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Michelle Nitchman

EDEC 300

Teacher Designed Assessment

Standard: Standard 1.L.5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the structures

of plants help them survive and grow in their environments.

Indicators: 1. L. 5A.1 Obtain and communicate information to construct explanations for how

different plant structures (including roots, stems, leaves, flowers/fruits and seeds) help plants

survive, grow, and produce more plants.

1.L.5B.1: Conduct structured investigations to answer questions about what plants need to live

and grow (including air, water, sunlight, minerals, and space).

Objective: Students will be able to explain the purpose of various plant structures in meeting the

needs of a plant through a written letter.

The teacher will: Provide pictures and labels in whole group for the parts (structures) of a plant.

Each day of the week, a different structure and need will be introduced. For example, on

Monday students will learn about the roots of a plant. Since the roots soak up water and

nutrients from the soil, students will connect the root structure of a plant with meeting the needs

of soil, water, and nutrients. On Tuesday, the class will learn about stems and leaves, how they

hold the plant upright and absorb sunlight to provide the plant with energy, etc.

The students will: Plant bean seeds at the beginning of the week and provide them with air,

sunlight, and water each day to observe their growth. Students will identify the structures they
learn about each day. At the end of each day, the students will add to their letter about that day’s

plant structure and need.

Pre-Assessment: Students will complete the Pre-Assessment worksheet below to determine

what they know about plant needs and structures.

Informal Assessment: Before beginning each day’s lesson, the students will be informally

assessed on the knowledge learned the previous day. On Tuesday, the teacher will ask students

to draw a plant with an arrow pointing to the structure learned about the previous day (Monday-

roots). They will then verbally share with their table group the purpose of that structure in

meeting the plant’s needs.

Formal Assessment: The students will write a letter to a friend sharing what they know about

plant needs and structures. They will include how the different structures help plants get what

they need in order to live, grow, and produce more plants. They add to their letter after each

day’s lesson, writing about a paragraph to explain each day’s structure and need. The letter will

be collected and evaluated with the rubric at the end of the week.

The prompt: To show your know knowledge of growing plants, understanding their structure,

and meeting their needs, you will write a letter to a friend who is wanting to grow a garden!

Explain to them how the different plant structures help plants grow, live, and reproduce. Be sure

to tell your friend what the plant needs!

(Ex. Plant roots help to soak up water and nutrients from the soil. Plants need water to stand

tall and move nutrients throughout the stem and leaves. Nutrients are the plants’ “food” and

helps them to grow healthy, by producing more cells. The stem of a plant…). The letter will be

assessed with the Rubric below.

Criteria: The students’ letters (formal assessment) will be evaluated with the following rubric.

They will receive a checkmark in both rows, and then the score will be averaged between both.

3: Mastery- Got 2: Making 1: Basic- still 0: Beginning-

it! progress- working on it! Not ready yet!
Almost there!
Student is able The student The student The student The student
to explain the includes an includes an includes an includes an
purpose of explanation of explanation of 3- explanation of 2 explanation of 0-
various plant all 5 plant 4 plant structures plant structures 1 plant structures
structures in structures in in their letter. in their letter. in their letter.
meeting the their letter.
needs of plants.

The student The student The student The student

includes all 5 includes 3-4 includes 2 plant includes 0-1
plant needs in plant needs in needs in their plant needs in
their letter their letter. letter. their letter.
For example, a student who includes an explanation of all 5 plant structures (3- Mastery) in their

letter, but only includes 3 plant needs (2- Making Progress) in that response, would receive a

score of 2.5 out of a possible 3. A student who includes all 5 plant structures and needs would

receive a perfect 3.
Plant Pre-Assessment
Name: _________________
Match the following terms to
the correct part of the plant:






Circle the correct plant needs below:

Air Juice Minerals Pizza Water Soil Space Sunlight

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