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PC vs Console Gaming

Jared Peck

Pittsburgh Technical College

English Composition 1

Ms. Jessica Cooper


PC vs Console Gaming

In 2020 there were 49.6 million gaming PCs sold worldwide, compared to 46.3 million

gaming consoles. Based on that fact you can tell the world loves gaming. There are two

definitive groups in the gaming community the PC gamers and the Console gamers. There are

pros and Cons to each side depending on your situation. Your decision may be swayed by your

friends, a random YouTube video you watched or even some of the exclusive titles they have

released on each platform. There are 3 main deciding factors in your decision, Affordability

Convenience, and Customization.

Affordability is a main factor in whether you chose a console or a PC. People mainly assume that

PCs can be more expensive because of all the options they are presented with, however that is

not true all of the time. Consoles are very cut and dry one main system that cost a base price that

is what you pay and that is what you get there are multiple generations of some brands for

example, an Xbox one compared to an Xbox one S. The Xbox one S has slightly better

processing and a few different features for fifty dollars extra. PCs on the other hand are way

more complex and offer many more options for pricing. You have two options when buying a

PC buying the parts and building it yourself or buying the PC already built. If you buy the parts

yourself you can get better value as there is no build cost added on when you check out. Pre-built

PCs can however be a better option if you would rather just plug and play. Consoles range from

three hundred to five hundred dollars and PCs can range from as low as one hundred and fifty

dollars to two thousand dollars.

Convenience is another factor largely considered when choosing your device. When you buy a

console, you essentially plug it in and set up an account and you are on your way. PCs require a

little more setup than that. PCs are less convenient in the fact that you have to download

windows and create more accounts to play as well as getting a desk setup. Consoles however you

create an account for the certain console you have download the games and next thing you know

you’ve been playing for the past five hours. Another thing about consoles is the fact that it is

more convenient to play in a living room at a tv as the controller can just be held in your hand

opposed to a keyboard and mouse that need a hard surface to rest on. On the other hand, while

you can game on a PC you can do so much more such as write a compare and contrast essay on

the differences and similarities between PC and console gaming as I am doing right now.

However, on both PCs and Consoles you can run apps like Spotify YouTube and, Twitch. As

well as play a lot of the same games.

The final factor between the two is customization. PCs as I mentioned before you can pick and

choose how powerful you want it to be. Consoles are cut and dry everyone has the same parts

which limits what games you can play before you either upgrade and buy your next console or

just simply cannot play the game. PCs can also be upgraded as well if you run into a game your

computer cannot handle because it is too demanding you can buy better parts and upgrade rather

than buying a completely new rig. Some similarities in customization however you can

customize the outside of your machine weather that be with stickers however you want. You can

also customize your profiles for each system by setting a color of your preference, as well as a

profile picture, and name. PCs however you can customize virtually anything from operating

system to desktop background. Consoles are locked to one operating system and there is no way

to change it no matter what you do.

In conclusion there are three main factors in deciding whether you should get a PC or console

Affordability Convenience, and Customization. Depending on your situation and your wants for

your setup. You can tailor your experience to what you want and what you need based off of

Affordability Convenience, and Customization.



Alsop, T. (2022, February 17). Game console market share 2020. Statista. Retrieved Feb-
ruary 22, 2022, from

FRAMINGHAM, M. (2020, September 30). Gaming PCs and monitors will benefit from
increased time at home and GPU refresh in 2020, according to IDC. IDC. Retrieved February
22, 2022, from

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