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Enhancing Personal

Participant Journal

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

Enhancing Personal Section 1 – Personal Authenticity

Effectiveness Advantages of Self-Awareness:
• Gain more control & make better
“The ''Inside-Out'' approach to personal and
interpersonal effectiveness means to start first with • Be more flexible & confident in our
self; even more fundamentally, to start with the approach
most inside part of self / with your paradigms, your
• Help ourselves deal with challenges in a
character, and your motives. The inside-out
more positive and less anxious way
approach says that private victories precede public
victories, that making and keeping promises to • Interact better, communicate more
ourselves precedes making and keeping promises effectively & understand our
to others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead relationships with others more fully
of character, to try to improve relationships with
others before improving ourselves.”
- Stephen Covey Group Activity - 1

Learning Objectives How I see you... How

• Personal authenticity –Learn the process others see you...
of self-actualization i.e. Self-awareness
• Gain skills to obtain a positive powerful
mindset Learning objectives:
• Develop more skills to observe and
analyse your personal effectiveness By the end of this activity you will:
 be aware of differences between your
• Increase your awareness on your self-perception and how others see you
personal communication styles & build on  identify your own qualities and strengths
your interpersonal skills  identify areas where you would like to
• Gain knowledge & skills for putting
priorities of tasks & goals This exercise will help you to examine how you
• Enhance your abilities of decision making see yourself against what you believe others see
you as.
• Provide tools to build confidence
1. Fill out the open section about yourself
first. Rate yourself from 1- 10 in the
mentioned headings in Table 1.1
Like any business cannot thrive without a 2. Use sub-section 1.1 to write, ‘How I feel
strategy, similarly, an individual cannot achieve about myself & what I would like to
effectiveness without a personal strategy. improve’
3. Ask a colleague to read the ‘open’ section
and add things to the ‘blind’ section

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

Section 2 – Decision Making Skills

Table 1.1 (1=Lowest; 10=Highest)

Colleague’s Sub-section 2.1 – Decision Making

Your Rating

A decision is a choice between alternatives and
decision making is the process of choosing one
Interpersonal alternative over the others. Making good
Skills decisions should be a process. It is a process of
identifying problems and resolving them, or of
identifying opportunities and taking
Listening advantage of them.


Confidence Sub-section 2.2 – Rational Decision Making

Genuineness 1. Identify the problem

Openness 2. List alternatives
3. Select the best alternative
Team Work 4. Implement the chosen alternative
Personality 5. Evaluate

Rational Model

Sub-section 1.1
How do I feel about myself and what would I like
to improve?
Repest if
................................................................................... required
Implement Select
................................................................................... & evaluate solution

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

The Situation
You have just crash-landed in the woods of
Group Activity – 2 SIX THINKING HATS Northern Minnesota and Southern Manitoba. It is
11:30 a.m. in mid-January. The small plane in
which you were traveling has been completely
White hat:
destroyed except for the frame. The pilot and
copilot have been killed, but no one else is
seriously injured.
The crash came suddenly before the pilot had time
to radio for help or inform anyone of your
Red hat:
position. Since your pilot was trying to avoid a
storm you know the plane was considerably off
course. The pilot announced shortly before the
crash that you were eighty miles northwest of a
small town that is the nearest known habitation.
Black hat:
You are in a wilderness area made up of thick
woods broken by many lakes and rivers. The last
weather report indicated that the temperature
would reach minus 25 degrees in the daytime and
Yellow hat:
minus 40 at night. You are dressed in winter
Logical positive
clothing appropriate for city wear – suits,
pantsuits, street shoes, and overcoats. No one’s cell
Green Hat:
phones or computers work.
While escaping from the plane your group
salvaged the 15 items listed below. Your task is to
What is interesting?
rank these items according to their importance to
your survival. The group has agreed to stick
Blue hat:
Overview pr process control hat
Looks not at subject itself but at the thinking
Winter Survival Decision Sheet - Individual
about the subject

