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Group members:

1. Davin Theodore Rahastya

2. Ibkar Mubarok
3. Martin Nainggolan
4. Naufal Arif Hidayat
5. Nurwahid
6. Raja Imam Abdullah

Wae Rebo Village

Wae Rebo is a remote and mysterious traditional village in Manggarai Regency, East
Nusa Tenggara. Located at an altitude of 1,200 m above sea level. In this village there are only
7 main houses or what is known as Mbaru Niang. You can use airplane. Depart from Soekarno
Hatta airport. If u have arrived at Komodo international airport you can take a rest first or chill
out. there are many cheap lodgings that u can choose or hotel. Then you can continue your
journey to ruteng you can take a travel or rent a vehicle.
The travel rates to Ruteng range from Rp. 100 thousand to Rp. 300 thousand per person.
If you rent a car, you need to prepare a fee of between IDR 500-700 thousand per day,
and motorbike can take a fee IDR 70-120 thousand per day. From hotel or lodging to Ruteng
it takes about 3-4 hours of travel. Then if from Ruteng, you can take a motorcycle taxi to Denge
Village for around Rp. 150-200 thousand one way.

From Ruteng to Denge it takes about 3-4 hours. Denge Village is the last village that
can be accessed by motorized vehicle. Next, you have to walk to get to Wae Rebo.
You need to remember, because you are going to a remote village, the possibility of a cellphone
signal will be very difficult. When you arrive at Denge, you can ask the locals for info about
to reach to Wae Rebo. They will guide you to the first post in the village.
From post 1, you have to walk or trekking to Wae Rebo because the road access is
only a footpath. The distance from post 1 to post 2 takes about 2-3 hours. you will enjoy
beautiful natural scenery with panoramic views of shady trees and forest orchids. Before
entering the village of Wae Rebo, you will find a mother's love house. In that place reportedly
you are asked to ring the gong. The kentongan is a sign that there will be guests visiting Wae
Rebo. Well, the trip from post 2 to Wae Rebo is about 1 hour.

When you arrive at Wae Rebo, you will be greeted by residents and traditional
leaders. No need to worry, because there are guides who intentionally provided by the local
government to provide various information important to the related Wae Rebo rating domestic
and foreign tourists who come. Known as the village above the clouds and declared UNESCO
as a World Cultural Heritage in August 2012 by setting aside 42 other countries. Amazing isn't

There is also a coffee garden, usually visitors will be served delicious coffee typical of Flores.
The combination of local cultural wisdom with 7 traditional houses located on the top of a
green hill makes this place like a paradise above the clouds. But it is unfortunate, in fact this
beautiful place is still foreign to the people of Indonesia even though it is very well known in
foreign countries.

1. How to progress tourism destination with the data

In our opinion, the prediction of Wae Rebo Village tourism for the future can be known
to many people because this tour is very interesting to visit because we can see beautiful
clouds in the morning up close. With such uniqueness, we believe that domestic and
foreign visitors will be interested in visiting, but this place must continue to be
promoted more on the internet and on social media. Although Wae Rebo tourism affects
for helping the economic condition of the community with big percentage of 69.7%.
Industries that are able to increase people's income, are able to create job opportunities
and job opportunities so as to avoid the community from harm, poverty, and hunger.

2. What attracts tourists to visit Wae Rebo?

In addition to the beautiful scenery, we will be greeted with the friendliness of the
residents when we arrive at Wae Rebo Village. Here we can find traditional houses
which only consist of 7 pieces which have survived for 19 generations. This is also the
main attraction for tourists, especially from foreign countries. They are generally
curious to see firsthand this traditional house called Mbaru Niang. Made of wood with
a roof of woven thatch. The shape of Mbaru Niang is conical upwards, a very unique
traditional architecture.

3. When was Wae Rebo officially declared by UNESCO as world heritage?

Wae Rebo was declared by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage in August 2012 by
setting aside 42 other countries.

4. Why we should ringing the gong when we arrived?

As a sign when we arrived at Wae Rebo village we will be greeted by the residents
and the Traditional leader

5. Where is Wae Rebo Village located?

Wae Rebo Village is located in Manggari Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

6. Who are declare Wae Rebo as World Heritage?


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