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/usr/bin/env node

const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');

const rbql = require('./rbql.js');

const rbql_csv = require('./rbql_csv.js');
const csv_utils = require('./csv_utils.js');
const cli_parser = require('./cli_parser.js');

let out_format_names = ['csv', 'tsv', 'monocolumn', 'input'];

var error_format = 'hr';

var interactive_mode = false;

// TODO implement colored output like in Python version

// TODO implement query history like in Python version. "readline" modules allows
to do that, see "completer" parameter.

// FIXME test readline on Win: disable interactive mode?

// FIXME handle broken pipe error and add tests. See Python version.

class RbqlParsingError extends Error {}

class GenericError extends Error {}

function show_error_plain_text(error_type, error_msg) {

if (interactive_mode) {
console.log(`\x1b[31;1mError [${error_type}]:\x1b[0m ${error_msg}`);
} else {
console.error(`Error [${error_type}]: ${error_msg}`);

function report_error_json(error_type, error_msg) {

let report = new Object();
report.error_type = error_type;
report.error = error_msg;

function show_exception(e) {
let [error_type, error_msg] = rbql.exception_to_error_info(e);
if (error_format == 'hr') {
show_error_plain_text(error_type, error_msg);
} else {
report_error_json(error_type, error_msg);

function show_warning(msg) {
if (interactive_mode) {
console.log('\x1b[33;1mWarning:\x1b[0m ' + msg);
} else {
console.error('Warning: ' + msg);

function normalize_delim(delim) {
if (delim == 'TAB')
return '\t';
if (delim == '\\t')
return '\t';
return delim;

function get_default(src, key, default_val) {

return src.hasOwnProperty(key) ? src[key] : default_val;

async function read_user_query(user_input_reader) {

let finish_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
user_input_reader.question('Input SQL-like RBQL query and press Enter:\n>
', (query) => {
let query = await finish_promise;
return query;

function get_default_policy(delim) {
if ([';', ','].indexOf(delim) != -1) {
return 'quoted';
} else if (delim == ' ') {
return 'whitespace';
} else {
return 'simple';

function is_delimited_table(sampled_lines, delim, policy) {

if (sampled_lines.length < 10)
return false;
let num_fields = null;
for (var i = 0; i < sampled_lines.length; i++) {
let [fields, warning] = csv_utils.smart_split(sampled_lines[i], delim,
policy, true);
if (warning)
return false;
if (num_fields === null)
num_fields = fields.length;
if (num_fields < 2 || num_fields != fields.length)
return false;
return true;
async function sample_lines(table_path) {
let finish_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let input_reader = readline.createInterface({ input:
fs.createReadStream(table_path) });
let sampled_lines = [];
input_reader.on('line', line => {
if (sampled_lines.length < 10) {
} else {
input_reader.on('close', () => { resolve(sampled_lines); });
let sampled_lines = await finish_promise;
return sampled_lines;

async function sample_records(table_path, encoding, delim, policy) {

let table_stream = fs.createReadStream(table_path);
let sampling_iterator = new rbql_csv.CSVRecordIterator(table_stream, null,
encoding, delim, policy);
let sampled_records = await sampling_iterator.get_all_records(10);
let warnings = sampling_iterator.get_warnings();
return [sampled_records, warnings];

async function autodetect_delim_policy(table_path) {

let sampled_lines = await sample_lines(table_path);
let autodetection_dialects = [['\t', 'simple'], [',', 'quoted'], [';',
'quoted'], ['|', 'simple']];
for (var i = 0; i < autodetection_dialects.length; i++) {
let [delim, policy] = autodetection_dialects[i];
if (is_delimited_table(sampled_lines, delim, policy))
return [delim, policy];
if (table_path.endsWith('.csv'))
return [',', 'quoted'];
if (table_path.endsWith('.tsv'))
return ['\t', 'simple'];
return [null, null];

function print_colorized(records, delim, show_column_names, with_headers) {

let reset_color_code = '\x1b[0m';
let color_codes = ['\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m', '\x1b[34m',
'\x1b[35m', '\x1b[36m', '\x1b[31;1m', '\x1b[32;1m', '\x1b[33;1m'];
for (let r = 0; r < records.length; r++) {
let out_fields = [];
for (let c = 0; c < records[r].length; c++) {
let color_code = color_codes[c % color_codes.length];
let field = records[r][c];
let colored_field = (!show_column_names || (with_headers && r == 0)) ?
color_code + field : `${color_code}a${c + 1}:${field}`;
let out_line = out_fields.join(delim) + reset_color_code;

