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Choose the best answer

1. The students were very ___________________ when the teacher announced that they were
going to have an excursion to the local public library.

a. nervous b. excited c. friendly d. upset

2. I ___________ the money I got from my parents wisely. I only bought things that I needed not
things that I wanted.

a. used b. asked for c. spent d. gave

3. I think all babies in the world have an _______________ look. That’s what makes people fall in
love with them every time they look at babies.

a. amazing b. honest c. amusing d. innocent

4. She is coming here on a _________. She will come back to the company when she is recovered.

a. sick leave b. resignation c. retirement d. break

5. Bali is __________ for its beauty. It is called the Goddess Island.

a. reminded b. considered c. renown d. understood

6. The newly-married __________ have just moved into the new house.

a. persons b. people c. couple d. spouse

7. This is the most precious __________ that Nina has ever received from her parents.

a. prize b. thing c. reward d. gift

8. In the past, only children from ___________ families could get proper education, while the poor
were uneducated.

a. wealthy b. happy c. healthy d. weary

9. When the ____________________ begins to take off, its tires fold up into their compartment.

a. train b. bus c. car d. airplane

10. If you put one more lamp in the corner, it will ___________ the room.

a. brighten up b. decorate c. highlight d. check

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