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A short questionnaire for teachers involved in our project (Stories that make us Smile) 

Dear teachers,
We would like to write a funny story together, within the eTwinning project. Let's imagine together a story that can
make us smile, so, let' s choose a character together. In cooperation with your students, please fill in this form to
help us create a character that we all like.

1. What country are you from?  

2. Who might be the character of a story that could make us smile?  

A litte girl
A little boy
A cat
A dog
A bear cub
A bunny

3. What is the name of the main character?  

4. What qualities should this character have? (mai multe răspunsuri posibile)  


5. Where does the action take place?  

On a magical land
In a city
In a village

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