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Binmaley Catholic School

Binmaley, Pangasinan

Unit Test
For the First Semester

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________

Grade and Section: ______________________ LRN:______________ Score: ____________

I. Matching Type.
Instruction: Match Column A to Colum B. Write the letter on the space provided.


______1. The self is an essential part of the human being and self-awareness is natural a. Reason
and innate. b. The self as innate
______2. It considers man as a part of the natural world and a product of evolution. c. Aristotle
______3. A human being is considered a person if he or she possesses the ability to d. Spirit
determine his/her life through “reasoned free choice” e. Soul
______4. It asserts that a human being becomes a person through interactions with other f. Being a body as object
human beings. g. The self as emergent
______5. It has passive desire; sets limitations on life-projects. h. The Psyche
______6. It is the seat of freedom and can transcends bodily limitations. i. The person as a unified
______7. It is in charge of the motivation of the human person to action. individual
______8. j. Spirit
______9. Three distinct parts of the Human soul. k. The person in relation to others
______10. l. Plato
______11. These are the two specific elements of being human m. Biological Perspective
______12. n. Theological Perspective
______13. It considers man as God’s Creation o. The person as an autonomous
______14. It places emphasis on human behavior and thought processes in analyzing being
human nature. p. Being a soul as subject
______15. It holds that awareness of the self is gained through interaction with the world q. Desire
and other human beings. r. Psychological Perspective
______16. It refers to the human mind. s. The self as integrated and
______17. It holds that the self is composed of varied elements that change over time. developing
______18. It emphasizes the potential of the human being and recognizes that each t. Body
human possesses the means to achieve his or her capabilities. u. Reason
______19. For this Philosopher, the human person and its source of movement ultimately
derive from the soul.
______20. It allows the human person to provide the distinction between the real and the

II. Identification
Instruction: Identify what is referred to in each statement. Choose your answer on the box below and write it before the number.

____________________1. The human being as the summit expression of God’s goodness, and who possesses intellect and reason,
has a greater responsibility to care for the environment and not to destroy it.
____________________2. The environment as part of the creation poses an affirmation of a Creator, who is the uncaused and cause,
who caused everything that exists.
____________________3. It is an approach to environment wherein human being affirms the protection of the environment as long as
it possesses value or importance for human being.
____________________4. This approach focuses on the consequences of human action, whether it is wrong or right.
____________________5. In this approach, the primary concern of human being is to unveil his or her being as human or what being
ought to be.
____________________6. In this approach to environment, human being recognizes the intrinsic value of the environment.
____________________7. The Development of our virtue of care and respect for the environment is a habitual performance of caring
and respecting non-human beings.
____________________8. Human being has the responsibility to take care, protect, and cultivate his or her potentialities, faculties, and
functions and it is extended to his or her external world, the environment.
____________________9. This is the relational dimension for being the human with rationality and as image of the Creator.
____________________10. According to this Philosopher, the human being bears and reveals the divine image of the Creator.
____________________11. It is a complementarity spirit between human being and the environment when one is being objectified by
the other one makes the other as an object.
____________________12. Human being uses such view to utilize and manipulate natural environment for human development.
____________________13. Man has to take care of the environment, and not to destroy it; he or she is responsible for the well-being
and harmony in the environment and not to subdue it as an enemy.
____________________14. It is a complementarity spirit between human being and the environment is shown every time human
being recognizes his or her dependence upon the latter.
____________________15. He asserts that human being can encounter the Divine in the environment.

Leonardo Mercado Sacredness of Environment

Aristotle Anthropological Approach
Virtue Ethics Perspective The Spirit of Stewardship
St. Augustine Non-Coexistence
Natural Law Ethics Utilitarianism
Axiological Approach Steward
Utilitarianism Spirit of Coexistence
Human being as the Summit of Creation

III. Essay.
Instruction: Explain the following statements in a systematic and comprehensive way.
1. What are the benefits of the environment to human beings? Cite some examples. (15 points)


Goodluck my dear Beloved Philosopher 😊

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”
— A.A Milne

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Reviewed and Checked by:

SAC- Religion Department

Noted by:

Assistant Principal (SHS)

Approved by:



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