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Student: Melissa Estefania Juárez Rosales 1744848

Group: t06 Semester: 10

The Anglo-Saxons Period
The Anglo-Saxons were a cultural group native from different European countries
such as Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. This group traveled to the Grain
Britain area, and it believed that the purpose of their visit was to defend Ireland from
invaders. There is also a version suggesting that they were looking for new lands to grow
corps since their land flooded often. They took control over Britain in the 5th century and
founded seven kingdoms (also known as Heptarchy): Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia,
Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Wessex. Because of that event, England’s name refers to the
Angles tribe, since its old name (Englaland) meaning land of Angles.
The Anglo-Saxons group consisted of three tribes: The Angles, the Saxons, and
the Jutes. From these, the Angles and the Saxons were the ones with greater military
power. Nonetheless, Anglo-Saxons were not limited to be warriors. They were also
farmers, hunters, and skillful crafters. The assignation of tasks depended on gender.
Thus, men would be related to combat and hunting skills while women worked crafting
leather, sewing, and weaving tools. It is engaging how a cultural group developed in so
many different fields. However, fishing was the only activity where everyone could take
The Anglo-Saxons' religious beliefs are engrossing. Their deities were natural
spirits (such as wood, sun, and wind), while England adopted Christianism after Saint
Augustine’s preaching. It is also needed to talk about how they used to choose their
leaders. They elected their new king based on their strength and skills instead of the
former king's descendants.
Despite that, what is needed to emphasize Anglo-Saxons’ ideologies and how
they impacted old English literature. Their most well-known piece is Beowulf, which is a
representation of their ideas about leadership and honor. Even though the author of this
epic poem is unknown, the characters represent his/her personal beliefs. The story
became known due to oral speech. The reason why Beowulf is still relevant nowadays is
that since the author represented Anglo-Saxons’ ideals in this story. Therefore, the story
became a helpful resource to know about who they were and what they went through.
Student: Melissa Estefania Juárez Rosales 1744848
Group: t06 Semester: 10
As a conclusion, the Anglo-Saxon period represents a significant antecedent for
English literature and European culture itself, especially in England. That is because the
Anglo-Saxons gave their land its current name and created the first old English text.

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