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I The World Around Us Rodney King response §A look at 'Bay City Nights Football bound for France



Mercyhurst responds to R o d n e y King issue

O p e n forum attempts to understand
The forum was presented by the pre- was shaking his hand.
By Jule Gardner
law club and the minority student union. Wherry, assistant professor of criminal
Merciad News Editor The panel consisted of three members of justice and 20-year veteran of law enforce-
the professional community: James Sher- ment, spoke about the police standpoint
Los Angeles and the country have rod, Dennis Williams and Vernon Wherry;
erupted and Mercyhurst has taken notice. He discussed the supposition on the part of
and three student representatives of the the officers that King was under the inlu-
On Monday, May 4, an academic discus-
sion was held on the Rodney King verdict, minority student union: Gerald Battle, ence of PGP. He also said, * 'It might have
which found the four police officers, shown Nicole Thompson and Kevin Carroll. The made a difference if the video started as
event was moderated by David Armstrong, soon as the car was stopped." :•*
beating King on the now-famous video,
who is the Mercyhurst assistant football After an hour of legal discourse, Sher-
not guilty. The gathering was at 8 p.m. in
coach and was assistant prosecutor in the rod, a 1985 graduate of Mercyhurst and
Sullivan Hall with every seat filled and
city of Lakewood, Ohio, when he at- dircector of youth services at the Martin
others standing in the wings.
tended law school. Luther King Center in Erie, was invited to
The discussion was held in two parts:
l)legal issues surrounding the trial itself Williams, a local?defense attorney, begin the open discussion portion of the
and how the verdict was readied and 2)an spoke first about die trial itself. He re- presentation. He said, "I don't think the
open forum about the moral and ethical ferred to the three lawyers defending three looting is justifiable. They still don't have
issues involved with the widespread vio- police officers and the one officer who anything to help King." Sherrod suggested
lence. opposed their defense. He said the de- peaceful protests and boycotts instead of
fense mainly consisted of "scaring*' the rampant violence. "It's not Rodney King Rodney King | *
jury with die idea that they wouldgbe backers. There are a lot of people who AP photo courtesy of Erie Daily Times
revoking protection if they found the offi- jumped on the band wagon and that's why

CHECK cers guilty. "I honesdy believe they did

not have a successful defense. It was a
failure of our judicial system rather than a
it's blown put of proportion. You can't
gain any thing you need through the use of
violence." * W^WPP!^
portunity to read what he had written. He
said, "I have witnessed the re-attached
finger of my own father which was unbe-
victory for the defense, ' Williams said.
Williams was optimistic in exploring
Some protest within the audience
emerged at the mention of boycotts to
lievably stomped off by a police officer's
boot.. Justice is on trial now... Many
Americans hoped that the videotape would
other means for justice in the case. He said combat the problem.
that the defendants could be tried at both At this, another audience member ar- have led to convictions... This failed and
the state and federal levels if they were tried gued, "If you think non-violence doesn't justice is now guilty of being unjust" He
Friday, May 8 on two separate and distinct claims. He said work, go back and read (Martin Luther) received aroundof applause when he had
this would not be double jeopardy, which is King's books. To assume you can't do it concluded. (A complete reprint of his
4:30 to 5:30 pjn. Campus trying someone twice for the same crime, non-violendy is a disservice to his mes- speech is located on page three of this
Ministry. Prayer Group. ( Armstrong added that thejury was' 'put sage.
» »
issue.) > |
9 pan. Erie Plaza. Spring For- in the shoes of die police officers." In Battle, along with the other student The presentation was concluded by
mal. ;li' regard to his opinion of why the verdict panelists, mentioned their background and Armstrong recapping some of the images
came about, he said it was partly because personal experiences with law enforce- of the past two weeks that had left an
the defense used stillframeversions of the ment impression on him. He mentioned the
Saturday, May 9 video which lessened the effect "If the Througout the discussion Caroll was truck driver brutally beaten. He mentioned
video showed me punching someone in the writing in a notebook placed in front of the voice of King, choked with tears, as'
11 a.m. Townhouses. Spring stomach, in still frame, it could look like I him. Toward the end, he grabbed an op- pleaded for the violence to end.
Activities Day.
8 pan. to 12 a.m. Campus
Center. Robotic Boxing. Mercyhurst critiques media coverage
tf£lw» that he doesn't see how the story could not be
Sunday, May 10 By Joseph Legler covered. "It was a damned if you do, damned
Editor-in-Chief :rt if you don't situation," he said. ^L
Spring Activities Picnic. Leisering added that the "elaborate" cov-
7 p.m. Government Cham fDid the networks use tasteful methods in erage may have been the cause of riot out-
bers. MSG Meeting. covering the rioting in L.A. following the breaks elsewhere in the country. "I suppose it
acquittal of four white police officers in the depends on your impression of the media,*' he
beating of Rodney King, a black motorist? said.
Monday, May 11 The networks showed the videotaped Ragan and Leisering were quick to point out
beating of Kins'over and over. Once the vio- that the media can't be solely blamed for the
7 p.m.* Campus Ministry. lence started, the media repeatedly showed a travesties that occurred across the country.
Scripture Study. beating of a white truck driver by several black Bill Greenleaf, a sophomore at Mercyhurst,
youths. Was it responsible journalism? has a brother who lives in San Jose. He said
at Dick Ragan, the head of the communica- that he wasn't worried about his brother on the
Tuesday, May 12 tions department, feels that the media has de- first day of therioting,but was worried when
generated into "tabloid television/* A * he heard that it had spread to San Francisco.
3 to 4 p jn. Campus Ministry. The violence in LA. needed to be covered, .Bill Greenleaf discusses violence. "My brother lives in San Jose about one-half
Adopt-A-GrandparenL but was it done for something other than houraway; When I heard that the violence was
4 to 5 pan. Campus Ministry* keeping the country informed? sitized to the actual velocity of the beating (and spreading, I called him,'* he said. "He did not
Raps on Religion; "The networks have an ulterior motive in thefollowingriots)by having seen it so many even know about it until about an hour before
4:30 pjn. Union.\ Reconcili- -ratings," said Ragan. times. "People see so much of this on T.V. I called.. Jie said he was safe."
ation. '-<• j£ "Disenfranchised young black men with nowdays that sometimes they forget that 'My Greenleaf said that he thought the media
8 p.m. Campus Ministry. Al- limited opportunities watched that videotape God, that was a human being being beaten,*" made the violence out to be everywhere at first,
Anon Meeting. replayed time and time again," he said. "It he said. , but he doesn't feel it was blown out II

