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Name: Nur Purnama Sari

Prodi: DIV Midwife

The Journal’s Resume

Journal title The influence of oxytocin massage and rolling massage on maternal
mothers to the effectiveness of expenditure in midwife in palembang
Resume title The influence of oxytocin massage and rolling massage
Volume Vol. 1 No.1 2015
Year 2015
Author Elita Vasra S.ST,M.KES
Riviewer Nur Purnama Sari
Date 1 juni 2017

1.1 Backround
Women is one of the creatures who got the grace frome the one great god to be
able to get preagent,give birth,breastfeed. Problems of the mother that arise during
breastfeed at the start ofpst partum,many mothers always complain the baby cries or
refuses to breastfeed,mother assumes that her breast milk is not enough or bad,that it
causes the mther to stop breastfeeding.
The increase of breastfeeding to babies in indonesia will reduce the nutritional
and health problems in infants,with breastfeeding will also protect infants and toddlers
and have a higher IQ than infants fed formula. UU Kesehatan No: 36 /2009 pasal 128
contains: (1) infants are entitled to breastfeed exclusively from birth for 6 months
except for medical indicatioms
Infant mortality rate in indonesia is still hight. According to indonesia’s health
demography survey (SDKI) infant mortality rate (IMR) is still high 32/1000 live
birth. Massage or stimulation of the spine neurotransmitter will stimulate medulla
oblngata directly send massage to hypotallamus in hypopiso posterir to release
oxytocin to cause the breastfeed to release their milk.
Massage in the spine area will also relax the tensin and relieve stress and so
hormones oxytocin out and will help the expenditure of breast milk in the aids with
baby sucking on the nipple,

1.2 Purpose
1. To knowthe effect of massage oxytocin maet technique and rlling massage to
colustrum produktion
2. To determine the effect of oxytocin massage with marmet and back massage with
rolling massage on expenditure on low post parity and high parity mother
3. To find out the difference in discharge after oxytocin massage and marmet
techniques with colustrum exposure to low post partum parity high and parity
1.3 Methodology
Research methdology that is use is descriptive data that is in the form of
words,images instead of number, although later there is data in the form of numbers,
it will be explained or described by word. Trus the research report cntains quotations
of data to provide an overview of the presentation of reports derived from
interviews,field notes,photographs,notes or memos,and other official dokuments.

1.4 Result
The research was conducted in October - December 2015 at BPM Shinta, BPM
Husniyati and Ananda Maternity Clinic. The sample obtained based on inclusion and
exluation criteria with purposive sampling technique obtained 31 people.Massage of
oxotosin and rolling message is given after 2 hours postpartum and 6 hours
postpartum with a spacing of 2-3 minutes then 10-15 minutes in evaluation of how
long and lots of milk out.
Distribution of Respondents by Age, Parity and Education in Intervention and Control
Groups at BPM Palembang City 2015 (N = 31)From the table above can be seen that
the mother who has low parity amounted to 23 people (74.2%) and the high-quality
amounted to 8 people (25.8%), then the mothers with risk age category amounted to 3
people (9.7%) and Mothers with age category did not have a risk of 28 people
(90.3%) and mothers who had higher education amounted to 12 people (38.7%) and
mothers who have higher education amounted to 19 people (61.3%)The statistical test
results obtained that the value of p value is smaller than alpha 5% so that all variables
are normally distributedThe result of respondent characteristic by age shows that there
is no correlation between breastfeeding expenditure based on the average age that has
been obtained from 40 respondents, according to pediatric journal (2010), age does
not affect the amount of breastfeeding.The educational and work-related
characteristics derived from the results of the study also show that there is no
relationship between breastfeeding expenditures obtained from treatment group and
control group respondents who each have varying educational and occupational
status. According to [7], saying that education does not affect milk production, and
according to [8], work does not affect breastfeeding but the frequency of infant
sucking is less likely to affect the prolactin reflex and may affect breast milk.From
table 5.2 it can be seen that the onset of milk production in postpartum mothers with
fast category amounted to 14 people (45.2%) and with slow category amounted to 17
people (54.8%)Through the results obtained that the average time spent on breast milk
production in the group receiving the oxytocin massage was 92.75 minutes, in the
group not given the oxytocin massage was 643.25 minutes and the P value was 0.000
smaller or below 0.05 so it has significant meaning and can be interpreted that The
implementation of the acts of oxytocin massage on postpartum 1 hour postpartum
may have an effect on the increase in breastfeeding time compared to those who did
not receive the oxytocin massage.
From table 5.3 above can be seen that the current production of milk expressions
smoothly amounted to 12 people (38.7%) and not smooth amounted to 19 people
The results obtained in this study are consistent with the theory conveyed by Suradi &
Tobing (2004), that the oxytocin massage is performed to stimulate the oxytocin
reflex or let down reflex to exclude breast milk. Massage of oxytocin is done by
massaging the back area along both sides of the spine so hopefully by doing this
massage the mother will feel relaxed and help stimulate the expenditure of the
hormone oxytocin to produce milk.

1.5 Conclusion
From 31 respondents, there were 12 respondents with the onset of rapid expenditure of ASI
at both low and high parity of 6 people (50%) furthermore from 19 respondents with slow
onset of breastfeeding expenditure of 17 people (89.5) on parity Low and 2 people (10,5%)
at high parity with p-value value 0,032 and OR value 0,118. And from result of intervention
from 14 people with non-fluent milk expression amount to 13 people (92,9%) mother having
low parity and 1 person (7,1) mother with high parity, then from 17 respondents with result
of expressing milk smoothly after Intervention there were 10 people (58,8%) having low
parity and 7 people (41,2%) high parity with p-value value 0,045 and OR value 9,100. The
conclusion of the research of interaction of oxytocin massage and rolling message has an
effect on the expenditure of breast milk
The average onset of breast milk after intervention in the respondents who had the number
of children with low parity of 1.43 minutes after intervention with SD 1.33 minutes, whereas
respondents who have high parity onset of milk production amounted to 1.88 minutes with
SD 3.54 , Statistk test results obtained p value = 0.015 means at the alpha value of 5% seen a
significant difference in the average onset of breast milk production between mothers with
low parity with high parity. Furthermore from the table above can be seen that the smooth
production of breast milk in mothers with low parity of 1.74 drops after intervention with
the value of SD 0.449 while the smooth production of breast milk in mothers with high parity
1.25 minutes after intervention by the value of SD 0.463. The result of statistical test
obtained p value = 0,024 meaning alpha value 5% seen there is significant difference mean
of milk production smoothness after intervention between mother with low parity and
mother of high parity

1.6 excess research

The explanation is very detailed
The basic theory is right

1.7 Lack of research

The authors only examine in one place only, there is no comparison between BPM
and hospital

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