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The climate of Colombia is a little unpredictable, you can find places with cold climates like the

capital Bogotá, you will also find the warm climate in Medellín, or slightly warmer climates like
Santa Martha or Cartagena, in Colombia there is a lot of variety in places and climates such as the
moors, forests, mountains or landscapes.

Now I want you to know the type of clothing from Colombia in different scenarios.

Office: The woman in the office usually wears a skirt, shirt, blazer, and high-heeled. The man in the
office usually wears dark pants, a shirt, a blazer, dark socks, a tie, and stylish shoes

Formal restaurants: The woman in the formal restaurants usually wear dresses, high-heeled. The
men in the formal restaurants usually wear suits, dark socks, and stylish shoes

At parties: The woman at parties usually wears s long dress, high-heeled. The man at parties
usually wears a suit dark socks and stylish shoes

At university: The people at university usually wear a sweatshirt, loose shirt, jeans, shorts, jean,
and running shoes

In religious institutions: The woman in religious institutions usually wears a long dress, high-
heeled. The man in religious institutions usually wears dark pants, shirts, ties, dark socks, and
stylish shoes

Going out with friends: The people at going out with friends usually wear a shirt, sweatshirt, polo
shirt, skirt, pants, jeans, shorts, sandals, or running shoes.

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