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REGINA PACIS BAJAWA Catholic High School

Scientific Paper Titled: The Role of Parents in Enhancing the Learning Motivation of Class
Xll IPS 8 Students at Regina Pacis Catholic High School during online learning.
Compiled By: Karolus Mite
Class. : Xll lPS 8

Approved by:

Examiner 1. Examiner 2.

Maria Emanuela Ine, M.Pd Timoteus Cun Bay. M.Pd

Endorsed by:

Elisabet Barek Kelen, S.Ag

Praise and gratitude the author expresses to God Almighty, because of His blessings and
grace the author was able to complete this Scientific Writing entitled The Role of Parents in
Improving Learning Motivation of Class XII IPS 8 Students at Regina Pacis Bajawa Catholic
High School During Online Learning on time . This task is one of the fulfillment to take
UAS. This is also thanks to the support from various parties: family parents, homeroom
teachers, and supervisors in the process of making this scientific paper. Who always gives
encouragement to the author to finish this scientific paper on time.

Bajawa, November 2021

Carolus Mite

The COVID-19 pandemic has

all activities to be carried out from home, including education. The role of parents is
increasing in children’s education, especially in encouraging and providing motivation to
study hard. The research method used is the interview method (qualitative), with the number
of questions given to the resource persons (parents of class Xll IPS 8) students featuring 5
people. This study aims to examine and describe the role of parents in providing motivation
to children in bold learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Parents, motivation, learning
Foreword ………………………………………………………………….
Abstract ………………………………...…………….…….......................... ........
Keywords ……………………………………..………………………………………. .....
List of contents
Introduction ............................................................... .......................................................... ....
1.1 Background ………………………….………………………
1.2 Problem Identification ……………………………………………………
1.3 Problem Discussion …………………………………..
1.4 Problem Formulation ………………………………………………………
1.5 Research Objectives …………….………………
1.6 Benefits of research ………………………………..…
CHAPTER ll Literature Review ………………………………………………………
2.1 Theoretical Framework …………….……………………………….
2.2 Framework for Thinking ……………………….……
2.3 Hypothesis ................................................................ ...............................................
CHAPTER III Research Methods
3.1 Population and Sample …………………………………………
3.2 Data Collection Method ………………………
3.3 Research Instruments ……………………………..
CHAPTER IV Research Results and Discussion ……………………………….
4.1 Research Results ………………………………………….
4.2 Discussion ………………………………………….
BAP V Conclusions and Suggestions
5.1 Conclusion …………………………………………..
5.2 Suggestions …………………………………………..………
Bibliography ………………..……………………………………………

1.1 Background
1.2 The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all activities to be carried out from home. One of
these activities includes school. This also makes parents have to pay more attention to
their children by approaching and supervising the development of their children’s
schools, facilitating infrastructure so that children are more active in learning. The role of
parents is very important in motivating children in the midst of a pandemic like now.
Motivation is defined as encouragement. Encouragement is a movement of a person’s soul
and behavior to act. While the motive can be said to be a driving force which means
something that can move people to take action or behavior and in that action there is a certain
goal. There are also motivations according to experts:
1) According to Hasibuan in (Sutrisno, 2017) suggests that motivation is a desire stimulant,
and the driving force of a person’s willingness to work because each motive has a specific
goal to be achieved.
2) According to Sadirman (2006:73) motivation is a moving power from within to carry out
activities to achieve goals.
3) According to Mulyasa (2003:112) motivation is a driving or pulling force that causes
behavior towards a certain goal
There are so many school children who drop out of school as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic because parents don’t control their children. Parents must be able to support
children so that these children can be encouraged to be able to survive the current situation.
Not a few children who experience various problems when carrying out online learning.
At this time there are many schools that do online learning. This frustrates the children. These
children are required to have cell phones. Although there are a few children who are happy,
but there are also children who feel sorry
With his parents, because of economic conditions. This online or online school must also
make parents meet the needs of their children in participating in online learning. These needs
are in the form of pulses and so on. So that children’s learning activities can run smoothly.
The current learning system requires students and teachers to be done online or online. Where
students learn by not coming to school but learning from home. Many changes occur as
children learn online from home, such as the lack of children’s interest in learning with
material factors that are difficult to understand or understand so that children become bored
and depressed because of school from home or online.
During the online learning period, parental participation is needed so that distance learning
can be carried out optimally. In online learning, parents are teachers’ partners in helping and
supporting children at home. So that children’s learning activities can run smoothly.
1.3 Problem Identification
Based on the background described above, the identification of the problem in this study
is teh role of parents in increasing the learning motivation of students in class Xll IPS 8 at
Regina Pacis Catholic High School during online learning.
1.3 Problem Discussion
Based on the identification of the problem, the limitation of the problem in this study is
the role of parents in increasing the learning motivation of students in class Xll IPS 8 at
Regina Pacis Catholic High School during online learning.
1.4 Problem Formulation
From the discussion above, the problem can be formulated as follows:
1. What is the role of parents in motivating children?
1.5 Research Objectives
1. Helping parents approach their children
2. Helping parents in supervising their children’s school development
1.6 Research Benefits
1. For schoolchildren
This research can help them to be more obedient in participating in learning activities
from home.
2. For Parents
To better understand and support every process children do when learning from home.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