built up a feeling that whites were the enemy." i John Leisering, the WMCE station man- don. "The media covered this as tastefully as
He feels that people may have been desen- aeer and veteran in the media industry, said can be expected," he said.
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MBA travels to capital
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By Suzanne Coneglio
i Merciad Staff Reporter
V* .V.V.W.V.'.V.V.-A
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Sx This past weekend Mr. How-


>.v- ard Paul, assistant professor of

business, andfiveMercyhurst stu-
Vx uaivrvxvrv* . ^ . W A W . a-a'aVW.

^SKfc| KSS
teh&* dents traveled to Washington, D.C.
They spoke with the Federal
Communications Commission
Editor's Note: This column is designed to let the Mercyhurst (FCC) about telecommunications
community know what is happening in the international, national and the industry's components, how
and local arenas. The news is gatheredfroma variety of sources. it's segmented and new develop-
By Jule Gardner Mercyhurst students included:
Merciad News Editor Sherlyn Celone, Brian Dloniak,
Nicole Donachy, Valerie Tighe, and oniak, members of the Mercyhurst
INTERNATIONAL: Gina Valento. § • . Business Association, were among those who visited Washington D.C.
"The \ purpose is to provide
Algeria — Twelve men were sentenced to hang for the murder of background | on ^ an industry and cations for the business students. has done something like this for
three members of the Algerian army. The accused were said to be career opportunities in industries Paul says, "We use the paper to the students. Paul says, * 'I feel it is
connected to an outlawed Muslim fundamentalist opposition party. and companies in the industry," give students direction. This paper beneficial to the students doing the
The sentence is the most severe punishment thus far, under the new said Paul i will then become available for fu- research and it results in a benefi-
martial-law government which took effect in January. The cam- After the meeting the students ture classes." cial document to the students for
paign to discipline any Muslim opponents is k also 3 targeted to prepared a paper on telecommuni- This is thefirstyear Mercyhurst i this year and following years.''
newspapers. Three editors have been jailed after investigation, one
was released.

United Nations — Chancellor Helmot Kohl of Germany has said

that his country has die countries of the former Soviet Union %W%
Security apprehends reported thief

and Eastern Europe to its capacity. He addressed the .American Dever said people j were on the windows. The stolen tile read "Jesus By Karen McGuire
Newpaper Publishers Association, gathered at the U.N. and insisted
lookoutforthe individual and knew is laid in the tomb." Former Editor-in-Chief
thatitwastimeforJapan* towntiibutermoreUianithasuptonow to report him. "This has been in the chapel for
toward this reform effort" He also said that if Eastern Europe and On Wednesday, April 8, Mer- "This is what we've been trying a long time," said Dever. "It is
the former Soviet Union are left to face their economic problems cyhurst Security apprehended a to do for a long time," he said. considered a venerate object" He
alone, the rest of the world could face **uncontrollable political stranger hi Zurn Hall. The young Dever said the suspect was said that he is treating the incident
developments." fe i man was turned over to the Erie "known to take anything he could as a serious crime. j
Police Department who arrested conceal." He said the Erie Police Anyone with information about tit

