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Received: 3 September 2020 Accepted: 4 September 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jrsm.1457


What every researcher should know about searching –

clarified concepts, search advice, and an agenda to improve
finding in academia

Michael Gusenbauer1,2 | Neal R. Haddaway3,4,5

Department of Strategic Management,
Marketing and Tourism, University of We researchers have taken searching for information for granted for far too long.
Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria The COVID-19 pandemic shows us the boundaries of academic searching capabil-
Chair for Strategy and Organization, ities, both in terms of our know-how and of the systems we have. With hundreds
Technical University of Munich, Munich,
Germany of studies published daily on COVID-19, for example, we struggle to find, stay up-
Mercator Research Institute on Global to-date, and synthesize information—all hampering evidence-informed decision
Commons and Climate Change, Berlin, making. This COVID-19 information crisis is indicative of the broader problem of
information overloaded academic research. To improve our finding capabilities,
Stockholm Environmental Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden
we urgently need to improve how we search and the systems we use.
Africa Centre for Evidence, University of We respond to Klopfenstein and Dampier (Res Syn Meth. 2020) who com-
Johannesburg, Johannesburg, mented on our 2020 paper and proposed a way of improving PubMed's and
South Africa
Google Scholar's search functionalities. Our response puts their commentary
Correspondence in a larger frame and suggests how we can improve academic searching alto-
Michael Gusenbauer, Department of gether. We urge that researchers need to understand that search skills require
Strategic Management, Marketing and
dedicated education and training. Better and more efficient searching requires
Tourism, University of Innsbruck,
Innsbruck, Austria. an initial understanding of the different goals that define the way searching
Email: needs to be conducted. We explain the main types of searching that we aca-
demics routinely engage in; distinguishing lookup, exploratory, and systematic
searching. These three types must be conducted using different search
methods (heuristics) and using search systems with specific capabilities. To
improve academic searching, we introduce the “Search Triangle” model
emphasizing the importance of matching goals, heuristics, and systems. Fur-
ther, we suggest an urgently needed agenda toward search literacy as the norm
in academic research and fit-for-purpose search systems.

We thank Klopfenstein and Dampier1 for their comment COVID-19 pandemic. We are also very happy to see
on our paper and for acknowledging the need to improve increased research attention on the systems that we use on
both PubMed and Google Scholar with functionalities that a day-to-day basis for research discovery: functionalities that
each is currently missing. We welcome increased scrutiny have remained unquestioned by those of us who are not
of the functionality of search systems and assessing whether information specialists for too long.
these are truly fit-for-purpose as we struggle with informa- Indeed, we were overwhelmed by the substantial
tion overload, particularly in times of crises like the current attention given to our paper2 (it currently has an
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Research Synthesis Methods published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

136 Res Syn Meth. 2021;12:136–147.


Altmetric score of well above 300) and the positive com-

ments we have received. This demonstrates the need for HIGHLIGHTS
further scrutiny and improvement to academic search. It What is already known?
shows that researchers want to know more about the lim-
itations of the systems they use to discover research,
• To stay up-to-date, we researchers would need
which limitations they must account for, and how to
to read hundreds of research papers a day(!).
match their search strategies with each system. These
Particularly, the avalanche of COVID-19 papers
decisions concerning the design of search strategies pro-
exemplifies how we are chronically informa-
foundly affect the resultant evidence that researchers
tion overloaded.
identify, what they (often unknowingly) fail to identify,
• Evidence synthesis is more important than
and what conclusions they draw based on the emergent
ever, yet we lack the knowledge and systems to
effectively and efficiently identify the evidence
In this article, we go beyond our original article and
bases for systematic reviews.
put the work of Klopfenstein and Dampier1 in a larger
frame to discuss the kind of agenda setting needed to
What is new?
overhaul academic searching, and how this might be
achieved by the research community.
• We claim that research discovery needs an
urgent overhaul. Only with awareness of the
1 | S EARC HI N G A N D B IAS I N basic concepts of academic searching, we can
T I M E O F A GL O B A L CR I S I S know how to make our search routines and
systems fit-for-purpose.
The importance of effective and efficient identification • Our commentary clarifies these search con-
of academic publications (hereafter referred to as cepts to point out the particularities of lookup,
searching) has become particularly evident in the cur- exploratory, and systematic searching. The
rent COVID-19 pandemic: This pandemic is not only a “Search Triangle” model emphasizes that effi-
medical crisis, but also an information crisis—not cient and effective search only works when
because there is no information on COVID-19, but goals, systems, and heuristics are well
because there is more than we can handle. Recently, a matched.
Lancet editorial called this an “infodemic” and a “major
threat to public health.”4 According to Semantic Potential impact for RSM readers
Scholar, more than 211 000 scientific articles exist to outside the authors' field
date on COVID-19 across all disciplinesa—almost all
published in 2020. The National Institute of Health • Awareness for the importance of search liter-
(NIH)'s isearch COVID-19 Portfolio, an expert-curated acy and search education is needed across
data collection, lists 60 297 medical COVID-19 publica- disciplines.
tions, whereas 79% were listed between May and • Better search skills not only help in research,
August 2020b—amounting to an average daily(!) publi- but anywhere online.
cation rate of almost 400 publications for medicine
alone. This incredible avalanche of evidence is more
than any individual can process. For any particular
intervention (eg, mask-wearing), one can find a confus-
ing and conflicting set of studies purportedly demon- expert-curated repositories: for example, NIH LitCovid,
strating evidence for and against (eg, face masks for the NIH isearch, OPENICPSR COVID-19 data repository,
public during the COVID-19 crisis5). Thus, the way we WHO COVID-19 database (also linking to many other
can process and make sense of this overabundance of repositories), and the Center for Disease Control and Pre-
evidence is one of our greatest challenges the current vention (CDC) giving an overview of various repositories.
infodemic shows us. On the other hand, there are new tools for visualization,
Currently there is overwhelming research attention access, categorization, and analysis of COVID-19 infor-
trying to solve these information challenges in a diverse mation (eg, SciSight or CoVis), some of them via
suite of innovative ways, each aiming to make COVID- crowdsourced idea contests (eg, Kaggle) or hackathons
19-related information readily discoverable and analyz- organized by institutions around the globe. This host of
able. On the one hand, there are dozens of new AI- or new initiatives is important means to fight the COVID-19

