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pe ah le THE Foreworp AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Envircamental protection, as an issue of universal concer, has in recent times come Co transcend purely sclentiic attention and aow figures prominently an the socio-political anenda of the tntemational eomamuaniny at lange. ‘This 1s partioularty so in the case of the marine enrrirecment - and for good reason. Accounting, as ‘they do, for some 70% of the Earth's surace, our oceans ate fot only an ecological eet of unparalleled ‘imporance but also a determinative regulator of the fundamental conditions under which life on this planet continues to survive, And this [s 10 say nothing af their significance as a source of human suserance, In short, we pollute af our collective peril, ‘The contribution which the shipping industry can make to the conservation of the marine envitmarment 4s clearly of vital importance, Despite publi perceptions tn the contrary, reinforced by a popular medi ‘often hostile to maritime enlerpeive, the shipping industry's record in avoiding ship-sourced pollution ia ‘thoroughly creditable, However, this reality cannot exonerate the maritime transportation industry ‘from the imperanve of seeing Constant IMproverent In this area, nor has it Nad any influence on the Tnplemencatson by coastal mates of increasingly Draconian measures aimed at shipowners and those ‘wha serve at sea when accidents happen. Agains: this background, and in development of the American Cub’s palicy of seeking to exiend salety and loss prevention awareness among both onboard and shoreside personnel, it ts hoped that this jpublicurion will contribute te the corinzing protection of the marine enviranment. As always, the Managers thank the Board of the American Club, as well as its Safery and Environmental Protection Committee, tar their enthusiastic support in promoting these initiatives, Once again, Dt, BED ‘Moore deserves speclal thanks for bis continulngly energetic loss prevention activity fur the Club in respect af which this booklet is the latest example. Many thanks are alsa due to Jobin Stewenton whose aristic talent has once again crested 2 striking visual impect in which depiction, as in action, can abo ‘be seen to speak kauder than words! Joseph EM, Hughes Chairman & CEO Shipowners Claims Burean, inc, Managers forthe Amencan Cub “zz PREFACE ‘The maritime induscry has been moving inte & heightened state af awareness an the provection af the marine and gobal environment. We now lire In an ers where comcems about plobal warming, environmental protection and the sustainability of natural resources play a Rey tole in.aur dey to dey lives and will be important over the next millennia, Shipping i commonly misunderstood as to is impact to the envionment. It i ofe of the cleanest forme of ransportation with a safety and enviroamental record that exceeds many other forms of transportation, The industry bas played = posltive rele in reducing emissions, promoting, environmentally friendly antifouling paints, balast water management and other such initiatives ‘Nevertheless, it is impectant for seafarers to educate themselves as to the impact ships, seaberne ccargpes, fuels, stores and the people onboard can have upon the Marine Environment, ‘Consequently, the American Club gladly presents its latest publication; Pravecting the Manine Envtranment. The primary purpose of Porecrig the Marae Envionnens is 10 bekghten the aware ‘ness of seafarers that what goes cabourd the ship, such as peaple, cargo, stores, ele. should tsa come ‘off the ship in an environmentally friendly way, ‘We hepe that the seafaring community finds this publication usehul and we hope it contributes to a Rreater awareness and appreciation of the environmental sensitivity of our majestic seas. Witten A. Moore, Dx Eng. Shipowners Cisims Hurea, Inc, Managers American Steamship Owners sMutual Protection & Indemnity Assoctation, dc, ‘The cover and dnterior pages designed and illustrated by John Steventon. PROTECTING THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT IT HAS WITH PLACES TO EAT, SLEEP, AND WORK, 1 " THERE'S A atl BRIDGE, A GALLEY, Domai) || AN ENGINE ROOM, AND SOME KIND OF A CARGO HOLD. YOUR SHIP IS WHERE PEOPLE, STORES, FUEL, AND CARGO COME ONBOARD, AND PEOPLE, CARGO, AND WASTES GO OFF. HOW WE PREPARE AND HANDLE THE WASTES THAT LEAVE OUR SHIP MUST BE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND, HOW Is THE CREW HOLDING THEY SEEM UP, WITH THESE TO BE DOING TOILETS OUT OF ORDER? CLEANLINESS OF OUR SEASTS VITAL TO THE HEALTH AND 2 WELL BEING OF J ~ US ALL, 7 LET'S FACE LT THERE ARE A LOT OF SOURCES OF WASTE ON A SHIP. COME ON, WELL, SHIPS \ GEORGE. ITS a \{ ARENT THE ONLY BIG OCEAN ONES POLLUTING, bOES IT REALLY MATTER WHAT