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Kebutuhan Ruang pada Bangunan Pusat Industri Digital:

A. Jumlah lantai = 8 lantai

B. Kebutuhan ruang pada tiap lantainya

Lantai 1
a. Automotive and mechanical engineering technology
b. Food & beverages and packaging design

Lantai 2

a. Command and control room

b. Data and server center

Lantai 3

a. Automation food & beverage laboratory

b. Additive manufacturing laboratory
c. IoT, data caption & analytics laboratory
d. Advance supply chain laboratory
e. Electronic & automotive component manufacturing laboratory

Lantai 4

a. Quality part & microelectronic controllers

b. Brokerage research
c. Certification practices and skill assessments

Lantai 5

a. Training and learning center (kapasitas 700 orang)

Lantai 6

a. Partnership working space for ecosystem members and lighthouse industry 4.0

Lantai 7

a. Management and operational office PIDI 4.0

Lantai 8

a. Coworking space for startup industry

b. Breakout center

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