infodemic with improved information access and analysis.

However, we argue that the information overload prob- Box 1 How we expend much effort to get
lem is exacerbated by the insufficient nature of the search around a terrible searching environment
systems we must use to find relevant information. If the
COVID-19 exemplifies an information crisis, with
systems and practices we have in place—to discover, ana-
researchers building workarounds to cope with
lyze, and evaluate evidence—were fit-for-purpose, we
the insufficiencies of established search systems.
would not need to battle COVID-19 with context-specific
In theory, research on COVID-19 could be
fixes that do only little in battling infodemics in all the
readily identified by any user searching a data-
other contexts. We advocate that fixing existing search
base for “COVID-19” and finding all relevant
systems and practices is at least as important as building
studies. However, several problems make this dif-
new resources on top. This means raising researchers'
ficult, for example: (a) authors describe the con-
awareness and understanding about the objectives of
cept using different terms; (b) many databases
searching, along with improving search heuristics and
typically index records (and allow searches)
the search systems that make the avalanche of evidence
based only on titles, abstracts, and keywords,
accessible. Klopfenstein and Dampier1 provide a good
missing potentially relevant terms in the full
example of how best practices can be adopted across plat-
texts; (c) no single database catalogues all
forms and how researchers across disciplines can influ-
research; (d) poor search literacy in the research
ence search system providers in how their systems
community means that errors or inefficiencies in
should be improved.
searching are common; (e) paywalls restrict
One of the most critical factors that can easily limit the
users' access to search facilities and the underly-
quality of our work is the belief that how we search aca-
ing research articles.
demically is perfectly fine.6,7 It is the belief that the sys-
A suite of systems has been built to identify
tems we use on a daily basis and the habits we have
and assemble COVID-19 relevant research to
developed throughout our careers are adequate to find
overcome these problems, making use of artificial
effectively and efficiently. However, searching—one of the
intelligence (including machine learning), expert
central elements of research work—needs trained skills,
curation and screening for relevant information,
careful thought, and planning. We need to understand
and temporarily making resources Open Access.
that where and how we search greatly impacts what we
These are admirable, but necessary only
find and miss, what we conclude, and what we suggest for
because accurate and efficient identification of
evidence-informed decision making. Improving academic
(free-to-access) relevant research across compre-
searching helps to improve the quality of science and
hensive free-to-use databases does not exist.
helps fighting so-called infodemics. Thus, much can be
gained if we improve day-to-day academic searching for
the millions of researchers worldwide.
We argue that the COVID-19 pandemic is an impor- friendly access to its vast database of research records.9
tant time to consider how to improve academic searching However, Google Scholar also shows us beautifully how a
altogether. In this text, we clarify some important con- system can be perfectly suited for one type of search, while
cepts of academic searching that are the subject of fre- failing miserably for another. On the one hand it is very
quent misunderstanding, we introduce the “Search capable for targeted searches aimed at finding specific
Triangle”—a user-centric search model to understand research articles,10 but has severe limitations in systematic
the key characteristics of academic searching, and we searches (eg, a lack of transparency and reproducibility).2,11
explore why and how we need to overhaul academic Most academics are unaware of the different types of
searching to better inform decision making (Box 1). searching that they use on a day-to-day basis.12 They use
the systems they know and to which they are accustomed
in ways for which they were never designed. The result is
2 | UNDERSTANDING ACADEMIC substantially biased, nontransparent, and irreproducible
SEARCHING —T H E DI F F E R E N T research studies. As researchers, we must start understand-
SEARCH TYPES: LOOKUP, ing the basic types of searching we engage in and how the
E X PL O R A TO R Y , S Y S T E M A T I C objectives behind each search type (why we search) should
determine the search methods—that is, system choice
As Klopfenstein and Dampier1 point out, Google Scholar is (where we search) and search heuristics (how we search).
by far the most commonly used resource by researchers.8 There is much we can learn about searching from the
This is not a coincidence—it allows straightforward, user- information retrieval and information science literature:

