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What social issue is being discussed in the article?

- A reader discusses about queer people and how the society treats them

Are these happening in the Philippine society? How

and why?
- Yes, as a part of the LGBTQ+ community, a bisexual myself, I grew up
knowing I was different. I have witnessed how people treats the community
badly. They make sensitive jokes and they don’t welcome us. We received
a lot of discrimination especially in our families. We hear about LGBT
people who have been physically attacked or even killed for being who they
are. LGBT people who don’t experience overt discrimination, such as being
fired from a job, may still find that the threat of it shapes their lives in subtle
but profound ways. Many LGBTQ people report delaying or avoiding
seeking care because they’re concerned about how they may be treated by
a provider

How can these be solved?

- Show other people that not all LGBTQ+ members are as they think. That
LGBTQ+ people are not a social salutation. That they should accept
whatever gender it is. Ending violence and discrimination against lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex people. All people have an
equal right to live free from violence, persecution, discrimination and

For a short answer, every person are equal as a human living. LGBT are
other kind of way to show happiness and enjoyment to their life. They can
live as they are, as long they are following the rules and to not do illegal
things. All we wanted was to be accepted and have the support that we
deserve. Don't let others discriminate LGBTQ+ because they are also
human like us and gender equality is a must for the LGBTQ+ to raise their

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