Rank the following items according to their

Main Benefits of Six Thinking Hats: importance to your survival, starting with
1. Allow to say things without risk “1” for the most important and proceeding to “15”
2. Create awareness that there are multiple for the least important:
perspectives on the issue at hand
3. Convenient mechanism for “switching gears”
4. Rules for the game of thinking ___ compress kit (with 28 ft, 2in. gauze)
5. Focus Thinking ___ sectional air map made of plastic
6. Lead to more creating thinking ___ ball of steel wool
7. Improve communication ___ 30 feet of rope
8. Improve decision making ___ cigarette lighter (without fluid)
___ family-size chocolate bar (one per person)
___ loaded .45-caliber pistol
Group Activity – 3 Winter Survival ___ flashlight with batteries
___ newspaper (one per person)
___ quart of 85-proof whiskey

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

___ compass Use your journal to reflect on the following

___ extra shirt and pants for each questions:
___ two ski poles person  How do you feel you contributed in the
___ knife group?
___ can of shortening
Winter Survival Decision Sheet - Group Results …………………………………………………………………...
Rank the following items according to their …………………………………………………….....................
importance to your survival, starting with ...............................................................................................
“1” for the most important and proceeding to “15”
for the least important:  Did you feel free to express your ideas?

___ compress kit (with 28 ft, 2in. gauze) …………………………………………………………………..

___ sectional air map made of plastic
___ ball of steel wool …………………………………………………………………
___ 30 feet of rope …………………………………………………………………
___ cigarette lighter (without fluid) …………………………………………………………………
___ family-size chocolate bar (one per person)
___ loaded .45-caliber pistol  Did you listen to others?
___ flashlight with batteries …………………………………………………………………
___ newspaper (one per person) …………………………………………………………………
___ quart of 85-proof whiskey …………………………………………………………………
___ compass …………………………………………………………………
___ extra shirt and pants for each
___ two ski poles person  What did you bring to the group?
___ knife …………………………………………………………………
___ can of shortening …………………………………………………………………
Winter Survival Evaluation Sheet …………………………………………………………………

___ compress kit (with 28 ft, 2in. gauze)  Would you liked to have done/said
___ sectional air map made of plastic anything differently?
___ ball of steel wool …………………………………………………………………
___ 30 feet of rope …………………………………………………………………
___ cigarette lighter (without fluid) …………………………………………………………………
___ family-size chocolate bar (one per person) …………………………………………………………………
___ loaded .45-caliber pistol
___ flashlight with batteries
___ newspaper (one per person) Sub-section 2.3 – Decision Making Style
___ quart of 85-proof whiskey
___ compass
1. Autocratic
___ extra shirt and pants for each
___ two ski poles person Use when: ...............................................................................
___ knife ......................................................................................................
___ can of shortening ......................................................................................................

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

Ways to strengthen this style: ....................................... ......................................................................................................

...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
2. Consultative ......................................................................................................
Use when: ............................................................................... Sub-section 2.4 – Degree of certainty
...................................................................................................... Our conscious and unconscious decisions are
...................................................................................................... directly based of the degree of certainty the
...................................................................................................... potential solutions provide.
Ways to strengthen this style: .......................................
 All the information the decision maker
needs is fully available
...................................................................................................... Risk
......................................................................................................  Decision has clear-cut goals
......................................................................................................  Good information is available
......................................................................................................  Future outcomes associated with each
alternative are subject to chance
3. Democratic
Use when: .............................................................................. Uncertainty
......................................................................................................  Managers know which goals they wish to
...................................................................................................... achieve
......................................................................................................  Information about alternatives and future
...................................................................................................... events is incomplete
.....................................................................................................  Managers may have to come up with
creative approaches to alternatives
Ways to strengthen this style: .......................................
...................................................................................................... Ambiguity
......................................................................................................  By far the most difficult decision situation
 Goals to be achieved or the problem to be
solved is unclear
 Alternatives are difficult to define
 Information about outcomes is
4. Consensus
Use when: .............................................................................. Section 3–Task & Time Management
...................................................................................................... Urgent Not Urgent

Ways to strengthen this style: .......................................

