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“Random acts of kindness”

-Michael Angeles

What is random act of kindness? Random act of kindness can be found anywhere, the most
common act of kindness you will see would be someone complimenting a stranger or a friend,
it can also be helping an old person cross the road, these small acts may seem not that much
but for a lot of people these give them joy that someone actually cares for them even a
What are the acts of kindness I’ve observed?
Giving a pregnant woman a seat in the bus, someone helping a person push their cart, these are
the acts of kindness I’ve witnessed, I rarely see these acts around my community but I feel very
happy that even if rare and doesn’t happen often I still witness these acts
I myself will do these acts when I have the opportunity to so to conclude this outline I ask of
you to do the same, let’s make this community a better place.

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