substantial efforts have been made to determine the types multiple sessions (ie, days, weeks, months) or media (eg,
of searching at various level of granularity and the capa- search, videos, offline conversations) where users engage
bilities required by search systems. This discipline with one or more systems, take notes, and save results to
broadly distinguishes lookup and exploratory searching as knowledge management systems. Users will often stop
the two key search types.13,14 Lookup searches—also searching when they believe they have reached their goal
called “known item searches” or “navigational (the information need is met) or when they conclude it
searches”—are conducted with a clear goal in mind and cannot be reached with the resources available.17
“yield precise results with minimal need for result set While both lookup and exploratory searches are
examination and item comparison.”14(p. 42) Here, the sea- established concepts in information retrieval, they do not
rch process should be swift and efficient so as not to dis- cover systematic searches—which we claimed in our
turb the user's workflow. However, lookup searches can paper2 is a distinct third search type with unique heuris-
also be used by researchers or decision-makers for cherry tics and requirements. Evidence synthesis, in the form of
picking. From the avalanche of studies, it is relatively systematic reviews (including meta-analyses) and system-
easy to select evidence that supports a pre-held belief or atic maps, has introduced many disciplines to the concept
dogma that portrays a biased picture of reality. Some- of systematic searches, with the goal to (a) identify all rel-
times, this cherry picking is deliberate; selecting which- evant records (within the resource constraints) in a
ever study provides support for an argument or decision (b) transparent and (c) reproducible manner.2 None of
that has already been made (ie, post hoc evidence use). these three systematic search goals is shared by lookup or
And sometimes it is unintentional: when the first evi- exploratory searches. Systematic searching is similar to
dence encountered is assumed to be representative. In lookup searching in that the search goal is known, yet
general, users want efficient and convenient information the level of rigor in planning and reporting and the
retrieval, particularly in lookup searches15,16—the first sophistication in the search scope are unmatched making
result that fits typically satisfies the information need.17 it a distinct type of search activity. One key aspect of sys-
However, as researchers or decision-makers we should tematic searching is that the methods used to search
explore the available evidence in the least biased way or, should be a priori and developed through careful plan-
better still, to additionally search systematically to have ning, ideally involving information retrieval experts.22
all available evidence for a specific topic (including the There are presently significant misunderstandings
counter-evidence to one cherry-picked paper). Only then, within the research community regarding what system-
we can be sure that our conclusions and decisions are atic searches should and should not entail. These misun-
sufficiently evidence-informed. derstandings have led to criticism of the systematic
As many topics are complex and require in-depth review method (compared to narrative reviews) which
understanding, and we cannot always trust anecdotal evi- we find are unfounded—at least in view of the literature
dence (see lookup searches), we need exploratory searches search phase that identifies the corpus of evidence for
to enrich our understanding. In exploratory searches, the subsequent synthesis. A major criticism is that system-
search goal is somewhat abstract.18 It is a desire to better atic reviews would not entail “hermeneutic circles” of
understand the nature of a topic, and the path to reaching iterative learning about a research concept, so that
this goal is not always apparent. Exploratory searching is a researchers would not include and reflect upon findings
process characterized by learning19 where users aim to be throughout the search process.19,23 In practice, however,
exposed to a multitude of different, sometimes con- systematic searches should always be preceded by a
tradicting knowledge sources to build their mental models thorough exploratory search phase, which in systematic
on a topic. Users “submit a tentative query to navigate reviews is called “scoping.” In this initial phase, the
proximal to relevant documents in the collection, then researchers use exploratory searches to familiarize
explore the environment to better understand how to themselves with the review topic: they extend their
exploit it, selectively seeking and passively obtaining cues knowledge of concepts and language and define inclu-
about their next steps.”20(p. 38) The heuristics that users sion/exclusion criteria.24 Only then do they compose a
employ and their ultimate goals change throughout the systematic search strategy that aims to identify all avail-
session as they make sense of the information, linking it to able, relevant records on the topic in a transparent and
and adapting their mental models iteratively.21 A single reproducible manner (ie, well reported in the final man-
search session might exclusively consist of lookup or uscript). We agree that, when an initial scoping phase is
exploratory searches, or might alter the two with mixed missing, this may limit the validity of a systematic
episodes of lookup (eg, fact checking, navigation) and review greatly, since key terms and concepts may have
exploratory searches (eg, discovery and learning). In been omitted or misunderstood, even by experts. Thus,
exploratory searches, the search process often spans for systematic reviews it is essential that systematic