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

Quadrant of Quality & Personal ......................................................................................................
Necessity Leadership
ITC Method
Matrix Impact
Quadrant of
Quadrant of Waster Timing
Examples- Consequences
Q. What factors will affect your decisions in
Quadrant 1: ...................................................................................
establishing priorities?
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................

Quadrant 2: ................................................................................... ......................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
Quadrant 3: ................................................................................... Do you know what and who steal time from you?
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
Quadrant 4: ................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................

Sub-section 3.1 – Priority Setting

Q. Why is it important to set priorities?


Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

Answer each statement as honestly as you can.

P: Prioritise task based on deadline Award a mark between 3 and 0 for each

A: Allocate time to each task according to time 3 – That’s definitely me! Absolutely agree.
All the time.
available and its priority
2 – That describes me quite well. Largely
W: Work-life balance. Always make sure you agree. Some of the time.

take time to decompress. 1 – That doesn’t really describe me. Generally

disagree. Very rarely.

Section 4 – Personal Styles 0 – That’s not me. Totally disagree. Never

Below are some helpful tips for effective learning

Sub-section 4.1 – Learning Style depending on your learning style….

Learning Objectives
By the end of this session, the learner will: If I have to spell a tricky word, I write it
 be able to talk about some of his /her own out to see if it looks right
personality traits I remember things best when I write
 gain greater understanding of his/her them down
learning style I take a lot of notes of what I read/ hear
I always look at the person who is talking
to me – it helps me concentrate
How do you learn best?
I find it easy to understand maps, graphs
We all learn in many different ways – we see
and diagrams
things, we hear things and we do things. When I have done a test I have often
However, most people have a preference – pictured my notes/textbook
sometimes a very strong preference – for a I am able to visualize pictures in my mind
particular way of learning. I talk quickly – I tend to talk more than
I listen
People who prefer to see information are often I prefer to see a map than be given
referred to as visual learners, people who would spoken directions
rather hear information are known as auditory I say things like, ‘I see what you mean’ or
learners and people who prefer to learn by doing ‘I get the picture’
are called kinesthetic learners. TOTAL /
It helps to know what kind of learner you are, as
people will generally learn best when they work Auditory
in their preferred learning style. This
questionnaire will give you a clue as to your I prefer to listen to someone explaining
learning preference. rather than read about it in a book
When I recall information, I can hear
the person I heard it from in my head
Remember, it is only a preference; we all learn in
When spelling a tricky word, I say it over
many different ways.

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

and over again to see if it sounds right Look at something in print to help you
I say things like, ‘I hear what you say’ or remember it. Use colour, illustrations and
‘that rings a bell’ diagrams to help you learn. Highlight key words,
I often tilt my head to the side and/ make a mind map or spider diagram, use
or rest my head in my hand when pictures to explain text.
I often talk to myself – say things aloud
If you are an Auditory Leaner you could:
– when working
Talk about a new idea and explain it in your own
I often repeat instructions to myself
under my breath words. Discuss ideas and problems with people.
I find/would find it helpful to speak my Read things aloud and listen to yourself talking
notes on to audio-cassette and play aloud. Use a tape recorder for notes and
them back thoughts. Use active listening skills such as
I would prefer people to tell me questioning and summarizing.
directions rather than show me a map
I find it easy to listen to a speaker even If you are a Kinaesthetic Learner you could:
when I’m not looking at them Write things out in step-by-step order. Convert
TOTAL / notes into a picture/diagram. Use touch and do
30 (e.g. simulation/role play). Type rather than
Kinaesthetic write. Help somebody else to do the task.

