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“My Mission Story”

A. Barangay
- as a member of my community, I can express my participation by joining local religious groups, and
volunteering to be a part of their missionary groups. I will gladly sacrifice my Sundays to enlighten
people who are in need of God's grace.

B. Church
- As a member of the church, there are many ways I can show participation. I would do my best to be
involved every Sunday with church activities. Using the blessings that God bestowed, is the least I could
do to show him my unwavering love and faithfulness to him. By joining the church choir, I could reach so
many people with only my voice, as well as strengthening my connection with God.

C. Friends
- There are many ways I could show my participation to my friends. One of my favorite ways that I do, is
share to them some really good religious movies. It's not as a direct approach as the previous ones, since
not many of my friends are as openly religious as I am, but it's a lovely experience when we get together
to watch them, and we can presence of the Lord through the lessons of the movies.

D. Nation
- I can show my country my participation in doing our mission by being the best citizen I can be, and
trying to improve myself each day. Considering the greater good, so everyone I encounter are happy, is a
sign that I carry the words of God in me, and apply them to my everyday life as Filipino citizen.

E. World
- The internet is what keeps the world so interconnected these days. I could use this as a medium to
reach people from all over the world, either I utilize my social media platforms, or start a new Bible blog.
The internet is open to anyone who has access to it, and even if only one person I physically couldn't
reach, can learn something from me and my experience, and has an impact to them, I can count that as
showing the world my that I did my part in our mission

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