Afghanistan - Fiercefightingonce again erupted in Kabul when hint He was then sent to the Erie Department recovered a Walkman the loss of the tile should contact
a hostile guerilla leader against die new government fired rockets County Prison where he is bring compact disk player that they be- Dever. All names will be held strictly
and artillery shells at the city. A related story concerned a farmer, held for outstanding warrants and lieved was stolen from a student at confidential.
Fatullah, returning to Kabul after a year of violence to see the violating parole. Mercyhurst and are trying to find
remains of his home and the graves of his wife, three daughters and Bud Dever, director erf secu- the owner.
three sons. The city was once meant to be a lavish summer resort rity, said several people called and If anyone lost a compact disk
Fatullah-said, "I have nothing. One by one the rockets took my reported a suspicious person walk- player, they should contact Dever
family, took my land. It was so beautiful, so beautiful'' ing around on campus. * The de- at 824-2329. • |
scription of the man being reported Another theft occurred over the
NATIONAL: fit the description given by two weekend, of April 11. A plaster
of office thefts several weeks •K II.Hi>n on a mosaic picture in the * l

Washington - President Bush told Senate Republicans that he had ago. Christ the King Chapel was re-
ordered the Justice Department to arrest any rioters who can be Dever said the thefts were well ported stolen.a Mosaic depictions
charged under Federal laws in connection with the 58 deaths, publicized along with the descrip- of the life of Christ line the walls of
widespread destruction and looting. Some of Bush * s political critics tion of the perpetrator. As a result, the chapel between the stained glass
had complained at the end of the week that his response to the crisis
had been slower than was demanded.

Los Angeles — Reginald Denny, the truck driver who was beaten
WSiiSBmMKmM Department visits Opryland
during thefirsteruption ofriots,spoke for thefirsttime since the
incident, Wednesday. He asked for a fly swatter because of a fly By Chris Fiely a night ^ ^ ^ accepiipiM
» »

buzzing around the room. He also wrote a note to a social worker % On Tuesday, the group attended
present that said, "I'm just a regular guy. I never meant to be Merciad Sports Writer lice training
various meetings. Opron gave some
famous." Doctors at Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital in Ingle- brief comments. He introduced Ray
wood said his condition was improving. -|J On Easter | Sunday j the Mer- Waters, Director! of Convention Gi^:ii&^8H^noleted fee
cyhurst bus, with 29 passengers, Services. Waters is on the HRIM li^lioffirse^e^^ my

Birmingham — More than 700 people gathered to remember a and a Mercyhurst van with 10 others Advisory Board at Mercyhurst He Vanta tor- trairun^onfiocat
homeless black man who was killed last month by suspected white headed for the "Home of Amer- talked about conventions and other
supremacists and to protest the growing number of the "skin- ica's Music," Nashville, Tennes- hotel procedures.
heads" in their city. As the speeches progressed, members of the see. The passengers were mem- Mr. John Wolper, head of the ateiof
crowd objected loudly that attention had shiftedfromthe homeless bers, faculty and friends of the department, said, "Trips of this Sacr
man to the verdict in Los .Angeles. Mercyhurst Hospitality Department. nature are valuable for the stu- S3S8SS
They arrived at the Opryland dents. It tends to bring the depth of iSartSttidies af Mercy l#si|poliegg

New York — In a city which leads the nation in reported AIDS Hotel in Nashville at 11:30 a.m. reality to the scope of the Hospital-
* * *L i ^ l i C ^ ^ i a t a a a»>^ T^^^

cases, health officials also estimate that approximately 20,000 There was a Hospitality Suite ity Service Industry. Ironically, in
children have lost their mothers to the disease. One student, 17- available to relax and serve as a Nashville, we ran into a Mercyhurst t tl E
year-old Jennifer Torres, has written a skit about the death of her meeting place for the group. The accounting graduate, Tim Harring-
on 4ff' V ^M^f ^' 11
mother. In it she said, "You didn't have to die, but you preferred suite wentfor$900 a night Eric ton, who was seeking employment :|Aa%^ng^ciEft D^erl^
^cto|[>isec|rity, Hillwas asked|o
yourfriends,drugs, the streets, over me." Opron, a Mercyhurst graduate, was at the Opryland Hotel. I-
the convention manager for the "Later in the same day, I was tjolrt u^efM^cynurstlEbrc^ eapsr
LOCAL: group. Opron gave a full tour of asked by a senior executive for a handle the crowp brought on lam-
the hotel which included a tour of personal reference on this account- pis bpEarth r S e^lpofti^BP
About 200 Edinboro University students marched Monday in the kitchens. One of the chaperons, ing candidate. I was very positive 22. I lit
protest of last week's controversial verdict and the cross-burning Daryl Georger said, "It was amaz- about Mr. Harrington. However, ^ ^ ^ ^ l d , m s ofieni^pfs-

