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Tecnología en Negociación Internacional

Centro de servicios financieros

Fase de planeación.

Actividad de aprendizaje 5.

Evidencia 7: Dialogue “coordinating trucking”.

Instructor bilinguismo: Adriana Milena Vargas Jaimes,


Jhonier Armando Posada Granda

Jonathan Cardona Correa

Jennifer Paola Camargo Vergara

Andrés Camilo Ochoa Cuida

Gaes: 4

FICHA (2348697)

Producer: Jonathan Cardona

Attendant: Andrés Ochoa

Courier employed: Jennifer Camargo

Costumer: Jhonier Posada

Link grabación:

Producer: recently we signed 4 new contracts by 4 new customers. We just now

have 4 lot to envy to our clients we must send our lots

Attendant: Mr. those new clients all living in same country, or do we're going to
envy our products to different countries?

Producer: we are going to envy our products to different countries, so we need first
choose what’s will be better mean to envy our lot to their countries

Attendant: OK Sir, first we should prepare our products to package and send in
truck to main dock in what is our first step to prepare and package
our lots?

Producer. The first step is the unitization of our products, for that we need to
package our products in individual packages. After we must package in boxes and
put that boxes in pallets for send to dock.

Attendant: ok Sir, I’ll be going say to our workers to make that.

Producer: Wait, we also must call to courier service company

Attender: ok Sir, I going to calling them now

Attender: but before, Sir, do you know what mean of transport we will use?
Producer: we will send all our products from here to dock by truck and from here
will send all by ship to arrival goal from different types of transport.

Attendant: what kind of transport sir?

Producer: train, roadway even air transportation

Attendant: ok Sir, tell me what kind of transport need every one of your clients

Producer: ok costumer number 1 needs than we send our products by roadway,

costumer 2 also need this, costumer 3 told me but just can get our products by air,
and costumer 4 told me than train cheapest that other methods

Producer: ok attendant please just knowing that calling to courier service and
explain him what will be our plan.

Attendant: ok sir

Attendant: hello, this is courier service company

Courier employee: hello sir, yes this is the courier company, how I can help you

Attendant: I need than you send 4 lots to my costumers to different countries

Employee: ok Sir, you want to send all 4 lots for same type of transport or your lots
require different kinds for their envy?

Attendant: here in our country I want than you send whole lots for truck and after
that send every lot in different ship, because every lot going to different country

Employee: ok, sir. You want us to send your lots for same mean once arrival at
their countries?

Attendant: no, once arrival at their countries, use different means because our
clients have different requirements.

Courier: ok Sir, tell me what kind of requirement have your clients in every country?
Attendant. Costumer 1 and costumer 2 need that we send our lots for roadway,
please use truck, by costumer 3 please use air transport ship and for costumer
number 4 use train.

Courier: ok sir, immediately, I’ll get right on it.

Courier: hello costumer 1, here and employee of hand tools C.I.A call me that you
want than us send at you their boxes by roadway, that’s right?

Costumer 1: that’s right, I need that you bring me my boxes by roadway because in
my city that’s mean it’s cheapest.

Courier: ok, but you must know that method is more slow than air or train, are you
fine with that?

Costumer 1: yeah I’m fine with that, I haven’t problem waiting a little more turn to
safe some little money

Courier: costumer 2, hello, here we will send to you a lots from hand tools Cía.

Costumer 2: hi, yes I recently have purchased a lots of the company, and told with
them about send me my purchases by roadway

Courier: ok Sir, I’ll get right on

Courier: hello sir, here form courier company, we called you to inform you about
your shipment, and confirm if you want that us send your package by air.

Costumer 3: hello sir, you are right Sir, we order hand tools Cía, that send to us our
package by airplane, because we need to fulfill a commitment, so we need to have
here our package earliest possible

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