I don’t like reading or listening to

instructions – I prefer to just get on
with it Sub-section 4.2 – Personality Style
I need to take regular breaks when I’m
working The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
If I have to spell a tricky word, I write it assessment is a psychometric questionnaire
in the air to see if it feels right designed to measure psychological preferences
I wave my hands around a lot when I’m in how people perceive the world and make
explaining something decisions.
I say things like, ‘that feels right to me’
Your Personality Type
or ‘I’ve got the hang of it’
I like to learn in real life situations
I find it hard to sit still – I’m a fidgeter Look at the statements below. For each line there
I like to explore things – taking them are two statements, choose one statement which
apart and tinkering with them describes you best, by ticking the box. Then from
I like to walk around when I am each section choose the letter most like yourself.
reading/talking Make a note of each letter as indicated by the
If I had to assemble a piece of furniture, I arrow and enter in the spaces given on the next
would just work it out by trial and error, page. There is no right or wrong answer. Do not
rather than follow the instructions choose how you would like to behave, but how
you do behave.

Below are some helpful tips for effective learning I Preference E
depending on your learning style….

If you are a Visual Learner you could: I think before I I think out loud

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

I prefer quiet I prefer variety and I like writing lists I don’t like writing
action lists
I like to be careful I like to act quickly I like things tidy I don’t mind things
I’m a good listener I’m a good talker untidy
I prefer finishing I prefer starting
I prefer to wait and I prefer to join in tasks tasks
see first I prefer a steady I don’t mind things
pace last minute
S Preference N Your Personality Preference Profile

I look for the facts I look for

I look for details I like to work out
what it means
You should have one of the 16 combinations
I focus on what I focus on how to
works now make it different below:
I like applying what I like learning new Now look up your personality type below:
I’ve already skills 1. ENFP - catalyst, imaginative, spontaneous
learned 2. INFP – curious, flexible, idealistic
I prefer to be I prefer to be
realistic imaginative
3. ENFJ – catalyst, sociable, responsible
4. INFJ – conscientious, insightful, organized
5. ENTJ – leader, decisive, analytical
Your 6. INTJ – original, driven, achiever
T Preference
F 7. INTP – theoretical, curious, analytical
8. ENTP – ingenious, outspoken, strategic
9. ISFJ – thorough, considerate, loyal
I follow my head I follow my heart
I ask is it the right I ask “how will it 10. ISTJ – responsible, loyal, organized
decision affect people” 11. ESTJ – decisive, organiser, logical
I’m objective I like pleasing 12. ESFJ – co-operative, warm-hearted,
people determined
I offer constructive I offer compliments
criticism I offer and support 13. ESFP – exuberant, friendly, flexible
I tend to tell the I tend to avoid 14. ESTP – spontaneous, flexible, pragmatic
truth upsetting people 15. ISTP – flexible, logical, tolerant
16. ISFP – loyal, friendly, practical

J Preference P Learning Styles

We all learn best in different ways.

I like to plan and I like to wonder Your preference letters can help you choose
organize how things will
learning places and styles that best suit you.

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

I - Learn best E - Learn best ‘I’s written thoughts are usually well
- Somewhere quiet thought out and clear. When talking don’t
where you can - Working in groups stop when you’re interrupted, politely ask if
concentrate - When talking about you can finish your point and then you’ll listen
without being the subject to the other person (usually an E who often
interrupted interrupts!)
S - Learn best N - Learn best
- When you know you - When you know the
are learning theory behind the idea Can think Creatively and Solve Problems -
- When you know - When you can apply S/N Behaviour
how you can use the your learning in new
new learning ways S/N Behaviour is used whenever we take in
new information about something and try to
T - Learn best F - Learn best make sense of it.
- When there is a - With support and
logical order to follow encouragement S behaviour focuses on the facts, and using a
- When you can - When praised for step by step approach until we find a solution.
demonstrate that you good work
do or use the N behaviour focuses on the future, looking
learning forward to how something could be different.

