice by committing
acts of kindness, which creates an unending cycle of compassion. When we appreciate God’s
loving compassion towards us, the love we show others will become stronger.

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