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These are pictures that represent what I’m proud of

Growing up, I was always a very closed off person. I never wanted to talk to new people or do
anything that I wasn’t familiar with. I always stuck to myself and only talked to the people that I
already knew. Going into high school, I had to hop around friend groups because I never felt like
I truly belonged anywhere. Of course there were people that I knew cared for me in some way,
but it was never the way that was truly desired. Once I got to sophomore year, I met my friend
Alannah (the middle picture), who turned out to be my best friend. She made me comfortable
and made me feel like what I was saying actually meant something. Rolando (the pictures on the
sides), had always been a good friend of mine, but it wasn’t until freshman year that we started to
come closer together and eventually start dating our senior year. He listened to me and tried to
understand what I had to say and what I was feeling, even if I didn’t know myself. These two
people are what make me the most proud of myself. They helped me learn how to open up about
myself and how I was feeling. That showed me that it doesn’t really matter what other people
have to say or what they think. I am proud of myself for learning how to communicate and not
shut people out. I am proud that I can experience new things and go new places without thinking
about who is looking at me or who can tell that I’m uncomfortable. But most importantly, I am
proud of them. They have shaped me into the person I have become today and never gave up on
me even though they had so many chances to walk away. I’m proud of them for being kind,
understanding, and patient because not many people care enough to be that way.

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