J - Learn best P - Learn best Both are important parts of the problem
solving. It is best to start with N behaviour
- When there is a - When there is a thinking about the longer term goals and
clear structure and variety in the place destination. Then use S thinking to identify the
routine and style of study steps required to get there and any potential
- With an accurate obstacles. S’s allow N’s to “daydream”.
start time and finish Consider their ideas fully before dismissing
them. N’s allow S’s to point out the real
obstacles and work on solutions together.
Communicates Effectively in Writing and
Face to Face - E/I Behaviour Respect the Views and Contribution of
Others - T/F Behaviour
E/I behaviour is how we interact with the
world, our direction of attention outward (to F behaviour means making decisions based
people or things) or inward (our own on a person’s feelings, thoughts and concerns.
thoughts, feelings). To communicate Picking up on their body language and putting
effectively we need to use the best of both. yourself in their shoes. This is useful as you
are unlikely to upset someone or ignore their
‘E’s learn to listen. Do not dominate a contributions whilst discussing something
conversation. Encourage others to speak and with them.
describe their ideas. Don’t interrupt or finish
people’s sentences! Learn to put your ideas T behaviour focuses on the task or required
down in writing – this will help clarify your outcome rather than the person involved.
ideas and appeal to I’s. Sometimes this means the person may feel

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

ignored or steamrolled. T behaviour is good to ISTP,INTP,ESTJ,ENTJ ISFP, INFP, ESFJ,

keep everyone focused on the task or purpose - Good at analysis ENFJ
of the discussion. It removes any thoughts of - Stand firm against - Good at describing
favouritism or sentimentality. But do also use opposition the impact on people
F behaviour to observe each person and check - Good at helping
out they understand and can agree with what other people feel
needs to be done. valued

Behaviour - Get stuck (can’t see - Get bogged down in
way ahead) unimportant details
J behaviour person is a naturally good - See the future - Over-eat, drink or
timekeeper, managing their own time, sticking negatively exercise
to a plan or schedule is their preferred method
of work. Employers like this because the work ISTP,INTP,ESTJ, ISFP, INFP, ESFJ,
gets done. ENTJ ENFJ
- Have emotional - Criticize everything
P preference person generally finds it more outbursts - Take over without
difficult to work at a steady pace. They tend - Take criticism very listening
to enjoy starting tasks but often get bored or personally
easily distracted and move onto something
Our type preferences can help us understand
They often complete work at the last minute.
our relationship with friends and family.
Employers tend not to like this approach.
P preference tip – at the start of a task e.g. In an argument…
revision, write down what you have to achieve
(goals) by the end of the allocated time. I E
- Would rather go - Talk louder and
Sometimes unexpected things happen at work away and think faster
and home. This is when a P preference is things through - Want to get things
useful. Changing a routine or schedule is easier - Keep quiet (until sorted out now!
for a P than a J. Sometimes J’s need to go with things build up so
the flow. Just because things have always been much that they
done a certain way does not mean a new explode!)
approach is the wrong way. S N
Type preferences can help us recognize our - Argue specific facts - Imagine huge
strengths when faced with problems… - Focus on details consequences from
small incidents
ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTP,ESFP INTJ, - Make sweeping
- Handle problems INFJ,ENTP,ENFP generalisations
with realism - Approach problems T F
- Recognize and use with enthusiasm - Tell people not to - Personalise
relevant facts and - See new possibilities “get emotional” everything
experience - Say, it’s not personal - Sometimes just give
in to keep the peace