searches are preceded by a thorough exploratory search and indeed all information seekers—should understand
phase. the following three points that span a “Search Triangle”
It is important to note that systematic searches do not (see Figure 1):
themselves entail a learning process. They should be
predefined, protocol-driven, structured means of system- 1. The users' goals: what needs to be accomplished with
atically searching, and extracting all potentially relevant the search task? For lookup searches, the goal is rapid
bibliographic records. The search area is specified by these and efficient identification of an artifact where the
search steps (mostly through the use of building blocks and search area is already well known to users; for explor-
snowballing heuristics—see Table 1) and lays out all records atory searches, the goal is learning about one or multi-
for subsequent review of relevance/eligibility. In systematic ple concepts or about an evidence base; for systematic
searching, the “hermeneutic circle” of understanding searches, the goal is the identification and extraction
should be well advanced (though it probably will never be of all available records on an already well understood
finished). Thus, in systematic reviews using the building (scoped) topic.
blocks heuristic (connecting concepts via Boolean opera- 2. The appropriate heuristics: how can the search be best
tors) only the final iteration of the search string is truly sys- conducted? The user must ask which (set of) heuristics
tematic and must be transparently documented in detail. It best attain the search goal. While simple lookup
is typically at this point that the researchers stop exploring searches come relatively intuitively with user-friendly
for the purpose of improving the search area. While explor- search systems like Google Scholar,17 the users' consid-
atory searches (scoping) might use the same heuristics (see erations of appropriate heuristics become important for
Table 1), these initial searches are iterative and incremen- effective explorative searches and particularly for sys-
tally improve the search area used for the systematic review. tematic searches. Some of the most popular search heu-
Hence, one of the main advantages of systematic reviews is ristics described in information science literature (see
that they include both an exploratory and a systematic sea- Table 1) are most specific first, wayfinding, snowballing
rch, upon which the subsequent synthesis is based. Unlike (or citation chasing/chaining, pearl growing), (post-
in narrative reviews that often rely on exploratory searching query) filtering, successive fraction, building blocks (via
alone, the systematic search phase in systematic reviews Boolean operators), or handsearching.2,17,25,26,32 It is
aims to maximize comprehensiveness and full transparency important to note that no single heuristic is associated
and reproducibility. with a single search type. Rather, the choice of appro-
To date, systematic searching and its unique require- priate heuristics depends on the particular nature of
ments have not been described by the information science the search goal and the options at hand, given a partic-
literature. The influential work of Marchionini14 that dis- ular search system. For example, while building blocks
tinguishes between lookup and exploratory searching lists are primarily used in systematic searching, they might
synthesis work as part of exploratory search and fails to also be used in particular types or phases of exploratory
capture the nature of systematic searches (as employed in searching. Snowballing, for example, is used both in
systematic reviews). To help distinguishing the three sea- exploratory and systematic searching—yet with a dif-
rch types, we define and summarize them and add associ- ferent level of attention to rigor, transparency, and
ated use cases and heuristics in Table 1. reproducibility.
3. The appropriate systems: which (set of) search
system(s) best supports the required search type and
3 | C ONDUC TING AC ADEM IC the suitable search heuristics? It is important to know
SEARCHING —T H E “ SEARCH what can and cannot be accomplished, given the func-
TRIANGLE ” tional capabilities of a particular search system: eg, of
the 28 systems analyzed in our paper2 only half can be
We contend that good academic searching starts with recommended as stand-alone systems in systematic
users thoughtfully establishing what their search goals searches. The selection of search systems, among the
are: that is, what they want to know/find. Given their dozens available, defines what users will find. The
search goals, search-literate users know which type of search and retrieval capabilities are defined by the
search they need to engage in and can thus then select implicit characteristics of the search system in terms
appropriate heuristics and search systems. Whether users of functionality and coverage. It cannot be empha-
are search literate, that is, are able to optimally match sized enough that no single search system is like the
heuristics and search systems to their (evolving) search other and that each system is more or less adequate
goals, determines the effectiveness and efficiency of for specific search types (lookup/exploratory/system-
finding and learning. We maintain that researchers— atic) in terms of coverage and supported heuristics.

