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North Western University Khulna, Bangladesh

Department Of Computer Science and Engineering

Library Management System
Software Development Sessional-I
Course No: CSE-1304

Developed By �
Tamim Wasif
Md. Sifat Ahammed Akash
Supervised By-
Tajul Islam
Department Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
North Western University, Khulna, Bangladesh

Table of Contents
Chapter Title
Chapter 1Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objective ����.1
1.3 Related Works ����.1
1.4 Project Proposal ����.1
1.5 Platform works ����.2
Chapter 2 Project Overview on the User Sense
2.1 Borrow Book ���....3
2.2 Return Book ����3
2.3 View Book List ����3
2.4 Search a Book ����3
Chapter 3 Implementation
3.1 UML Design
3.2 Class Explanation ����4
3.3 Input ����5
3.4 Output ����5

Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future Works

4.1 Conclusion
4.2 Future Works ����6
Chapter 01: Introduction

The library is now a necessary place to read books. We can define a library is a
curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by
experts and made accessible to a define community for reference or borrowing, often
in a quite environment conducive to study. Over time, everything has touched such
technology. Library management system to make library management easier and save
A Library Management System is a software built to handle the primary housekeeping
function of a library. It is an application which refers to library systems which
are generally small or medium in size.
Library Management System is used by librarian to manage the library using a
computerized system where admin can record various transactions like issue of books
addition of new member�s etc. Books and members maintenance modules are also
included in this system which would keep track of the members using the library and
also a detailed description about the books a library contains. Library members can
also use this software to view the book list and reserve their favorite books in

The objectives of this project is to develop a system that can handle and manage
the activities involved in a library in an efficient and reliable way. Less
managingpersonnel and easy searching availability are major goals in this project.
The project objectives that will be achieved after completion of this project are
discussed in this subchapter. The objectives are as follows:
Administrator should have logins.
Develop a file which stores user details & book details.
Member login page where member can find books issued by him and to return.
Create an easy to understand user friendly environment.
To design a user friendly graphical user interface which suit the user.
Admin can add the member�s information and also can remove.

Related Works
We have seen some works of library management system and we have seen that they
used user login and admin login system in their project. We have also seen some
projects which used the fee system for extra keeping book. Many projects have used
insert-update-delete process in file system in C plus plus.
1.4 Project Proposal
The proposed system is an automated library management system. With our work, admin
can add members, add books, search for member data, update information, edit and
delete information. And users can borrow book.

1.5 Platform Works

We used c++ for language and codeblocks for compiler, to do our Library Management
System project.
Chapter 02: Project Overview on the User Sense
2.1 Borrow Book
User (student) can borrow book from this project. One user cannot borrow more than
one book. He/she must return the book to take a new book.
Every student will have an admission number. First the student who want to borrow a
book must be admitted into the file system. Then the student will be searched in
the file with his/her admission number, if the student is in the file system then
he/she can borrow a book.
Every book will have a number in the file system. The user will need to enter the
book number for borrowing. If he/she enter the book number then the book will be
borrowed for him.

2.2 Return Book

User (student) can return book from this project.
First the user need to enter the admission number of him/her. Based on the
admission number the program will check whether the user has any pending book or
not. If yes then it will show the details of the book he/she borrowed. After that
the program will ask that how many days the book was kept. If the number is greater
than 15 then the program will calculate extra fees for extra days. 1 taka for extra
one day.
If the user does not have any pending book then the program will tell for recheck.

2.3 View Book List

User (student) can see the full book list. If there is any confusion about the
books, then the user can see the all books and check the details about the books.
The user will first see the category of all the books such as �CSE�, �EEE�,
�English�, �Architecture� etc. Then after selecting any category the student can
see those books.

2.4 Search a Book

User (student) can search a specific book. If there is any confusion about the
books, then the user can see that book and check the details about that book.
The process of search book is also same as view book list. User will first see the
category of all the books, then user will need to choose the category, and then
user can search for it.
Chapter 03: Implementation

3.1 UML Diagram

Diagram 1: The UML diagram

3.2 Class Explanation
The library class has four public variable and fourteen methods. The Library()
constructor will set all the variable with a random value. The start() method will
show the main menu of the project. The student() method will show the options for
students. The pass() method will be used to take the password from the admin. If
the password is wrong, admin cannot login to the system. The Admin() method shows
the menu of admin. By changePass() method admin can change his/her password. The
newBook() method is used to enter a new book into the file system by admin. The
showBook() method is used to show book from the file. The booklist() method will
show the list of books for a specific class. The modifyBook() method is used to
modify a books information. It will be only done by admin. The getBook() method
will allow the admin to get the book by its name or by its id. The branch() method
will show all the branch of books. The issuBook() method will show the options for
issuing book. User can issue book from this method. The fine() method will
calculate the fine of keeping book for extra days.

3.3 Input
There is a choice list for every option. The inputs can be 1-3 or 1-4 etc.
For searching a book a user need to enter the books name or user can search a book
by its id.
For admin password, admin needs to input his/her password in the system.
Admin can search a book by its name or its id.
Admin can modify books name by taking input new name and new id of the book
Admin can add new book into the file.
User can issue book
Admin can delete a book by takin input of the name of the book

3.4 Output
User can see the book list or search a specific book information
Admin can see the book list or search a specific book information
Admin can delete book or student information from the file. The file will be
updated after deletion
After borrowing a book the files will be updated
Chapter 04: Conclusion and Future Work
4.1 Conclusion
Our project is a simple work with file system. By our project user can see the
books list, borrow a book from the library. There is a full control of admin. Admin
can modify book, student information, also can add book in the file system.

4.1 Future Work

Our project is a c++ file based project. In future we will try to enhance our work
by adding database in this project. Database is a secure system by which we can
store our information securely. Database system is better than the file system.

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