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

J P Learning Objectives
- Consider all the - Throw in extra issues By the end of this session, you will:
options before “and another thing”  be aware of your verbal and non-verbal
deciding - Argue both sides responses to difficult work situations
- Over simplify issues  have considered possible alternative
- Would rather go ways of responding
away and think
things through Amit Tiwari, age 22, was excited about his first
‘proper’ job which was in a local bank. Eager to
show that he deserved the job, he worked hard
Here are so me tips on how to avoid /get in the first six months. He liked his colleagues,
out of an argument … got along well with his manager, and was asked
to be involved in a project through which he
I E was able to meet other people in the bank.
- Allow people to talk - Text or e mail ideas
through their ideas before springing them The project aim was to develop a new system to
- Don’t assume their on people deal with customer complaints. Over a period of
ideas are rubbish - Listen! Only talk several weeks, Amit & his project team
because they’re when the other person colleagues worked hard to develop a solution.
thinking out loud has finished
S N The team consisted of Amit plus five colleagues:
- Don’t dismiss new - Don’t ignore two people were about his age and the other
ideas straight away practical details three were a lot older. Things ran smoothly for
- Let others dream - Consider how to get several weeks, until the time came for decisions
and fantasize there & not just the to be made. As soon as there was a deadline,
final destination Amit became aware that people began behaving
T F differently. Two members, who had always
- Consider peoples’ - Don’t take arrived late to meetings, began working very
emotions not just the everything personally slowly and putting off work for
task and the goals - Don’t be afraid of the project. Two others who had attended the
- Say what’s in it for disagreement meetings and usually worked quite hard began
people to spend more time chatting and joking rather
J P than working. One person who had never before
- Consider all of the - Focus on making given his opinions about the ideas put forward to
options before decisions solve the problem now said that the group
deciding - Stick to the point needed more time before it would be ready to
- Doing things the make a decision. Amit had worked hard all along
same way is not and wanted to finish this project so that he could
always the best move on to other projects. He was very
frustrated with the lack of progress being made
by the group and she was also worried that his
manager might think that he
had not been up to the job. Yet he did not want
Group Activity - 4 to speak up. He felt he was too young and had
not been at the bank long enough to give ‘orders’
to the older members of the team. And he did not
think she could go to her boss to complain about

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

his older colleagues. He did not know why the

group was experiencing so many problems. Amit After self-awareness, another most important
thought to himself “why can’t they get along? aspect to enhance personal effectiveness is
Why can’t everyone on the team be more like communication skills. Let us understand the
me? I work hard and have pride in how this
importance of clear and specific communication
project is going to turn out. Why don’t the
others?” he began to skills from the story mentioned below, where
wonder if this was the right place for him. communication went horribly wrong.

1. Why is Amit upset? A rather old fashioned lady, was planning a couple
of weeks vacation in Florida. She also was quite
....................................................................................... delicate and elegant with her language. She wrote a
2. In what ways are the work styles of letter to a particular campground and asked for
Amit’s teammates different from his? reservations. She wanted to make sure the
…………………………………………………………… campground was fully equipped but didn’t know
…………………………………………………………… quite how to ask about the “toilet” facilities. She just
3. What causes those differences? couldn’t bring herself to write the word “toilet” in
her letter. After much deliberation, she finally came
…………………………………………………………… up with the old fashioned term “Bathroom
4. Can these differences be sorted? Why or Commode,” but when she wrote that down, she still
why not? thought she was being too forward. So she started
all over again; rewrote the entire letter and referred
…………………………………………………………… to the “Bathroom Commode” simply as the “B.C.”.
5. How would you handle the situation if Does the campground have its own “B.C.?” is what
you were Amit? she actually wrote.
Well, the campground owner wasn’t old fashioned at
6. Have you had an experience similar to all, and when he got the letter, he couldn’t figure out
Amit’s? what the lady was talking about. That “B.C.” really
…………………………………………………………… stumped him. After worrying about it for several
…………………………………………………………… days, he showed the letter to other campers, but they
7. Do you feel you dealt with it well? If you couldn’t figure out what the lady meant either. The
could live it over again, what would you campground owner finally came to the conclusion
do differently?
that the lady was and must be asking about the
…………………………………………………………… location of the local Baptist Church.
So he sat down and wrote the following reply:
Section 5 – Communication Skills

