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Dear Participant
We offer SIX Courses of which 426: Project is compulsory of the rest FIVE
Courses. You have to take only THREE Courses. The Courses are listed below for
your convenience.
421: Cyber Crime (Part 1) and Cyber Forensics (Part 2) with reference to IT
422: Cyber Laws (Part 1) and Digital Signatures (Part 2) with reference to IT ✓
423: Cryptology and PKI Infra-structure (Part 1) and Software Patents and
Layout of IC Designs Act (Part 2).
424: Copyright and Related Rights/Part 1: International Law ✓
425: Patents, Trade Marks and Industrial Designs: Part 1: International Law

426: Projects dealing with a subject either on Cyber Laws or IPR.

Please tick your preferred Electives and send through mail.

Signature of the Student:

Name: Zakir Hussain
Enroll. No: 19CL01640-20 9076930096

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