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Jessel Joy M.





1. What are the major parts of a business letter and explain each part.

 Letterhead - if the letter is from a business. The top of a sheet of letter paper
has a heading called a letterhead. A name and address are frequently included,
as well as a logo or corporate design and, in some cases, a backdrop pattern.
The term "letterhead" is frequently used to refer to the entire page having such
a heading imprinted on it. The majority of company letterheads are printed on
A4 paper, while A5 and other custom sizes are occasionally used. For UK-based
limited firms, the law mandates that certain pieces of information be displayed.
The firm name, the location of registration, the registered number, and the
registered office address must all be mentioned.
 Return Address - the address of the person writing the letter. This is the
address to which you will be mailing your letter. Make it as complete as possible
so that it reaches its goal. If you know the title names (such as Dr.), always
include them. Like the other address, this one is in the left margin. The inside
address should appear through the window in the envelope if a regular 8 12" x
11" piece of paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9" business envelope (if
there is one). After the headline and before the recipient's address, skip a line,
then skip another after the inner address and before the greeting. See the
sample letter at the end of this sheet for an example.
 Dateline - Complete and current date. Three to six lines, flat left or right,
beneath the letterhead. The month (exactly spelt out), day, and year are all
listed on the dateline. The date line serves as a reminder of when the letter was
written. Use the date your letter was finished and mailed if it was written over
several days.
 Letter Address/Inside Address - the address of the person receiving the
letter. The recipient's address is written on the inside of the envelope. It's always
ideal to address your letter to a specific person at the company. If you don't
know the person's name, you can find out by calling the company or speaking
with workers. Include a title such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr. in the salutation.
 Salutation - the greeting of the letter. Example: Dear Sir or Madam. In a
business letter, the salutation (or greeting) is always formal. That usually starts
with "Dear Person's Name." If you know the person's title, include it as well
(such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr). If you're not sure of a person's title or gender,
use their first name. If the person you're writing to is named "Jordan" and you
don't know whether they identify as male, female, or non-binary, you might
merely use their first name.
 Body - the message of the letter. The meat of your letter is the body. Single
space and left justify each paragraph in block and modified block letter forms.
Regardless of the format, make sure to leave a blank line between each
paragraph. Always leave a line between the greeting and the body, as well as
between the body and the closing.
 Complimentary Close - the ending of the letter. Example: Sincerely yours. The
complimentary close is a brief and kind remark at the conclusion of your letter.
The close begins one line after the last body paragraph, with the same rationale
as your date. Between the close and the sender's name, capitalize the first word
of your closing (Thank you), and allow four lines for a signature. The closing
should be followed by a comma.
 Keyed Name - the authors typed name. The authors keyed name in the closing
of the letter.
 Handwritten Signature - the author signs the letter after it has been printed.
 Typist Initials - initials of the typist. If the note is typed by someone other than
the author, the typewriter initials should be mentioned. Initials of typists are
typed in lower case with no spaces or punctuation.

2. What are the different types of letter styles?

 Full Block Style – Formal business letters are written in full block format. The fact
that every line begins at the left margin distinguishes this format. None of the
type lines are centered or aligned to the right. The only exception is if the firm
letterhead is pre-printed. If you're writing a resignation letter, a professional
thank you letter, a letter of reference, or a resume cover sheet, full block format
is a terrific option.
 Modified Block Style – In business letters, the modified block layout is typical. It's
a classic and widely used method. When drafting a business letter, a modified
block style letter is a frequent structure. The main difference between it and a
block style letter is the arrangement of the return address, date, and
complimenting closing.
 Indented Style – It is the most traditional method of composing business letters.
The initial word of each paragraph in an indented style letter is written with
some (two or four) spaces from the left margin. The date is on the right margin,
the inner address is on the left margin, the subject is in the midst of two
margins, and the complement is near to the right margin, and so on.
 Hanging Indented Style – The second and subsequent lines of a paragraph in a
Hanging format letter begin one or two words after the first word of the first line.
Parts of the letter can be placed in either a block or an indented form here. With
one exception, this style is identical to the semi-block style. All additional lines in
each paragraph are aligned with the left margin instead of being indented. It
isn't commonly used in business communications.
 Simplified Style – All of the features in simplified-style business letters are the
same as in full-block and semi-block letters. Except for the company emblem or
letterhead, the simplified format, like the full-block format, left-justifies every
line. The date line is either slightly off-center or flush with the page's center.
Internal components such as the body, salutation, and date line are reduced in
the streamlined format.

3. What letter style that is common today? 

Block format is the most typical arrangement for a business letter. Except for a
double space between paragraphs, the entire letter is left justified and single spaced in
this format. Modified block format is yet another extensively used format.


Discuss how important are the parts of a business letter. (20 points)

Professionalism is essential in business. As a result, a business letter has a

certain format and components that are used by employees in and around the company
to communicate professionally. Business letters may serve as evidence of the discourse
that is taking place. As a result, every business must adhere to a fundamental format
and sections of a business letter that demonstrate politeness. Having the relevant
components in a business letter structured in the appropriate way will help us reach the
initial threshold of providing a professional-looking document that the receiver will take
seriously, regardless of what type of business letter you are writing. The importance of
each section of a formal letter cannot be overstated. Furthermore, the letter may be
incomplete if one or more parts are missing. As a result, when writing a business letter,
one should be mindful about these aspects because these letters can determine an
organization's growth and game. If properly presented, the sections of a formal letter
make an impression on the recipient. It is critical to comprehend all of the components
of a business letter in order to effectively employ them and achieve success.

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