from an off-campusfraternityhouse across the street The cross- ing that there were seven kitchens, that same senior member of the sf|e, f c t|| to||r#a||len^l^
burning is now being investigated by the state police. seven different buildings?of the staff had indicated that if he had a College sjlaent^l^hi^wsewe
hotel,'a culinary arts school and degree in HRIM, he would be more,
suites which ran from $750 to $5000 qualified for. the position."

Carroll blasts justice system it never been better ?

Editor's note: The following is a the wounds and most people in the Justice implies fairnessThair-
reprint of a speech given by a panelistnation felt the pain, many at the ness implies treating individuals
at the Rodney King academic dis- same time felt confident that jus- equally. It implies balance, so that
By Joseph Legler
cussion held this past Monday in tice, something that is seen to be if an individual or group of indi-
Editor -in -Chief
Sullivan Hall. foreign in black communities, would viduals commits a crime or will-
prevail. We put our faith iri the ingly violates the recognized rights I Three years ago I was tearing m
By Kevin Carroll legal system because a conviction of another individual, group, or m
tickets at a movie theatre saying
Merciad Contributing Writer in that trials would have been a even community of individuals, his
things like "Your show will be
victory for the United ^States. It or her rights will be taken away as
starting in about 15 minutes; you
would have restored faith in the well. This balance is the skeleton
As I watched the videotaping legal system, especially in the still have plenty of time for re-
of our legal system. So if an injus-
freshments." I had finished high
of the Rodney King beating, I was. tice has been found, if an unbal-
school in 1986 and was making
not shocked nor was I appalled* for ance has been discovered, balanc-
a whopping $7,000 a year muti-1
it is a scene that I have been famil- ing the injustice is the only way to
lating these poor, innocent, minature movie passes. This was my life
iar with. Locally. I have been af- bring about fairness - the implica-
fected by the police- related death tion of equality. Many Americans and I had no ambition to further my education in any way.
of David Johnson. His death was hoped that the videotape would Being content and being happy, I believe, are two very different
attributed to a combination of drags have led to convictions. This would entities that a person can experience. I was content destroying these
he was on at the time and a choke have assured us fairness. This foiled numbered stubs at the movie theatre, but I wasn't happy. I felt that
hold placed on him by police offi- and justice is now guilty of being I could be doing so much more; however, I never motivated myself
cers as they attempted to place him unjust There have been past cases to do anything about it.J was content My friends, who all had
under arrest I have witnessed the careers of some sort, would always say
in the American justice system where
re-attached finger of my own fa- that I should go back to school "You're so bright, Joe, why didn't
m the outcome seems far from being
ther which was unbelievably you ever go to college* * were words I grew to despise. I didn't want
#4 just
stomped off by a police officer's 9 to hear these people indirectly suggest that my life was spiraling
boot I have seen individuals tin :
downwards into oblivion because I had not gone to college...after
/*N£ '£ .j81 all, I was content
distress call the police, only to be "Justice is on trial now."
beat down and placed under arrest A very good friend of mme, Shan, was one of die persistent 'go
themselves. I, at times, have been KEVIN CARRO bade to school" badgerers. She was also a Mercyhurst college
treated with no respect as a human minority communities. student at the time. \
being by police officers. Even after I enter into evidence exhibit A. I always blew her education whims off without a second
Justice is on trial now. Not only The jury selection process. A jury
being affected by all of these inci- the meaning of justice, but also thought Then one day in the beginning of summer she conned me
dents I did not lose hope. That is supposed to be made up of your into giving her a ride up to the college to pick up some type of
videotape is proof to the world of how individuals in influential po- peers. Let us examine the process paperwork. While on campus, she recomended that I stop in and
what blacks have been claiming sitions misuse justice. These mis- for its fairness. The trial was moved pick up an admissions application. I had absolutely no desire to get
foryears. M uses range from check bouncing in from Los Angeles to Simi Valley. an application to any college, Mercyhurst included. Why should I?
our government to a savage beat- Simi Valley is one of the most pro- I was content
That video is concrete evidence ing by law enforcement officials
which confirms the misuse of au- to an acquittal of guilty individuals police communities in the nation. I gave in and got an application. \
thority andwthe excessive use of which led to the rioting and An estimated 4,000 law enforce- m For the next week, I debated whether or not tofillout the paper
force used to subdue individuals. witnessed in South Central ment officers reside there "or in because Shari would routinely ask me "Have youfilledit out yet?
Even though Rodney King carried Angeles. hboring * Thousand Oaks. | So Have you?" | |j|
was the process, the officers I filled it out and mailed it with no true goal of actually entering

