Preliminary Examination

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Binmaley Catholic School

Binmaley, Pangasinan

Unit Test Part I for the Second Semester

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________
Grade and Section: ______________________ LRN:______________ Score: ____________

I. Modified True or False.

Instruction: Write the word, Philosopiya, if the statement is true. If not, change the underlined word to make it correct. Write your
answer on the blank.
__________1. Human wisdom is the quality of having an experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being
__________2. Philosophy is about searching for the subjective truths. It can also be defined as a pursuit of gaining knowledge
things and be wise.
__________3. A scientific question, is always confined to the particular, whereas a philosophical question leads into the totality of
beings and inquiries into the whole.
__________4. One has to give good reasons as basis for any claim and the claim must be able to withstand further scrutiny and
__________5. A Philosopher, that is, lover of wisdom, engaged in philosophy because their goal is to become knowledgeable.
__________6. it is our wisdom that makes philosophy possible.
__________7. When we ponder on a philosophical question, we are engaged in a philosophical realization.
__________ 8. It will be possible to proceed to answering it while avoiding other aspects of human experience that are relevant to
the question.
__________9. You have to understand that every person engaged in a philosophical reflection require adequate justification or
rational basis.
__________10. To know what is real requires much intellectual effort and irrational ability.

II. Multiple Choice.

Instruction: Identify which philosophical view the quotation/statement is referring to. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided.

A- Anthropocentric
C- Cosmocentric
T- Theocentric

________1. Man is the measure of all things.

________2. Fire lives in the death of earth.
________3. You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in God.
________4. Everything comes out of water and that earth floats on water.
________5. Humanity is a discontinuous series of free men permanently isolate their subjectivity.
________6. God is infinite.
________7. Man is a creature of the distant.
________8. Human mind at birth is like a blank sheet of paper that is later filled through sense of experience.
________9. There must tiny, invisible to the naked eye that make up everything.
________10. God is always the first mover of everything.
________11. Number was the first principle in the universe.
________12. The starting point of the entire chain of existence is God.
________13. God is the intelligent designer of everything.
________14. I thing, therefore, I am. I am, therefore, I exist.
________15. There would be a substance responsible for the multiplicity of things on earth.
III. Essay.
Instruction: Explain in a systematic and comprehensive way the following statements below.

1. Compare and contrast Knowledge to Wisdom. Explain why Wisdom is the mother of morality. (10 points)


2. Enumerate the NOMINAL definition of Philosophy and explain briefly. (15 point)

"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom."

-Thomas Jefferson

Prepared by: Reviewed and Checked by:


Subject Teacher SAC- Religion Department

Noted by: Approved by:


Assistant Principal (SHS) Principal

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