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

“Dear Madam: I regret very much the delay in statement and indicate which option best
answering your letter, but I now take pleasure of
matches your behavior.
informing in that the “B.C.” is located nine miles 1 = disagree strongly, 2 = disagree somewhat, 3 =
north of the camp site and is capable of seating 250 agree somewhat, 4 = agree strongly
people at one time. I admit it is quite a distance 1 2 3 4
away if you are in the habit of going regularly but no
doubt you will be pleased to know that a great 1 I express my opinions
honestly, openly and
number of people take their lunches along, and
appropriately all of the
make a day of it..... They usually arrive early and stay time.
late. The last time my wife and I went was six years 2 I can get angry and
ago, and it was so crowded we had to stand up the am comfortable
letting this show.
whole time we were there. It may interest you to
3 I find it difficult to
know that right now, there is a supper planned to
say ‘no’.
raise money to buy more seats.....They plan to hold 4 If I do not agree
the supper in the middle of the “B.C.”, so everyone with a task I’ve
can watch and talk about this great event.....I would been given, I find a
like to say it pains me very much, not to be able to go way of dragging
my feet on it.
more regularly, but it is surely not for lack of desire
5 If someone knows
on my part....As we grow older, it seems to be more
more than me I feel
and more of an effort, particularly in cold weather..... comfortable in
If you decide to come down to the campground, asking for help
perhaps I could go with you the first time you go...sit from them.
6 I feel guilty if I
with you...and introduce you to all the other folks.....
leave on time for a
This is really a very friendly community....
valid reason and
other people are
still working.
Sub-section 5.1 – Communication Style I can be sarcastic.
8 I think my way of
The following communication styles have been doing things is
segregated as: better than other
 Assertive
 Passive 9 If someone takes
 Aggressive advantage of me, I
 Passive aggressive find a way of
This questionnaire is designed to help you assess getting my own
your preferred communication style. Thinking back.
about your behaviour at work read each 10 I feel I have a right
to say no to other

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

people’s requests 20 I am not afraid to

and to negotiate a be direct with
compromise. someone, even if
11 If I am in a large they think I am
meeting, I find I do being rude.
not speak up.
Before taking a look at the results of your quiz,
12 I like to be in let’s familiarize ourselves with the different
control of a styles of communication.
13 If the situation
There are two parts to our chosen
dictates, I can stare communication style:
people down.
1. How direct we are in expressing our
14 I make good eye views, wants and opinions – some
contact with other people can be very direct or blunt and
people. others less so – we might imply or infer.
15 If I am unsure 2. The thought or consideration that the
about a given task, sender of the message gives to the
I find it opinions, wants and needs of the
uncomfortable to recipient. Put simply, some people can
ask for help. be very thoughtful and others
16 I have been known thoughtless.
to talk about other In psychological terms each participant in the
people behind communication process ends each
their backs. communication as either a winner or loser.
17 When I have to
deal with someone Aggressive
in authority, I find  I am direct in expressing my needs,
it difficult to look desires and opinions giving little or no
them directly in thought to other people.
the eye.  In this communication style,
18 I am a good psychologically, the aggressive
listener and communicator wins but the other
equally other communicator loses.
people listen to
what I have to say. Passive Aggressive
19 Rather than  I indirectly make sure that others are
confronting aware of my needs, desires and opinions
someone about an and give little or no thought to theirs.
issue, I would  Using this communication style,
rather give them psychologically, the passive aggressive
the cold shoulder communicator wins but the other
or drop hints to communicator loses.
other people that I
am not happy. Passive

