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Tugas 11 B.

Nama : Afrian Arga Prastya
NIM : 211211001
Kelas : DA21

1. Is make = is made
~ Latex Rubber is made of a milky substance in plants and trees of the sapodilla
2. Call = called, an altitude = altitude
~ Denver is called the “Mile High City” because it is at altitude of 5,280 feet or 1 mile
above sea level.
3. Power = powers, is = is being, controlling = controlled
~ Nuclear powers production in the U.S. is being controlled by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission.
4. Every = in the
~ The flag is risen at 6:30 in the morning without fail.
5. Was compose of = was composed of
~ Natural gas was composed of hydrocarbon molecules that break apart into
hydrogen and carbon atoms.
6. Light = lit
~ A candle will be lit at the memorial service for the Fallen soldier.
7. Nuclear-powered = nuclear powered
~ The first nuclear powered ship in the world, the Nautilus, launched by the U.S.
Navy in 1954.
8. Soon after = after, was = were
~ After the United States entrance into the war, the major hotels in Atlantic City
were transformed into military barracks.
9. Were = was
~ The National Wildflower Research Center was established in 1982 by lady Bird
Johnson on sixty acres of land east of Austin.
10. Spiraled = spiral’s
~ The narwal can be easily recognize by the long spiral’s tusk attached to the left side
of its head.
11. Don’t use than
~ Plant cuttings that are placed in water will develop roots and can planted in soil.
12. Nothing is wrong
~ Neon is ofthen used in airplane beacons because neon beacons are so visible that
they can be saw even through dense fog.

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