The Merciad

i tried by their peers. They college. I

uired home field advantage. Out About four orfiveweeks later I received my acceptance letter in
30 individuals screened for the the mail. I called Shari up and told her; she was extremely happy
Mercyhurst College's First Class newspaper jury because she thought this meant that I was definitely going to
as rated by the Associated Collegiate Press is change the scenario: college. However, I told her once again that I really had no interest
drug dealer on trial in a higher educational was content " £
Vol. 65 No. 22 May 7,1992 dealing crack in our neighborhoods. Shari eventually backed off the college thing, but I soon began
Let us bring in a jury of his peers - to realize that all of her (and my otherfriends)provocations had
Joseph pegler Editor In Chief
News Editor
12 drug dealers. The verdict - NOT some merit to them. I would look at my acceptance letter, my name
Jule Gardner
Features/Entertainment Editor GUILTY! So I ask is this process written in fancy script, and-contemplate 'me in college?' I was
Anne L. McNeils
Craig Rybczynski Ei3 Sports Editor fair, is it balanced? NO!
actually starting to contemplate college. I I | |
John Danknicb Asst Sports Editor By peas, what we hope is meant
I called Mercyhurst a few days later and asked mem about
John Furlong Photo Editor are members of the community.
registration. They said they would mail me all of the required
Michelle Ryan . Copy Editor Certain criteria is used then to se-
information. I still did not want to go' to college; it just seemed
Yvonne Maher Advertising Manager lect individuals. The criteria in this
Timothy Moriarty Faculty Advisor case may need to be re-examined. slightly more attractive than before.
The jurors are comprised of indi- I received the registration information and for some bizarre
MERCIAD STAFF viduals who have registered to vote reason decided to make plans for classes. I don't know why I did
and are also taxpayers. In most this...perhaps I had the flu. To this day I don't know what came over
Rich Shelton cases this excludes lower income me to take classes. W i %
Dan McQuillen Garth McCurdy
Suzanne Coneglio Katie Johnson families for they feel not the need When I started school, I thought 'OJC, I'll give this thing a
Adria Stalsky
Jason j Hervoy avich John Bruno to vote and many do not pay taxes semester and see how it goes.' After about three weeks of classes,
Tricia Kuhar *
Amy Fitzgerald Dave McQuillen MiaUricki for they receive public assistance. I realized what I had been missing.
Todd Palmer Nicole Geraci Laura B labiic Do our elected officials and An education is something that you can't put a monetary label
Steve Rush Michelle Ryan Beth Nichols law enforcement officers have the on. I did not want to go to college because I was content with my
Leon Mumford Keith Courson Holly McBride right to step out of the bounds of simple, problem-free life. Well, a simple existence is something that
Chris Fiely Craig-Rybczynski Glenn Ondick the law? Many can remember the I scoff at now. Ifellinto a feeling of security tearing those tickets.
John Danknich Lisa Biown Melissa Potocki I am now stressed out just about every hour of the day. I rack my
incident in our legislative branch
Grace Bruno Susan Lee Eback Steph Wainwright brain trying to make time for classes, homework, and the Merciad.
where numerous t representatives
bounced checks. Let a civilian write However, I look at this stiess with the idea of how much better I fed
about myself now. These responsibilities will make me a much
bad checks and he will soon find
The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of better person in the long run. An education, even with its negative
himself either fined or jailed. sidebars at times, is a milliontimes more important than just leading
Mercyhurst College, Box 161,501 E. 38th St,
Erie, Pa., 16546. Phone 824-2376 . And can we all remember a a problemfreelife. I can presently say that I truly enjoy my life. -J
Material for publication must be submitted by noon certain Oliver North who admitted | I am still tearingtickets(at a different theatre) but now I know
y ; on the Monday before publication. to selling aims to the Contra rebels that it isn't my life..J am happy. /
only to be acquitted of those charges? I would like to extend my thanks to Shari for being the true spark
We must maintain some kind that got me back in school. I would also like to thank Cathy
of balance. Anderson ifoil the "big assist" with my schedule thatfirstterm
Justice implies fairness. Fair- which helped set me onfthe right track. I would especially like to
ness implies balance. Balance rep- thank my family for supporting me through all of this. And finally
resents equality. Equality brings I would like to thank Angela Camp, Jule Gardner, Kevin McHugh,
The Merclad's editorial opinion is determined by tne about tranquility. Tranquility is the Anne McNelis, Karen McGuire, Professor Moriarty and everybody
Editorial Board with the Editor holdingfinalresponsibility. forefather of raftc
The opinions expressed in The Merciad are not necessarily that contributed to the Merciad this past year. I wouldn't be where
time* nf The Merciad. its staff or Mercyhurst College. I am without you people. !

