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I Vocabulary

Obnoxious - extremely unpleasant, especially in a way that offends people

Encounter (smb) - to meet somebody, or discover or experience something, especially

somebody/something new, unusual or unexpected (SYN meet)

Write smb off - to decide that somebody/something is a failure or not worth paying any
attention to (SYN dismiss)

Infer - to reach an opinion or decide that something is true on the basis of information
that is available

Harsh (word) - cruel, severe and unkind

Clumsy (step) - moving or doing things in a way that is not smooth or steady or careful

Jerk - (informal) a stupid person who often says or does the wrong thing

Down the road - at some time in the future

Outweigh - to be greater or more important than something

Bias - a strong feeling in favour of or against one group of people, or one side in an
argument, often not based on fair judgement

Consistent - always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards,

Cognition - the process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in the


Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex - вентролатеральная префронтальная кора

Superior temporal sulcus - верхняя височная борозда

II Find the opposites for these words in the video:

consistent rare high-level

quiet short score

moral positive incorrectly

incompetent inability disappear

typical scarce In the past

III Answer the questions

1. Why do we remember bad things about other people’s behavior?

2. Can our first impressions change?
3. Think about the last time you judged someone based on their behavior,
especially a time when you really feel like you changed your mind about

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