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Ethical issues in business affect a variety of aspects related to a business’s general operating
standards. The topic of ethical problems in business is focused on what actions a business
takes and/or what policies a business creates in its efforts to resolve ethical questions that
come up.

The importance of ethical issues in business cannot be overstated, particularly in today’s day
and age of social movements and political correctness. All personal feelings set aside, it
remains a fact that current events have reshaped current ethical issues in business and, to a
large degree, have increased the focus placed on ethics in the workplace.

Establishing a code of ethics for your business to operate by will help you lay a firm
foundation of basic trust between you and your employees, clients, partners, suppliers, and so
on. Fortunately, the law often gives the answers to questions related to ethical issues in
business (we’ll touch on some examples later on), but that’s not always the case. That’s why
every business owner should familiarize themselves with what ethical problems in business
are, why they matter, and how they should be addressed.
Ethical issues are even more important for startups and small businesses since their
reputations are not as well-established as a big corporation might be. What that means is, if
there’s a lawsuit over an ethical issue at your business, the process of defending yourself
could do some serious damage. It could even bankrupt your business! Take these ethical
problems in business seriously and avoid the risk to your reputation and financial stability.

Our research highlights many ethical issues for Amazon, including climate change,
environmental reporting, habitats & resources, pollutions and toxics, arms & military supply,
human rights, worker's rights, supply chain management, irresponsible marketing, animal
rights, animal testing, factory farming, use of controverial technologies, political activies, and
anti-social finance.

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