TABLE 1 Academic search types: Their goals, use cases, dominant heuristics, and key requirements to search systems

Dominant heuristics
(detailed information in Key requirements to search
Search types Goals Use cases reference) systems
Lookup13,14,25 To identify one or a small Retrieval of specific facts Straightforward searches, Efficient identification and
number of research (well-known knowledge navigation17 retrieval (single session):
articles that meet a need) Most specific first26 (search • Simple, straightforward
narrow set of criteria. The Question answering, for a collectively search design (to not disturb
search goal is clear for the verification (also cherry- exhaustive property)
the workflow in which
user and the search path picking)
is simple. Users Re-finding searches (search
lookup searches are
impatiently aim to fill for something that was embedded)
their information gaps already identified before) • High coverage for high
with quick, targeted recall/sensitivity (often via
searches large, multidisciplinary
• Effective interpretation by
the system of what a user
“means” when querying for
specific records
Exploratory To learn about a concept or General research discovery, Wayfinding17 (learning with Efficient navigation; learning
body of research, learning, evaluation (incl. little prior knowledge) support (multi-session support):
including its keeping up-to-date) Most specific first26 (search • Low latency for fast
characteristics (eg, terms, Narrative reviews for a collectively navigation through
volume of evidence, type Scoping studies (eg, in exhaustive property)
connected space (for queries
of research). Initially the preparation for Snowballing/Pearl growing26
search goal is fuzzy and ill subsequent systematic (association) or browsing)
defined, but gets clearer reviews) (Post-query) filtering28 • Offering of various
throughout the iterative “Negative searches”17 (limitation based on navigational options
search process. (spotting of knowledge meta-information) (querying, browsing,
Depending on the extent gaps: “no result” as a filtering)
of the cognitive gap positive outcome) • Offering of many different
between the identified
cues, so the user can quickly
information and what a
user already knows, the learn about a concept and
process involves mixed make judgment calls of
feelings ranging from adequacy of search results
serendipitous joy to doubt (best-match systems are
and frustration typically favored over exact-
match systems29)
Systematic2 To identify all records on a Systematic reviews Building blocks26 (via Comprehensive, transparent,
specific topic through an Meta-analyses Boolean operators) reproducible, unbiased search
unbiased, transparent, Systematic mapping31 Snowballing/Pearl growing26 area; efficient retrieval:
and reproducible search. Bibliometric analyses (association) • High precision (combination
The search goal is clear Handsearching28 of high recall/sensitivity and
for the user after an initial (systematic, manual
high precision is often
exploratory phase screening)
(scoping). Users conduct a Successive fraction26
achieved by searching
set of transparent and (limitation based on multiple specialized
replicable search steps exclusion list) systems)
using complex search (Post-query) filtering28 • Reproducible searches
strings that have been (limitation based on (repeated, identical queries
carefully constructed to meta-information) retrieve the same results)
balance recall/sensitivity
• Exact-match systems that
and precision,30 or other
non-query-based are transparent and support
heuristics (eg, complex heuristics (eg,
snowballing, building blocks, Boolean)
handsearching) in a • Access to/download of
systematic manner. entire dataset
Multiple bibliometric
databases are searched to
increase sensitivity

F I G U R E 1 The “Search Triangle”: efficient and effective search only works when all three (search goals, search systems, and search
heuristics) are matched well [Colour figure can be viewed at]

4 | I M P R O V I N G A C A D EM I C introduction of numerous new systems (eg, Microsoft Aca-

