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Website Structure Diagram

I’ve decided to layout my Personal Media Profile out in this way as it allows for different areas about me to be divided into easy to navigate pages. On my diagram, I have
four main title pages, with subheadings below them. These will contain lots of smaller subheadings so that I don’t end up with lots of pages that are difficult to navigate.
Essentially, all the nodes coming of the main titles are what I want to include on my main pages, they won’t be individual pages as there would be too many and they would
be quite sparse

I have grouped all the information that is educational together and done the same for my skills, aspirations and qualifications. I also have an about me page which gives
users a brief insight into who I am. I then have sub-pages that go into more detail about the title pages, which will include any relevant images or downloadable files. In
total, there will be about 15 pages, but some of these will just be title pages so they won’t all have information crammed onto them. I think these pages are suitable for my
profile as they give people a basic understanding of who I am and what skills I am capable of, this is hat you’d expect to see in any media profile.

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