V e g e t a b l e K i n g d o m : Are there manners in the cafeteria
workers...which many people didn't with the new system, less workers claims are. I've worked there for
emphasized because quite often 1 over two years, and the system
By Jay Kennedy had the pleasure of receiving do anyway, despite the signs say- are needed and it is less strenuous.
Merciad Staff Columnist ing to do so. That system, however, But not every student cooperates, changed a few months after I was
early shower...of hired. I didn't have too^nany
trough to dump your excess liquid lasted only about two years for it and it is very hard on us. I've had
Hey, how about that new cafe- required more workers to be pres- plates thrown at me, milk splashed complaints. Although originally,
into, 3), Put your empty coffee you guys weren't supposed to be
teria setup? cups in a coffee cup rack, 4) Throw ent during meals. So the cafe de- on me, and plates broken because I
cided to bring back the old system slipped on the milk and dropped responsible for even throwing away
'It takes forever to leave!'* — your silverware down a silverware
— the one being complained about the plates! your trash! When that changed, I
"It's too confusing!" -"We do shoot, and 5) Give your dirty dishes was much happier.
more work than the workers them- to the workers and stack your empty now. ; iFrom the side of those who eat
selves!* ' trays off to the side of the dishrpom Yes, this system is the same there, realistically, it takes leaving a Just remem ber this: change in
-Subtle remarks such as these window. one that has been used since the bit longer, but they'll live. If it's the cafe is not the fault of us little
have been haunting me every time dishroom was nothing but a mere worked for so many years before people who work there, and cer-
I'm anywhere near the cafeteria, All of these things can be done egg cell - most upper-class stu- *90 - it will work for many years tainly not yours! So, please don't
which is quite often since I work at the dishroom window when dents should be able to tell you beyond '92. £ take it out on us if you don't agree
there. ^ * f you with the new system. I eat there too,
When leaving the cafeteria, you leave, and there are signs with ar- that Really, all youfreshmenand I hate to use a cliche, but, if if s
you know, and I don't work every
must: 1) Throw away your trash rows posted all around it indicat- sophomores have had it easy. It not broke, whyfixit? ;
meal (even though I feel like I do!)
(ie. paper products, not your I.D. ing what goes where. makes sense that you would com- Most under-class students have
And I know that if we don't coop-
cards or's been done I Three weeks ago, all you had to plain. the right to say that as well. The old
erate together, things could only
many times!), 2) Put your empty do was throw away your trash and From the worker's side, assum- system was not that much harder on
get worse for all of us.
glasses in a glass rack-Em] push the? rest over to the every-student cooperates the workers, despite what their

i For free, confidential HIV/

AIDS counseling, testing and re-
ferral call 451-6700,459-2761,453-
4728, or 453-4718. Get the facts -
call for help from the AIDS Coun-
cil of Erie County at 455-5492.


DENTS! - The Praeterita yearbook
staff is accepting letters of intent
for the following positions during
the 1992-93 academic yean Copy
Editor, Chief Photography Editor,
and Highlights/Organizations Edi-
tor. Scholarships are available.
Please include within your letter of
intent what position you are apply-
ing for and any relevant experience
you have had. Letters will be ac-
cepted until May 14, For more
information call ext 2952 and ask
for Jill or Sharon.

The number to call for a re-

cording of daily meals is ext
2192. : f

If you need security, call ext

2000 after 4:30 and ask for some-
one on security.

For anyone interested, Al-

ANON (Mercyhurst) meets Tues-
day evenings at 7:45 in Campus

Hammennill Library Exam

Week Hours: '',
Thursday, May 14 8 a.m. to
Friday, May 15 8 a.m. to 5 pan.
Saturday, May 16 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, May 17 1 p.m. to
Monday, May 18 8 a.m. to
Tuesday, May 19 ] 8 am, to
Midnight • IISjI
Wednesday, May 20 8 a.m. to 8
Thursday, May 21 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, May 22'% 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, May 2 3 ! Closed ;
Sunday, May 24 Closed

Campus Ministry is already

working pn World Food Day Oc-
tober 1992. For more information,
contact Joe Dominic at ext 2430.

!A?rts & EMerlmwment

Summer movie preview Bay City? Nights entertains Erie i ?