SEARCHING —S E T T I N G A N demic,, Meta, The Lens, Semantic Scholar)
AGENDA AND C ALLS TO ACTION and techniques (eg, personalized or AI-based search
results) in academic search. Researchers must understand
To improve academic searching, we suggest an agenda that these systems are all different and that system choice
that is rooted in three areas: (a) more awareness for the will heavily affect (or bias) what they will find. At the
intricacies of academic searching; (b) better search educa- moment, the algorithms of so-called semantic search sys-
tion; and (c) pressure on search system providers to tems (eg, Google Scholar or Semantic Scholar) and the
ensure their services are fit-for-purpose. We suggest key precise methods of how they select and rank what is
points that we believe the scholarly community must shown on the results page are unknown. However, there
tackle, also jointly with institutions, publishing bodies, is evidence6,35 that these opaque algorithmic decisions
and search system providers. influence how we researchers conduct science—what we
find, what we cite, how we argue, what we conclude. The
academic community needs to be aware of these biases,
4.1 | More awareness for the intricacies and equip itself with the know-how to avoid basing entire
of academic searching research projects (particularly systematic reviews) on
potentially biased evidence bases (eg, Burivalova et al36).
Improving our search practice starts by creating aware- We currently see an alarming absence of awareness
ness that search literacy is a crucial skill that does not for search system choice. This is evident in the many
come naturally through extensive computer and internet publications that confuse search system types37: foremost
use, but needs to be trained in search education as part of platforms used to access databases (such as Web of Sci-
research training.33,34 Particularly, in the context of sys- ence) and the databases themselves (such as Science Cita-
tematic reviews we must understand the two consecutive, tions Index Expanded). These types are confused not only
yet distinct phases: exploratory searching and systematic by research users more generally, but also by experts in
searching. Too often, researchers skip the exploratory the field of Scientometrics and others, where researchers
scoping phase and jump straight into systematic specifically research these systems. This lack of aware-
searching, while they still are (un/consciously) unsure ness illustrates how urgently we need to start under-
about the meaning and language of central concepts. standing academic search: the search types, the
Search literacy becomes increasingly needed as the heuristics, and the search systems—to find more, faster,
number of search systems increases and the functional- and with less bias.
ity they offer is diversified and continually updated, Call to action: We must raise awareness across
making them more or less (or not at all) suitable for research communities—among students, educators, jour-
specific search types. In recent years, we have seen the nal editors, university teaching boards, and interest

organizations—of the intricacies of academic searching shown to significantly improve search quality.32,42 With-
and how it can be improved. Organizations like the Col- out anchoring search education in research curricula,
laboration for Environmental Evidence,38 Campbell much scholarly search effort will remain wasted.43,44
Collaboration,28 and Cochrane39 can play important roles Call to action: we must make search literacy a priority
in creating awareness for the intricacies of academic sea- in research education:
rch by updating their guidance to include more nuanced
academic search advice. Additionally, academic journals • What needs to be taught? Since many researchers think
must ensure that editors and peer-reviewers are aware of their current search practices and systems suffice, we
the importance of robust search methods to encourage need to raise awareness about problems associated
more rigor in academic searching (even more so as evi- with search illiteracy45 in combination with showing
dence synthesis become increasingly valued and preva- better ways of searching. The teaching objective should
lent). Only with this awareness, we can adequately link be to improve knowledge and skills on how to effec-
search goals to appropriate heuristics and systems to per- tively and efficiently find, evaluate, manage, and use
form “good science”: information. Taught concepts should include
matching: (a) user goals/search types, (b) search heu-
• It starts with the users' goals: Raising awareness so ristics, and (c) search systems. Among others, this
users understand what goals they want to reach with includes awareness for the importance of adequate lan-
their searching and with which (implicit) scientific guage to describe concepts, the ability to formulate
standards the specific search types (lookup/explor- comprehensive, yet precise search strings and the skills
atory/systematic) are associated. to search the most suitable systems.
• Search types: Raising awareness that searching is not • Who teaches it? University libraries can play a key role
always a quick “just Google (Scholar) it,” but in fact in making emergent and established researchers and
can be described by a “Search Triangle” that needs a professionals search literate.46 In times where fewer
matching of search goals/types with heuristics and sys- people visit physical libraries, more advice is required
tems (see Figure 1). in the online realm. The freed-up resources of librar-
• Search heuristics: Raising awareness that we could use ians and information specialists might be used to teach
better methods in searching databases and should be new formats to students and scholars about search.
designing our searches around suitable heuristics that • How can it be taught? Search literacy can be taught as
allow us meeting our diverse search goals. stand-alone course or extend existing teaching con-
• Search systems: Raising awareness that search sys- cepts on digital literacy or information literacy, partic-
tems are all different, not only in coverage, but also ularly also in courses on evidence-based research.47-49
in the functions they offer and (equally important) As many institutions lack libraries—particularly the
they do not offer. It is also vital to understand that ones from resource-constrained environments—educa-
searches can be biased through the use of algorithms tion should also be freely and easily accessible to all
to adjust the order of records in search results.40 In (ie, Open Education). Perhaps this could be organized
the context of systematic reviews, ensuring transpar- most impactfully as self-paced online training or freely
ent and adequate reporting of which systems are licensed teaching materials that can be used and
searched must be a key responsibility of research adapted by trainers across the world.
authors, editors, and peer-reviewers. Systems to sup-
port reporting of this level of detail are available (eg,
PRISMA-S41) and should be adapted to all forms of 4.3 | Toward fit-for-purpose search
research involving searching, not just systematic systems
No two-search systems are identical, and none is perfect.
The reason for the great popularity of some systems is not
4.2 | Better search education: Toward because of their adequacy for each of the three search
search literacy as the norm types we describe,2 but rather because of their ease of use
in day-to-day research practices. In the last decade, the
To build search literacy that enables quick choices of both tremendous success of Google Scholar has shown that
heuristics and systems given an imminent information users generally want to search intuitively, with as little
need involves more than the day-to-day search experi- effort as possible.17
ence we researchers have at hand. Instead, it requires In terms of functionality, two broad types of search
targeted search education. Such education has been systems exist at present: the traditional “comprehensive-