async function handle_query_success(warnings, output_path, encoding, delim, policy)

if (error_format == 'hr') {
if (warnings !== null) {
for (let i = 0; i < warnings.length; i++) {
if (interactive_mode) {
let [records, _warnings] = await sample_records(output_path, encoding,
delim, policy);
console.log('\nOutput table preview:');
print_colorized(records, delim, false, false);
console.log('Success! Result table was saved to: ' + output_path);
} else {
if (warnings !== null && warnings.length) {
var warnings_report = JSON.stringify({'warnings': warnings});

async function run_with_js(args) {

var delim = normalize_delim(args['delim']);
var policy = args['policy'] ? args['policy'] : get_default_policy(delim);
var query = args['query'];
if (!query)
throw new RbqlParsingError('RBQL query is empty');
var input_path = get_default(args, 'input', null);
var output_path = get_default(args, 'output', null);
var csv_encoding = args['encoding'];
var with_headers = args['with-headers'];
var comment_prefix = args['comment-prefix'];
var output_delim = get_default(args, 'out-delim', null);
var output_policy = get_default(args, 'out-policy', null);
let init_source_file = get_default(args, 'init-source-file', null);
let output_format = args['out-format'];
if (output_delim === null) {
[output_delim, output_policy] = output_format == 'input' ? [delim,
policy] : rbql_csv.interpret_named_csv_format(output_format);

let user_init_code = '';

if (init_source_file !== null)
user_init_code = rbql_csv.read_user_init_code(init_source_file);
try {
let warnings = [];
// Do not use bulk_read mode here because:
// * Bulk read can't handle large file since node unable to read the whole
file into a string, see
// * In case of stdin read we would have to use the util.TextDecoder anyway
// * binary/latin-1 do not require the decoder anyway
// * This is CLI so no way we are in the Electron environment which can't
use the TextDecoder
// * Streaming mode works a little faster (since we don't need to do the
manual validation)
// TODO check if the current node installation doesn't have ICU enabled
(which is typicaly provided by Node.js by default, see and report a user-friendly error with an option
to use latin-1 encoding or switch the interpreter
await rbql_csv.query_csv(query, input_path, delim, policy, output_path,
output_delim, output_policy, csv_encoding, warnings, with_headers, comment_prefix,
user_init_code/*, {'bulk_read': true}*/);
await handle_query_success(warnings, output_path, csv_encoding,
output_delim, output_policy);
return true;
} catch (e) {
if (!interactive_mode)
throw e;
return false;

function get_default_output_path(input_path, delim) {

let well_known_extensions = {',': '.csv', '\t': '.tsv'};
if (well_known_extensions.hasOwnProperty(delim))
return input_path + well_known_extensions[delim];
return input_path + '.txt';

async function show_preview(input_path, encoding, delim, policy, with_headers) {

let [records, warnings] = await sample_records(input_path, encoding, delim,
console.log('Input table preview:');
print_colorized(records, delim, true, with_headers);
for (let warning of warnings) {

async function run_interactive_loop(args) {

let input_path = get_default(args, 'input', null);
if (!input_path)
throw new GenericError('Input file must be provided in interactive mode.
You can use stdin input only in non-interactive mode');
if (error_format != 'hr')
throw new GenericError('Only default "hr" error format is supported in
interactive mode');
let delim = get_default(args, 'delim', null);
let policy = null;
if (delim !== null) {
delim = normalize_delim(delim);
policy = args['policy'] ? args['policy'] : get_default_policy(delim);
} else {
[delim, policy] = await autodetect_delim_policy(input_path);
if (!delim)
throw new GenericError('Unable to autodetect table delimiter. Provide
column separator explicitly with "--delim" option');
await show_preview(input_path, args['encoding'], delim, policy, args['with-
args.delim = delim;
args.policy = policy;
if (!args.output) {
args.output = get_default_output_path(input_path, delim);
show_warning('Output path was not provided. Result set will be saved as: '
+ args.output);