Horstman, the editor and publisher, having nothing, I decided it was

By Josepb time that the Erie area needed its
Editor-In-( does most of the layout and pro-
duction himself. 1g own street magazine. '| Horstman
By John Danknich | Bay City Nights totalled eight said. 1
Mexciad Movie Critic John Bruno and Kevin McHugh
pages in its debut Now, sponsored As«for area response to the
no longer write for the Merciad,
by area advertisers, it has grown to magazine, Horstman and McHugh
This is it, my last column of but you can catch their work in the
over 20 pages. said they are pleased. \
the year. Can you believe it? I *.f Bay City Nights, jj the Erie free 4

McHugh said that he got in- t It sort of wakes Erie from its
certainly can't However, since I press. |sf a slumber," said McHugh. "People

*Bay City Nights is a tabloid volved with the magazine because

have been hopelessly busy these of the freedom of expression the call it 'dreary Erie,' but that's not
past few weeks, I haven't seen featuring lock and ioll, dance music,
tabloid offers. "We are our own the way it has to be. We want to
any new movies. Gimme a break, jazz and march bands, columns, generate a little excitement arid pride
reviews and editorials. .g editorial board; we decide what
it's the end of the year. Anyway, goes in and what doesn't," said in the Erie community."
since summer is about to begin Kevin McHugh, a senior and Horstman said that histongterm
former editor of the Merciad, has McHugh, "We print controversial
in about two weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to preview this stuff that wouldn't otherwise get goals are to continue to get bigger
summer's potential blockbusters. | been with Bay City Nights since and better, to generate more inter-
its inception in October 1991. into a newspaper."
The first potential blockbuster opens on Friday, May 15. For all . McHugh hopes that more people est on the part of readers and to
of you Mel Gibson fans, this is the one you've been waiting for. He said that Bruno, the recendy involve more people in the enter-
elected MSG president, knew a man will get involved with the maga-
Lethal Weapon 3 reunites Gibson and Danny Glover as Detectives zine and use it as an opportunity tainment industry.
Riggs and Murtaugh, respectively. Also back is Joe Pesci as Leo in town, John Horstman,; who Bay City Nights has a circula-
wanted to start a magazine. for public debate.
Goetz, who Riggs and Murtaugh spent most of LW2 protecting. Horstman's inspiration for the tion of 8,000 and is distributed in
Joining the cast is Rene Russo as a female version of Riggs. I'm "John (Bruno) knew that I could 120 locations rangingfromNorth
produce a magazine, the layout, magazine came from his experi-
guessing that there's going to be a potential romance between ences while living on the.West East to Cony, all over Erie, and
Gibson and Russo. I don't know much of the plot, but I expect there design and production of it," said from Edinboro to Meadville. You
McHugh. "Horstman contacted me Coast. '
to be a lot of gun play and some spectacular special effects. "After living in Los Angeles can pick up a copy here at Mer-
Lethal Weapon 2 was one of those rare sequels that was as and I agreed to help him.*' cy hurst next to several of the Mer-
McHugh helped produce the and always having access to a
good, if not better, than the previous film. I attribute this to the great number of street-level magazines ciad dispenser bins.
first several issues and got the
on-screen chemistry between Gibson and Glover. The two are such and then coming back to Erie and
maeazine off the ground. Now
opposites in attitude and lifestyle that the contrast between their two
personalities is refreshingly different Lethal Weapon 3 will have
no trouble winning the coveted Golden Reel Award for earnings
in excess of $ 100 million. .
A few weeks after Lethal Weapon 3, another " 3 " will be
released, Alien 3. Yes, we all will have the pleasure of seeing
Sigourney Weaver sporting her Sinead O'Connor hairstyle. I would
assume that Alien 3 will be more like its predecessor, Aliens. By
this, I mean that it will have more action than suspense. The original
Alien is one of the most suspenseful movies I have ever seen. It
ranks right up there with the original Halloween in that respect
Aliens is another good example of a sequel on a par with its
.From what I have heard about Alien 3, the plot sounds very
interesting. Ripley (Weaver) is implanted with an alien egg .
of those "face hugger" things. Neat name, huh? The ship she's in
crash lands on a prison planet .where Ripley and the inmates must
fight off hoards of aliens. Co-starring with Weaver will be Charles
S. Dutton of the Fox TV series Roc. I don't know if " 3 " can match
up to the previousfilmsin die series, but that won't stop it from
earning a ton of money. 1
The most highly anticipated film of this summer is Batman
Returns. It's been three years since thefirstBatman earned over
$200 million at the box office. However, several changes have been
made in the sequel. Kim Basinger's character, Vicki Vale, has been
written out of the sequel. Also not returning from thefirstfilmare V.V.I


Billy Dee Williams and Robert Wohl. Jack Nicholson, whose |N

portrayal of the Joker some people believe made thefirstBatman, &l

is also not in the sequel. ,m X.