transparent” (eg, ProQuest, PubMed, Web of Science) systems could do much more in different areas than fine-
and the newer “efficient-slick” (eg, Google Scholar, tuning for the sake of efficient lookup searching—partic-
Semantic Scholar). The first type allows users to specify ularly in the realm of evidence synthesis.
their search to the greatest detail, while the second iden- Call to action:
tifies relevant results quickly. The most popular systems
are efficient-slick, while it seems the traditional systems • Greater transparency: Search functionalities – that is,
have focused on new features rather than low latency what can(not) be done with a search system (see our
and accessibility. The mission statements of some popu- paper2 for details of how this can be quantified) need to
lar and newly created semantic systems—including become transparent. This can only be done through an
Microsoft Academic, Semantic Scholar, and Meta—can independent assessment of the claims of search system
be summarized with: simpler and more efficient searching, providers—our study, for example, has shown that one
faster results. Their aim is the fast satisfaction of out of four systems promoted the functioning of search
researchers' information needs, without detours. options (ie, Boolean search) that we found was flawed.2
While this increase in search efficiency is generally Additionally, we need clarity in the algorithms that
positive, it comes at a cost. We see two fundamental semantic search systems use to fine-tune their search
problems: first, in these semantic search systems it is results to reflect on how this impacts research work.
opaque algorithms that decide about the “right” informa- With transparency, users can make informed choices on
tion that is shown (either absolutely or by order). We cur- which systems to choose and systems can benchmark to
rently have neither insight, nor control over these compete for users, all driving a healthy competition
decisions. This is particularly problematic for systematic toward better options of search facilities.
searching, where our study has shown that all semantic • Toward fit-for-purpose—matching requirements with
search systems in our sample failed to meet the require- technical possibilities: Some of the limitations we aca-
ments.2 Second, we must stay alert as these efficient-slick demics are confronted with when using search systems
systems aim at transforming ‘inefficient’ exploratory exist because of a lack of communication between the
searching into ‘efficient’ lookup searching (eg, through technical (what is possible) and the applied (what is
presentation of pre-selected cues). This means explor- needed). We believe the tools and features of search
atory searching (and thus learning) might be more and systems would greatly benefit from effective guidance
more crippled toward quick, unconsciously biased lookup and feedback from the research community (besides
searching (cherry picking) that users more and more the user testing, etc. they are already doing). By esta-
expect when engaging with online systems.50 To be inno- blishing clear rules (similar to what systematic search
vative as an academic it is essential to build own mental needs to fulfill), we can help to direct the improvement
models, to connect disconnected threads that have not of search systems, and thereby improving access to
been connected before—by neither machine nor human. future-proof search functionalities. Here we need to
If we reduce these “hermeneutic circles” for the sake of involve information technology research methods that
efficiency, we must be aware of the drawbacks. It clearly have a long history in investigating the performance of
makes a difference if users are efficient in finding infor- particular search features or technologies (eg, rein-
mation on for example “the capital of Kiribati” or to forcement learning,51 interactive intent modeling,52
which president to vote in the next election. While the query expansion53). We do not need to reinvent the
first should be efficient (lookup), the latter should largely wheel, yet we need to improve communication
remain exploratory where users are presented with a bal- between library science/evidence-based research meth-
anced information diet. We must be careful and stay alert odologists (the applied) and information technology
with systems that give us readymade answers. We must research, and importantly: the search systems we use
question the algorithms (AI, machine learning) and on a daily basis (the technical). Klopfenstein and Dam-
behavioral data that are used to create relevance rankings pier1 demonstrate that: first, there is much room for
and thereby determine what researchers get to see and improvement of search system workflows, features,
what not.6 Unfortunately, it seems as if the greatest level and supported heuristics. Second, cross-database inte-
of effort of many search systems does not go into what gration might make sense to combine strengths of dif-
researchers need to accomplish in all their search tasks, ferent databases (the coverage of Google Scholar and
but rather in making users satisfied (and not smarter) the specialized features of PubMed). Third, transparent
sooner. comparison of features across search systems can be
We researchers need the best of both worlds to ensure key to improve the systems we have. To improve our
the best research outcomes: we need efficient-slick and systems, we need an understanding of the exact
comprehensive-transparent. We claim that, at present, requirements systems need to have for specific search

