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How does human dignity find its significance in the redemptive act of Christ?
The redemptive act of Christ showed us that because of the human dignity instilled in us,
we can still be restored/saved despite our sinful nature. Restoration of those who sinned and
became slave of sin is basically founded on human dignity and by redemption of Christ.

Does the dignity of man vanish after he commits a crime?

No. If dignity is something that cannot be earned, it is also something that cannot be
taken away no matter what, even if you commit a crime. As we all know, dignity is a basis also
for human rights, and even criminals still have their rights even though some are prohibited but
still it is because of the dignity instilled in them.

Can one place value on the dignity of a human being? Explain why or why not?
No, we cannot place value on the dignity of a human being because dignity of every
human being is equal whatever our status is in the society, the race we belong, our age, or even
our religion. Which is why we also have equal rights in our society that we belong because we
all share the same worth given by God.

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