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Department of Education

Region I
Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
Lingayen, Pangasinan

NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ____________________

SUBJECT TEACHER: _____________________________ DATE:_______________________________



Write the letter of your best answer on your paper.

I. DIRECT AND REPORTED SPEECH. Read the questions then choose the letter of the best answer.
_____1.When _____ information, you can use direct or reported speech.
A. asking B. exchanging C. reporting D. changing
_____2. In _____, you report using the exact words or statement of someone by using quotation marks.
A. direct speech B. reported speech C. direct line D. welcome speech
_____3. It reports someone’s statement but the statement is reworded or modified.
A. direct speech B. reported speech C. direct line D. welcome speech
_____4. Which is not true about reported speech?
A. Reported speech uses reworded statement.
B. It may or may use “that.”
C. Its reporting verb is always in the past tense.
D. Pronouns used in someone’s statement may change.
_____5.“I really like to see the painting,” said Rosemarie. The given is an example of _____.
A. direct speech B. reported speech C. direct line D. reported line
_____6.The school says they will release modules next week. The given is an example of _____. 2
A. direct speech B. reported speech C. direct line D. reported line
_____7. Which is a correctly written direct speech?
A. Jelly says She is on her way.”
B. Jelly, says, “She is on her way.
C. “She is on her way,” Jelly says.
D. “She is on her way.” Jelly says.
_____8. Ricardo: I left my wallet at home.
Sunshine: I’ll pay for dinner.
How should Ricardo’s statement be reported in direct speech?
A. Ricardo said, “I left my wallet at home.”
B. Ricardo said, “He had left his wallet at home.”
C. Ricardo said, that “I left my wallet at home.
D. “I left my wallet at home.” said Ricardo.
_____9.Jessicca said, “I lived in Baguio for two years.” How should the given be transformed into reported
A. Jessica said I lived in Baguio for three years.
B. Jessica says she lives in Baguio for three years.
C. Jessica said that she lived in Baguio for three years.
D. Jessica said that she had lived in Baguio for three years.

_____10.Your daughter says, “I am on my way.” What is this in reported speech?

A. Your daughter says she is on her way.

B. Your daughter says she is on my way.
C. Your daughter says she was on her way.
D. Your daughter says she was on my way.
_____11. When reporting someone’s _____, you can use direct or reported speech.
A. crimes B. files C. life D. statement
_____12. Which uses a reworded statement of someone?
A. direct speech B. reported speech C. direct line D. welcome speech
_____13. In reporting someone’s exact statement, use _____.
A. period B. comma C. quotation marks D. question marks
_____4. Which is not true about reported speech?
A. It may or may use “that.”
B. Its reporting verb could be in the past tense or present tense.
C. Reported speech uses reworded statement.
D. Pronouns used in someone’s statement do not change.
_____15. My grandfather always said that I should enjoy life. The given is an example of _____.
A. direct speech B. reported speech C. direct line D. reported line

II. PHRASE, CLAUSE AND SENTENCE. Read the questions then choose the letter of the best answer.

_____1. It is a group of words that has a subject and a verb, and has a complete thought.
A. dependent clause C. sentence
B. independent clause D. both B and C

_____2. A/An _____ is a group of words that does not include a subject and a verb.
A. dependent clause C. phrase
B. independent clause D. sentence

_____3. A/An _____ has both a subject and a verb, but it can not stand alone.
A. dependent clause C. phrase
B. independent clause D. sentence

_____4. A kind of sentence that consists of at least two independent clauses and
one or more dependent clauses.
A. compound sentence C. compound-complex sentence
B. complex sentence D. simple sentence

_____5. “The latest news” is an example of _____.

A. adjective phrase C. verb phrase
B. noun phrase D. prepositional phrase

III. TYPES OF SENTENCE. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. This type of sentence is used to ask questions.

A. Imperative B. Declarative C. Interrogative D. Exclamatory

2. Which is an example of a declarative sentence?

A. Open the door. B. She is studying English. C. Did you wash the car? D. Help me.

3. These types of sentences can end with a period.

A. Declarative and Interrogative C. Imperative and Declarative
B. Exclamatory and Imperative D. Interrogative and Imperative

4. Imperative sentences express a request or command. Which is not an example of an imperative sentence?
A. Water the plant. C. Please water the plant.
B. You water the plant. D. I watered the plant.
5. Which is not true about interrogative sentences?
A. They end with a question mark. C. They demand an answer.
B. They tell you to do something. D. They are used when one is in doubt.

6. Which is an example of an exclamatory sentence?

A. Is it a beautiful day? C. What a beautiful day it is!
B. It is a beautiful day. D. Make this a beautiful day.

7. Which is not true about an Exclamatory sentence?

A. It ends with an exclamation mark.
B. An exclamatory sentence can express sorrow.
C. It is used to express neutral feelings.
D. It is used for expressing strong emotions.

8. Which is true about imperative sentences?

A. They demand answers. C. They make a statement.
B. They express extreme feelings. D. They ask for a request.

9. Declarative sentences convey information. Which sentence does not convey information?
A. I sang for her. C. The play was almost done when we arrived.
B. Sing for me. D. The song was very heart-warming.

10. Which is not an imperative sentence?

A. Toss the ball higher. C. Spike hard.

B. It was an intense game. D. Serve well.

Prepared by:


Teacher III Teacher I


Teacher I Teacher I

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Head Teacher III Principal IV

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