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What is your favorite animal?


My favorite animal is the dog he is always happy when I get home he is very affectionate with
me and always takes care of me

What is your favorite color? Why

My favorite color is black I feel that it gives me joy, intelligence and makes me look strong in
front of others

What is your country? And why?

My country is Colombia, it fills me with joy every day and I am proud to be Colombian.

What is your favorite city? and why?

My favorite city is Valledupar. I am happy to be Vallenato and proud to have participated in all
the cultural activities that took place in my city.

What is your favorite day of the week? why?

My favorite day is Saturday because I go out with my family we have fun we eat we go to
cinemas, shopping centers and most of the day I enjoy it to the fullest with them.

What is your favorite kind of book? Why?

My favorite book is soccer teacher is a book that led me to know more about this sport and
inspired me to get ahead and it is a book that I still have and I read it to my friends and cousins
who like soccer and that inspires them to go out and succeed day by day

What is your favorite movie? Why?

My favorite movie is a faithful friend he taught me to see the world in a different way where
my life changed to be a good man and treat other people with great respect and simplicity

What is your favorite kind of music? Why?

My favorite type of music is reggaeton it helps me get out of sad days and motivates me to get

What is your favorite televisión program? Why?

My favorite television program is American TV, it shows me what happens every day in
Colombia and that is very important because I can transmit it to my relatives so that they are
aware of everything.

Who is your favorite actor or actress? Why?

My favorite actor is Williams smit he is my favorite actor of all the films in the world he has
taught me to grow as a person since in his films he acts in an impressive way and that he
would change life with his way of acting in movies and in real life

Who is your favorite soccer player? Why?

My favorite player is Lionel Messi, he encourages me to continue playing football, he is a very

respectful person in what he does on and off the pitch and that leads my personality to success
and to triumph every day plus
Who is your favorite Singer? why?

My favorite singer is archangel I love his music he has a voice that I like a lot and his music
inspires me too much I love

Who is your favorite person? Why?

My favorite person is my mother since she was the one who brought me into the world and
thanks to her I am who I am I adore her a lot she has instilled in me the duties and to be a
better person every day.

What is your favorite place? Why?

My favorite place is the Guatapuri River, a cultural center in Valledupar where I have fun with
my family every weekend and it is a place where many tourists go and that makes me very

What is your favorite breed of dog? why?

My favorite breed of dog is the Pitbul I adore it I have one at home and it is a very respectful
and affectionate dog with all of us my dog takes care of us

What is your favorite excuse? Why?

My favorite excuse is that I left the transport and I could not arrive on time

Thank you

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