WE DO? BUT WE BO OUR SHARE, AND IT ALL ADDS UP. PROBLEMS ARE SHOWING UP ALL OVER. REMEMBER THAT RASH YOU GOT, WHEN YOU WENT SWIMMING WHERE WE DUMPED BALLAST WATER? I WISH WE HAD A REAL BOCTOR, OR HOW ABOUT THAT WEIRD FISH YOU CAUGHT LAST YEAR? AND REMEMBER, WE'RE NOT THE ONLY ONES WE SHOULD BE WORRYING ABOUT. OTL, PESTICTDES, CERTAIN CHEMICALS, AND OTHER MATERIALS CAN BE VERY HARMFUL TO THE ENVIRONMENT. AIR POLLUTION COMES DOWN WITH RAIN AND GETS INTO OUR FOOD AND WATER. we pomp INTO THE SEA CAN GET INTO THE PLANTS HARMFUL TOXINS AND FISH THAT THAT GO INTO THE AIR WE EAT. AND SEAS EVENTUALLY MAKE THEIR WAY BACK TOUS. BUT NOT EVERYTHING WE DUMP TS TOXIC! TRUE, BUT EVEN NON-TOXIC WASTES CAN BE HARMFUL. BALLAST WATER SEEMS HARMLESS, BUT COULD CARRY INVASIVE CREATURES INTO ENVIRONMENTS NOT PREPARED TO DEAL WITH THEM. EVEN STUFF THAT WERE ALLOWED TO DUMP CAN CREATE PROBLEMS, ESPECIALLY IN SENSITIVE SEA AREAS. THE RADIO SAYS SOME SHIP DUMPED TEN TONS OF CEREAL INTO THE HARBOUR! = E " NG WONDER THE FISH AREN! BITING! WAKE UP WHOEVER'S FILLING CARGO TANK FOUR AND BRING ME THEIR ey ircmrae| —E = feKL TIM CMON, GEORGE. FAKE THE RESULTS SO WE CAN GET BACK TO OUR SO WHAT CANA SEAFARER BO TO TAKE CARE OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT? I DUNNO, RAGNAR. THERE'S SOMETHING FISHY ABOUT THIS BALLAST WATER. WE CAN BOA LOT BY SIMPLY PAYING MORE ATTENTION ARE THE GUYS TO HOW WE BO GOING TO BEAL WITH THAT OIL CONTAMINATED \_ GRAIN? AND DOING OUR BEST TO FOLLOW PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS, THERE ARE STRICT RULES ABOUT DUMPING SHIP WASTES AT SEA. NO DUMPING AT ALLIS ALLOWED WITHIN 3 NAUTICAL MILES FROM SHORE. IDON'T CARE IF YOU ARE THREE MILES FROM THAT SHORE! ANY SHORE. f AFTER 3 MILES YOU CAN DUMP FOOD THATS BEEN GROUND TO LESS THAN ONE INCH, BEYOND 12 MILES FROM SHORE, YOU CAN DUMP FOOb WASTE THAT HAS NOT BEEN GROUND AND SOME CARGO RESIDUES. ALL OTHER GARBAGE INCLUDING PLASTICS, DOMESTIC WASTES, COOKING OTL, INCINERATOR ASH, OPERATIONAL WASTE AND FISHING GEAR IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, DUMPING OF PLASTICS IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. THESE RULES BECOME STRICTER FOR SPECIAL AREAS AND PARTICULARLY SENSITIVE SEA AREAS. ONLY FOOD SPEAKING WASTE CAN BE : OF FOOD WASTE, DUMPED IN THESE LETS GO SEE WHAT AREAS ' =——, COOKSMAKING J FOR LUNCHI AND EVEN THEN AT LEAST. 12 MILES FROM SHORE, WASTE MANAGEMENT REQUIRES KNOWLEDGE OF MANY REGULATIONS, UPDATES, PERMITS, AND A LOT OF PAPERWORK. cAN WE DUMP THIS CRAP YET? TM SURE THAT 3 T WROTE [IT DOWN F] SOMEWHERE. GARBAGE BALLAST. INCINERATOR YOUR SHIP SHOULD HAVE A SHIPBOARD MARINE POLLUTION EMERGENCY PLAN, OR SMPEP. THIS PLAN COVERS EACH CREWMAN'S RESPONSIBILITY IN CASE OF A POLLUTION EMERGENCY- aye /, tS) AND ARRANGE FOR A POLLUTION PREVENTION “he Y AND CLEANUP TEAM, T RECOMMEND THAT WE AVOID ANY SPILLS, FIRES, OR EMERGENCIES OF ANY KIND, KIDDING ASIDE, ALL CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT SPTLLS. EVEN ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGES ARE SOMETIMES LOOKED AT AS CRIMINAL OFFENSES. “sO WHAT ARE YOU IN SHIP OWNERS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT ANY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES CAN COME BACK TO HAUNT THEM, ONE BAY YOUR SHIP WILL BE RECYCLED. WHAT YOU DO ON THE SHIP TODAY CAN AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE, AND THE ENVIRONMENT, LATER, SO TAKE CARE OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT, FOR YOURSELF, YOUR FAJMILY, AND YOUR SHIP. REMEMBER, Es] AND YOU NEVER KNOW WHO'S WATCHING, WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! AMERICAN STEAMSHIP OWNERS MUTUAL PROTECTION & INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION, INC: SHIPOWNERS CLAIMS BUREAU, INC., MANAGER, SHIPOWNERS CLAIMS BUREAU, INC. ‘One Baltery Park Plaza, 314% Foor ew York, New York 10004. S.A, TEL #1 212 B47 4500 FAX +1 212 BA7 4599 WEB EMAIL infogarieeican-chib sem 2100 West Loop South, Suile 1525 Houston, TX T7027 U.S.A, TEL #1 34g 225 9500 EMAIL jar. SHIPOWNERS CLAIMS BUREAU (UK) LTD. ‘st Fine 28-20 Cornhill Londen ECSV SND, United Kingdom TEL «+44 20 7708 1300 FAX dd. 20-7708 1395 EMAIL claimsg@scbauk com SHIPOWNERS CLAIMS BUREAU (HELLAS), INC. 81 Akt Miagull — 4th Floor Piraeus 185 38 Greece TEL «+30 210429 4990123 FAX #30 210428 4187 6 EMAIL claimegiech-hollas.carn SCB MANAGEMENT CONSULTING (SHANGHAN CO., LTD, Room 1804 = Horgyi Piaza 288 Jiujang Road Shanghai 200001 Peaple's Ropuble of China TEL +86 213966 5000 FAX +86 21536655700 EMAIL 5CB MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD, United Centre, 33rd Fieor 55 Queensway Admiralty, Hang Kang TEL +882 8523 0580 FAX 9962 9602 5141 EMAIL hicnfngschmes com THE! AMERICAN ‘clus!

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