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

- describe how the situation makes you feel

 I do not express my needs, desires and
opinions directly and I put others’ needs without placing blame on others
above my own.
 Using this communication style, 3) Your wants regarding the situation or
psychologically, the passive outcome
- own your request for a resolution by using “I”
communicator loses and the other
communicator wins. instead of “you”.
Group Activity - 5
 I clearly and directly express my needs, For the following situations describe a passive,
desires and opinions in a way which is aggressive and assertive statement or response.
considerate of others.
 Finally, in this communication style, Discuss the potential consequences for each.
psychologically, we end in a win, win
scenario, for both sides within the 1. You’ve been standing in the queue at the
communication process. shop for a long time and someone pushes in
Your highest score represents the front of you.
communication style you tend towards most of ......................................................................................................
the time, in your working environment. Even if ......................................................................................................
the highest score is ‘Assertive’, (which is where
we want to be) pay attention to your next Passive response
highest score, especially if it is within 2 points. ......................................................................................................
There is no right or wrong answer. But, we do ......................................................................................................
need to be aware of other styles we may tend to Aggressive response
use as others are judging us, constantly.
Sometimes, depending upon current stress ......................................................................................................
levels, we can lapse into another communication Assertive response
style even without becoming aware of it. We do
this through our choice of words (both written 2. You live in a flat with three other people. One
and spoken), our tone of voice and our body person is very messy and sloppy, leaving dishes
language. on the table and in the sink, eating your food,
leaving a mess in all rooms of the flat.
Sub-section 5.2 – How to communicate
assertively ......................................................................................................
Passive response
There are 3 parts to developing an assertive ......................................................................................................
statement: ......................................................................................................
1) Your view of the situation .....................................................................................................
- in your own words, what is the issue or Aggressive response
situation as you see it? ......................................................................................................
2) Your feelings about the situation ......................................................................................................
Assertive response

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

3. A salesperson calls you on the phone when ......................................................................................................
you are in the middle of doing something. She or If your approach to these situations is primarily
he is telling you all about their new passive, why is this?
magazine ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
Passive response
...................................................................................................... If your approach to these situations is primarily
...................................................................................................... aggressive, why is this?
..................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
Aggressive response ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... Which responses are the most effective and why?
Assertive response ......................................................................................................
4. You go to an expensive steakhouse and order ......................................................................................................
your steak medium rare and it is served to you ......................................................................................................
well done. What are some other responses that would work
...................................................................................................... well in these situations?
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
Passive response ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... Think of situations in your own lifewhere you
...................................................................................................... would like to have been assertive instead of
Aggressive response being passive or aggressive. Work out how you
...................................................................................................... could have acted assertively.
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
Assertive response ......................................................................................................

In the above situations, which responses would

Section 6 – Developing a Powerful
you most likely give? And why? Positive Mindset
...................................................................................................... How you feel is the direct result of how you
...................................................................................................... communicate to yourself - your
...................................................................................................... interpretation of what is happening.
Is there a pattern for your behaviour? Describe
it: As Albert Einstein clearly stated, “Everyone is a
...................................................................................................... genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to
...................................................................................................... climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing
that it’s stupid”.

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

Key Points: Potential

1) Practice being positive
2) Stop being judgemental
3) Find something to appreciate
Beliefs &
4) Decide not to be perfect Actions
5) Have ‘Faith’
Section 7 – The cycle of Success
and Personal Effectiveness
1. Predetermined goal setting
...................................................................................................... Section 8 – ACTION PLAN (Self
...................................................................................................... Study)

2. Change your ‘shoulds’ to your ‘musts’ 1. The one or two areas in which I am most
...................................................................................................... strong:
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
3. Change your limiting beliefs 2. The one or two areas in which I need more
...................................................................................................... improvement:
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
4. Intensify your moments 3. One thing I can do to improve:
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
4. How I will do this: (Be very detailed about
5. Success leaves clues what you will actually do- when and where and
...................................................................................................... how often etc)
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
6. Give more than you can
...................................................................................................... Action planning support: Self Assessment
...................................................................................................... and Self Improvement Tasks
Here are some suggestions of things you can do
to make changes in the way you act.

1. Pick out something you do that you would like

to change. Think of something you could do

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Participant

instead. Practice this different way of behaving

for a week. Keep a record of every time you
change your behaviour. Did it work? Will you
continue? Reachable R G
Timed T O
2. Observe a person you admire. How would you
describe their attitude to life? Is there anything
you can learn from them to bring into your L
attitude and behaviour?
...................................................................................................... S
3. Ask someone you like and trust to give you
feedback about your qualities.
4. If you feel strong enough and you trust the
person enough, you may ask them to give you
some ideas about areas where you could change.
Do not ask anyone that you think might say
something hurtful to you. Criticism will do you
no good and just knock your confidence further.


Specific S
Measurable M
Achievable A

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