let user_input_reader = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin,

output: process.stdout });
try {
while (true) {
let query = await read_user_query(user_input_reader);
args.query = query;
let success = await run_with_js(args);
if (success)
} finally {

let tool_description = `rbql-js

Run RBQL queries against CSV files and data streams

rbql-js supports two modes: non-interactive (with "--query" option) and interactive
(without "--query" option)
Interactive mode shows source table preview which makes query editing much easier.
Usage example:
$ rbql-js --input input.csv
Non-interactive mode supports source tables in stdin. Usage example:
$ rbql-js --query "select a1, a2 order by a1" --delim , < input.csv

let epilog = `
Description of the available CSV split policies:
* "simple" - RBQL uses simple split() function and doesn't perform special
handling of double quote characters
* "quoted" - Separator can be escaped inside double-quoted fields. Double quotes
inside double-quoted fields must be doubled
* "quoted_rfc" - Same as "quoted", but also allows newlines inside double-quoted
fields, see RFC-4180:
* "whitespace" - Works only with whitespace separator, multiple consecutive
whitespaces are treated as a single whitespace
* "monocolumn" - RBQL doesn't perform any split at all, each line is a single-
element record, i.e. only "a1" and "NR" are available

async function do_main(args) {

if (args['version']) {

if (args.hasOwnProperty('policy') && args['policy'] === 'monocolumn')

args['delim'] = '';

if (args.hasOwnProperty('policy') && !args.hasOwnProperty('delim'))

throw new GenericError('Using "--policy" without "--delim" is not

if (args.encoding == 'latin-1')
args.encoding = 'binary';

error_format = args['error-format'];

if (args.hasOwnProperty('query')) {
interactive_mode = false;
if (!args.hasOwnProperty('delim')) {
throw new GenericError('Separator must be provided with "--delim"
option in non-interactive mode');
await run_with_js(args);
} else {
interactive_mode = true;
if (error_format == 'json') {
throw new GenericError('json error format is not compatible with
interactive mode');
await run_interactive_loop(args);

function main() {
var scheme = {
'--input': {'help': 'Read csv table from FILE instead of stdin. Required in
interactive mode', 'metavar': 'FILE'},
'--query': {'help': 'Query string in rbql. Run in interactive mode if
empty', 'metavar': 'QUERY'},
'--output': {'help': 'Write output table to FILE instead of stdout',
'metavar': 'FILE'},
'--delim': {'help': 'Delimiter character or multicharacter string, e.g. ","
or "###". Can be autodetected in interactive mode', 'metavar': 'DELIM'},
'--policy': {'help': 'Split policy, see the explanation below. Supported
values: "simple", "quoted", "quoted_rfc", "whitespace", "monocolumn". Can be
autodetected in interactive mode', 'metavar': 'POLICY'},
'--with-headers': {'boolean': true, 'help': 'Indicates that input (and
join) table has header'},
'--comment-prefix': {'help': 'Ignore lines in input and join tables that
start with the comment PREFIX, e.g. "#" or ">>"', 'metavar': 'PREFIX'},
'--encoding': {'default': 'utf-8', 'help': 'Manually set csv encoding',
'metavar': 'ENCODING'},
'--out-format': {'default': 'input', 'help': 'Output format. Supported
values: ' + => `"${v}"`).join(', '), 'metavar': 'FORMAT'},
'--out-delim': {'help': 'Output delim. Use with "out-policy". Overrides
out-format', 'metavar': 'DELIM'},
'--out-policy': {'help': 'Output policy. Use with "out-delim". Overrides
out-format', 'metavar': 'POLICY'},
'--error-format': {'default': 'hr', 'help': 'Errors and warnings format.
[hr|json]', 'hidden': true},
'--version': {'boolean': true, 'help': 'Print RBQL version and exit'},
'--init-source-file': {'help': 'Path to init source file to use instead of
~/.rbql_init_source.js', 'hidden': true}
let args = cli_parser.parse_cmd_args(process.argv, scheme, tool_description,
do_main(args).then(() => {}).catch(error_info => { show_exception(error_info);
process.exit(1); });

if (require.main === module) {


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