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MARK MANSON = Author. Thinker. Life Enthusiast. Previous Lesson Next Lesson LESSON 7: HOW TO RELATE TO PEOPLE CONNEC TE COURSE 4 4 How To WE RELATE TO PEOPLE ) Now that we’re able to improvise cool stories on the go, let’s look at how we can now adopt these to relate to the people we meet and talk to. Let’s say John says something about his job that he doesn’t like. It turns out his boss is an egotistical ass. This thought of an egotistical ass triggers a story from Jane’s own life, the time that her father was really unfair towards her and how she dealt with him. She tells John this story, relating the resolution to John’s situation. In it, she mentions that as annoying as her father was, it’s helped her in dealing with conflicts elsewhere in her life. This point reminds John of a joke he heard about women and their fathers. He tells it. Jane laughs. John and Jane high five and make out and live happily ever after. Remember that random word exercise that you were pulling stories out of your ass for? Well, those random words are the thoughts and ideas that come out of the person you’re speaking to. You pull the thoughts and ideas from what they say and then relate it by telling a story. This is how good conversations work. EXERCISE: Write a story based on a random word. As the second part of the exercise, reply with stories in conversations in your real life. Listen to (or read) the words and ideas people tell you, and respond to them with a related personal story of your own. NOTE: The written exercise mentioned in the video was part of the old course the video was recorded for. You can either ignore the written exercises or do them on your own. RANDOM WORD GENERATOR Previous Lesson Next Lesson

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