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It says that the Hindus believe in the transmigration of the soul or let's say the

movement of a soul into another body after death. It can also be called
reincarnation or metempsychosis. In religion and philosphy, rebirth of the aspect
of an individual that is going on after death.

The metempsychosis to be expected in transmigration at death of a individual person

into a new body of the same species or different species. Meaning it recquires the
dead body to switch or migrate into another body of the similar or dissimilar
species. Hindus believe that the soul of a dead stays attached to its body even
after of the person's death, and by cremating, it can be set free.

The Hindus declared that everything in eveyone's lives is a consequence or result

that you did in your past life. They indicate that the things you did in your past
life will reflect in your present life.

In the religion of Hindus, the all life goes between birth, life or death and
rebirth are to be called as the cycle of samsara. It is the atman that moves on
into a new body after death.

Hinduism tells that the dead of somebody does not literally mean the end. When we
die, our physical body pass away but our soul lives on. So they believe in
reincarnation and when you died you will born again into a new body. Death is not
naturally the end, there is more to come.

It says that the samsara is the cycle of life, death and birth with no clear
beggining or end. That's where life, death and birth revolve. There's a five
distinct realms in samsara such as: hells, hungry ghosts,animals, humans, and
heavens. The two good realms are heavens and humans,Heavenly realm is believed to
be from very good karma accumulation. The human realms; beings who are both good or
evil. while the evil realms are the animals, hungry ghosts and hells. Being in hell
is the lowest and worst realm, wracked by torture and characterized by aggression.
Hungry ghosts is the realm of hungry spirits, characterized by craving and eternal
starvation. Animals is the realm of animals and livestock, characterized by
stupidity and servitude.

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