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Social Bookmarking sites have become a favourite with bloggers these days.

If you are thinking

that social media doesn’t have the same reach it had previously, think again. Social Bookmarking
drives the traffic to the blogs when users on different social media sites share interesting videos
and posts with their friends.

Before we get into the advantages and disadvantages of Social Bookmarking, we need to
understand what Social Bookmarking is.

What is Social Bookmarking?

Social Bookmarking is nothing but an online portal that enables users to share, add, and edit
different web documents. Every individual spends a large portion of their day online and when
you read something interesting that you want to share with your friends and family, you
bookmark it and save it online. It’s as simple as adding a bookmark to a book. Social
Bookmarking allows the user to return to the page later and access it from different sources since
it is available online.

With Social Bookmarking, you save the webpage online instead of copying the URL in a
notepad or document. Social Bookmarking also helps the user to organize the best content that
they come across on the web in one particular area, so that it is easily accessible.

After the know-how on Social Bookmarking, we need to understand the different advantages of
the same. Social Bookmarking is highly popular these days.

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