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Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

The pandemic has affected a lot of people and has changed the way students learn. School has
changed to online and modular learning and have affected the learning process of many students. Now
that covid cases are decreasing allowing us to once again attend face to face classes. But after 2 years of
modular learning are the students prepared for face to face classes amidst the pandemic?

A study conducted by the Commission on Higher education back in November 19, 2021 states
that only 46% of students are vaccinated. With this number unvaccinated students are we sure that we
are ready for face to face classes? According to a research published by Elsevier Ltd.(2021), 50.1% of the
respondents are willing to take the vaccine, 37% were undecided, and 12.9% declined taking a vaccine.
Some students also ignore some covid protocols making us more vulnerable to the virus.

The high number of unvaccinated students might be a sign that the students are unprepared for
face to face learning. Thus we decided to conduct this research to investigate if respondents are aware
of various safety and health protocols for the pandemic, are the respondents vaccinated, and to know if
the respondents are prepared for face to face classes.

1.2 Conceptual Framework

Is the Respondent
aware of various health
and safety protocols for
the pandemic

Is the
Level of Respondent
preparedness in vaccinated
face to face
schooling of the
1.3 Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to know the level of preparedness of CSS graduating students
to face to face schooling. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Age

B. Gender; and

C. Grade level?

2. Is the respondents aware of various health and safety protocols for the pandemic?

3. Is the respondents vaccinated?

4. What is the level of preparedness in Face to Face schooling of the respondents?

1.4 statement of the hypothesis

Hypothesis 1: a. The respondents are aware of various health and safety protocols about the

pandemic and is vaccinated, thus, the respondents is fully prepared for face to

face schooling.

b. The respondents are not aware of various health and safety protocols about
the pandemic and is not vaccinated. Thus, the respondents is not prepared for Face to Face schooling

Hypothesis 2: a. The respondents are not aware of various health and safety protocols about

the pandemic and is vaccinated. Thus, the respondents is not fully prepared for face to
face schooling

b. The respondents are aware of various health and safety protocols about the pandemic
and is not vaccinated. Thus, the respondents is not fully prepared for face to face schooling
1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will help know if the CSS graduating students are prepared for Face to Face schooling.
The purpose of this study is to know the level of preparedness of CSS graduating students for face to
face schooling and potentially raise their level of preparedness on face to face schooling. This will be
beneficial to those following:

Students. This manual will scaffold students in how to put research into writing. This will provide
them with technical guide, both in content and physical appearance, in research writing

Research Teachers. They will use the developed manual for instructional purposes to sync
research content to the developed school research manual.

Other Researchers. This can be used as reference for topic related to preparedness of students
for Face to Face schooling by other researchers.

School. This study can be used as reference to know if their school is ready for face to face

1.6 Scope and Limitations.

This study aims to know the preparedness level of CSS graduating students for face to face
schooling. This study will only be limited to Grade 12 - CSS senior high school students of tomas cabili
national highschool.

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