A. Parents
1. Understanding Parents
Parents are fathers and mothers who are responsible for the education of children, both
through biological and social relationships.
There is also an understanding of parents according to experts
 According to Patmonodewo (2003: 123), parents are the first teachers for their children.
Parents are obliged to maintain, educate and direct them so that they can develop optimally
according to their potential.
2. The Role of Parents
Parents have a very important role in the life and development of children. Meeting
children’s needs for nutritious and healthy food, instilling religious and moral values in life
are also important roles. There is also the role of parents according to experts
According to Lestari (2012: 153) the role of parents is the method used by parents with
regard to the views on the tasks that must be carried out in raising children.
According to Hadi (2016:102), it is stated that parents have the obligation and responsibility
to care for, maintain, educate, and protect children.
B. Understanding Motivation
1. Understanding Motivation
Motivation is defined as encouragement. Encouragement is a movement of a person’s soul
and behavior to act. While the motive can be said to be a driving force which means
something that can move people to take action or behavior and in that action there is a certain
There are also motivations according to experts:
1) According to Hasibuan in (Sutrisno, 2017) suggests that motivation is the stimulant of
desire, and the driving force of will,Someone’s work because each motive has a
specific goal to be achieved.
2) According to Sadirman (2006:73) motivation is a moving power from within to carry
out activities to achieve goals.
3) According to Mulyasa (2003:112) motivation is a driving or pulling force that causes
behavior towards a certain goal

2. Types of Motivation
 Achievement motivation. People with this type of motivation focus on achieving goals.
This motivation forms the basis for a good life, provides motivation for a dynamic and self-
respecting personality.
 Self-improvement motivation. If you don’t get motivation from outside, find motivation
from yourself. Self-motivation is the ability to fulfill desires, expectations, or goals without
being influenced by others. Self-motivation is important for achieving success in work and
personal life.
 Extrinsic motivation. The form of motivation that manifests itself is positive as well as
negative. Positive motivation comes in the form of a reward or treat, and can be expressed in
a negative sense by blackmailing or threatening
 Fear motivation. Fear is also one of motivation. We are “afraid” of driving on the wrong
side of the road. We are afraid to walk too close to the edge of a cliff. We are afraid of toxic
chemicals. This fear motivates us to make good decisions about our safety.
 Investment motivation. It is important to invest yourself physically, emotionally, and
financially in a task. The more invested in a task, the more likely he will be able to do a good
and complete job.
 Social motivation. Many people consider their social life to be their greatest motivation.
Their friends are their best motivator. The idea of being accepted among a group of people is
the motivation to achieve life’s goals.
 Attitude motivation. If you think positively, you can achieve things that other people
sometimes find unrealistic. A positive attitude helps you build strong relationships and stay
3. Factors that affect motivation
According to (Sutrisno, 2011: 166-120), motivation as a psychological person in a person
is influenced by several factors, both internal and external.
1. External factors (originating from outside) that can influence the motivation include:
a. nice environment
b. recognition of achievement
2. Internal factors (originating from within) that influence the motivation include:
a. Attitude towards yourself
b. Emotions and moods
c. Online Learning
Online learning means learning that is done online, using learning applications and social
networks. Online learning is learning that is done without face-to-face, but through an
available platform.
2.2 Framework for Thinking

Definition of motivation in my opinion. Motivation is something that exists

within oneself, such as the grip of life, the drive to achieve certain desires,
ideals and goals. So with the motivation of parents, children can be
encouraged to live their education actively again during the pandemic.