types. The academic community should rally around Currently, we are at an exciting point in the develop-
these definitions and search types and demand clarity ment of informatics: an avalanche of research publica-
on which systems are best suited for which type of tions is being catalogued more comprehensively by an
searching. expanding suite of different bibliographic databases and
• Organize change: To see real improvements in academic research platforms (interesting developments include
searching, we must coordinate around the issue of fit-for- and The Lens). Intelligent research discov-
purpose research discovery. Without organized pressure ery systems make it easier than ever to identify research
this will remain a top-down decision process, where sea- that is relevant to us.9 However, it has been shown how
rch organizations continue deciding on what systems we relevance rankings direct science, a phenomenon that is
use without hearing the requirements of the academic aggravated with new the technologies of artificial intelli-
community. The popular example is Google Scholar that gence and machine learning that introduce black-box rele-
has refrained from improving transparency despite the vance rankings and auto-suggestions to the daily scientific
many calls from, for example, the Scientometrics commu- enterprise of millions of scholars. Before we have fully
nity in recent years.9,11,54,55 COVID-19 has shown us that understood the cost of such efficient systems, we need to
positive change is possible if the pressure and a sense of be cautious for how we use them. Without full under-
urgency is great enough: for example, search systems and standing of the different types of searching and their
publishing houses have met criticism of impeding effi- requirements, users of search systems are increasingly at
cient, Open Science by temporarily making COVID-19 lit- risk of identifying a biased or unrepresentative set of sea-
erature Open Access.56 Thus, we need to decide how to rch results.6 We must improve our understanding of the
organize the academic community to put pressure on sea- intricacies of searching and ensure search systems are spe-
rch system providers to design their systems in such a cifically designed to tackle all modes of searching: only
way that supports the three different types of searching. then can we conduct research with a more balanced infor-
Such demands for improvements are warranted and mation diet and make sure the evidence bases on which
should be heard particularly by the systems we are (col- decisions are based are fit-for-purpose.
lectively) paying for through subscription fees. As a con- We currently see the greatest search issues in system-
sequence, a great amount of effort (and thereby public atic searching: both in terms of the inadequate systems
money) could be saved if deliberately imposed barriers we have at hand and the uneducated researchers that use
(such as view and download limits, paywall barriers, or them. If the available search systems were specifically tai-
data access restrictions) were to be removed and search lored to the needs of search-literate researchers, the evi-
functionalities improved. dence we could produce would be of significantly greater
validity and at significantly lower cost. Facilitating and
thus accelerating the creation of systematic reviews could
5 | C ON C L U S I ON particularly help in times of crises—such as we experi-
ence today with COVID-19.
The tremendous thirst for information on COVID-19 by We hope the clarification of academic search concepts,
policy makers, managers, and the general public has trig- the advice in form of the “Search Triangle” model and our
gered an avalanche of research. While this ever-growing calls to action will help improving academic search. We
evidence base shows the academic system's capabilities to hope our work informs decision making in academic
produce evidence rapidly and on tremendous scale, it has searching and might prove useful in structuring and con-
also triggered a COVID-19 infodemic. The information ducting search education toward search literacy as a
overloaded researchers found across subjects and disci- methodical skill every academic exhibits and cherishes.
plines highlight the vital need to improve research discov-
ery. Newly developed COVID-19-specific tools and CONFLICT OF INTEREST
repositories are certainly helpful, yet we also must carefully The author reported no conflict of interest.
evaluate what these new technologies promise and why
current systems are not already adequate. To fight the DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
COVID-19 infodemic—and in fact all infodemics—we Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new
argue it is essential to foremost fix how we search for schol- data were created or analysed.
arly evidence on a daily basis. This not only has the poten-
tial to improve search literacy across academic disciplines, ORCID
but may also have spillover effects to a broader audience Michael Gusenbauer
by educating students, organizations, and institutions. 2351

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