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Is it better to save money or to spend it

With money you can do a lot of things. Almost everyone, spends money for
entretainment or enjoynement, such as shopping; travel arround the world; go to the cinema;
buy food and other stuf with lux.

For many, save money is the best option. These people think like that, because when
they’re through crise times, they have got safe money. For other side, there’s also the
exemples of teenagers that save money to buy later clothes, bikes, skates, etc.

Otherwise, spend money pays off for our well-being. With this, we can travel and meet
other countries; buy a dream house or a dream car; etc.

In my view, it depends on the age of the person. If we are younger, we should save
money, for exemple, for our driving license or collage. Althought, we can spend a parto f the
money, with responsability, that we have to have fun. The first years of job, we should save
money and spend it later to enjoy life.

Cloncluding, it depends on your opinion and your financial possibilities.

Maria Faia Colarinha J5

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