Child’s Learning Outcomes

2.3 Hypothesis

The hypothesis is a temporary answer to a problem that is still presumption

because it still has to be proven true. The alleged answer is a temporary truth,
which will be tested for truth with data collected through research. A
hypothesis according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is something
that is considered true for reasons or expressions of opinion (theories,
propositions, and so on) even though the truth still has to be proven. Based on
the theoretical study above, the hypotheses of this study are:

H1: It is suspected that there is an influence of the role of parents in increasing

the learning motivation of students in class XII IPS 8 at Regina Pacis Bajawa
Catholic High School during online learning.



1.1 Population and Sample

1. Population

The population is the whole of the object or event to be studied. Populations

are usually so large and so vast that it is often not possible to study the entire
population. The population in this study is the unit that has found the role of
parents in children’s motivation during the covid-19 pandemic. In this study,
the population was parents of students of class XII IPS 8 at Regina Pacis
Catholic High School which opened 34 people.

2. Sample

According to (Djarwanto, 1994 43), the sample is part of the population whose
characteristics must be studied. The samples in this study which were then
used as respondents were 10 percent of the parents of students in class XII IPS

1.2 Data Collection Method

In this study the authors conducted interviews (qualitative) which means
collecting data through the questions given. The meaning of interview
according to Esterberg in Sugiyono (2015: 72) interview is a meeting
conducted by two people to exchange information and ideas by way of
question and answer, so that it can be condensed into a conclusion or meaning
in a particular topic.

1.3 Research Instru

The research instrument in data collection was conducted by interview method

(qualitative). The instrument in question is an interview guide. The following
table presents the questions used by researchers for interview activities.


4.1 Research Results

Research to obtain data from parents of students in class Xll lPS 8 of Regina
Pacis Bajawa Catholic High School was conducted by interview method and
obtained the following data:
From the interviews conducted, there are parents who always support their
children by feeding their children with nutritious food, even though there are
some parents who do not fulfill their children’s needs. Parents also support
their children by providing supporting facilities, even though at home the
child’s parents do not have their own study room, thus disturbing the child at
online school or being brave. Parents also do not provide supporting supports
to help children in the bold learning process.
4.2 Discussion
Parents have a very important role in the education of their children,
including as a motivator. With the role of parents in motivating their children,
they will be happy because their parents are involved in online learning. The
efforts that can be made by parents in increasing children’s learning
motivation include: .
a. Know children’s learning outcomes,
Giving gifts and punishments to children
B. Provider of tools or facilities needed by children
In this way, children will be encouraged to study harder, if they get high
grades, their parents will be given gifts, and vice versa. And must meet the
needs of children when schooling online (online) so that children feel
comfortable, because their school needs have been met.
b. Provide tools or facilities needed by children
In this way, children will be encouraged to study harder, because if they get
high grades, their parents will be given gifts, and vice versa. And there must
be fulfillment of children’s needs when schooling online (online) so that
feel comfortable, because their school needs have been met.

5.1 Conclusion
Motivation is defined as encouragement. Encouragement is one of the movements of a
person’s soul and behavior to act. While the motive can be said to be a driving that can move
people to take action or behavior and in that action there is a certain goal. The support and
motivation of parents is very helpful for children. With the support and assistance of parents,
children can be encouraged to carry out online school activities with full responsibility and
discipline in doing and collecting assignments from teachers.

5.2 Suggestions

Suggestions for the progress of this scientific paper:

1. It is necessary to add literature to enrich this scientific paper.
2. Multi-source, which includes opinions from different people.

Edy Sutrisno. 2017. Motivation Management. Bumi Aksara. PT Gramedia. Jakarta
Sudirman. 2006. Interaction and Teaching and Learning Motivation. PT. King. Jakarta
Mulyasa. 2003. Competency-Based Curriculum. Rosda Teenager. Jakarta
Patmonodewo. 2003. Preschool Education. Rineka Citpta
Hadi. 2016. Fundamentals of the Role of Parents. Rajawali Pres. Jakarta
Djarwanto. 1994. Fundamentals of Financial Statement Analysis. BPFE
Lestaro. 2012. The Role of Parents. Febrian, Ryani, and Yusri

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