However^some^big stars will be playing the villains in the X.

sequel. Danny DeVito will play that felonious fowl, the Penguin, **"*•
v. ^

and Michelle Pfieffer will portray Catwoman. Director Tim Burton, Z*k %m

who has a lot of creative control over the movie, has said that the .*«< ii b
film will focus more on Bruce Wayne/Batman (Michael Keaton)

and how neurotic he must be to dress up as a bat andfightcrime. •A"rfl.". * • - >V>*?v-V,


Batman Returns is set around Christmastime. The Penguin

Don't be weighed down by textbooks you have already finished
plots to take over Gotham City, and it's up to Batman to stop him.
i* Sell them back for cash while they still have value^
Catwoman will provide Batman with a*love interest and the
Penguin with a "partner." I would also keep my eyes open for a
cameo appearance by Paul "Ptoe Wee Herman" Reubens. Finally, r*

for those of you who are wondering, there is no Robin in the movie.
Robin was in the first draft of the script but was written out because
he didn't add anything to the plot If there is a third Batman movie,
We buy all books WIHI current market value
I would exj>ect tofinallysec Batman and Robin. It's already a
foregone conclusion that Batman Returns will be a big hit This is MONDAY, MAY
why no other studio is releasing a movie the day Batman Returns?
opens on Friday. June 19. Can you say "box office champ/ boys i
and girls? . t.£• J
in closing, I would like to thank everybody who has read ray
reviews this yearJ t means a lot to metoknow y ^ someb^yearw A*
what I 'm writing about. However.1 have some bad news. SJcelam

ItheMerciad'anew-assisianfsportseditor.mymovi «—-« $*•=*•?

only be appearing oncea month.Fortfioseof you wh< l

wit and wisdom, read my sports editorials next 3W _
; &

And, I know this is old news, but I correcuy pred^fivsoufc

of the SK Academy Award winners. Notbad for a RECYOf
didn't see four out of thefivenominees for Best Pfctu FOR CASH
. A ~-_.._!»i. oinnino nff from the back

: • * " • Rf E7
' ••'- ••'••-••'!

C a m p u s Ministry clowns play for community

an outreach to get the students formed with much success at the
By Stephanie Wainwrigh t Christmas on Campus last year.
involved with the Erie community,**
Merciad Staff V l . l said Joe Dominic, head of the group. The downs put impressionable
Not many people have the abil- Presently there are 13 students smiles on every less fortunate child's
r to make others laugh. Mercyhurst involved with the group. These face. I #
lucky to have found people who students are: Eileen Gill, Maura the profits and contributions
KIXXIWN' this talent These people Sims, Karen Pdnchak, Ruth Brown, they receive go to a school for deaf
are the Campus Ministry clowns. Amy Hook, Jill DiBuono, Mark children in East Africa. The group
The word clown comes from Falk, Amy Kellogg, Christina Spra- has a long time commitment to this
die English word clod. In the old gue, and Dan Desmond. The clowns school. I
English tradition, die clown was have performed at places and events Dominic said that they really
known as thefools'fooL It was the such as Pleasant Ridge Manor East, enjoy what they do. Ponchak said it
only member of the king's court Homecoming, and 5 Edmond L. was fun to see others smile.
who could insult or criticize him. Thomas Juvenile'Detention Cen- Because of the peeping clown
Clowns were considered the low ter. scare that took place in the area last
of the lowly. J The main.•:•]*» 1 e of the clowns summer, die business has been slow
The Campus Ministry clowns is to make others happy. They have * compared to the previous school Dominic and Ruth Brown clown
began as a ministry last year. "It is done this thus far. The group per- - coming

Trapolsi elaborates o n effect of T V violence o n children

By Karen Trapolsi question has rarely been whether tween viewing violence and ag- I feel the parents are most to mit violent acts, there is more evi-
Merciad Staff Reporter television^ an influence, but in gressive behavior is a very impor-^ blame for this incident and any situ- dence, as well as common sense,
what way and to what extent it tant undertaking, given the ubiq- ations where children inflict harm to that television violence could be
Television has often been criti- affects children. Whether it be Mac- uity of television violence. In 1988, themselves or others from watching harmful to the proper upbringing of
cized for portraying 5 the world Gyver not minding his P's and Q's the National Coalition on TV Vio- television. I strongly believe it is the children. «
unrealistically, in either overly or all the crunching and crashing of lence reported that average U.S. parents' duty to explain toftheir
l l s Nitive
I ways or in an excessively car pile ups, children are affected children would view about 50,000 children die difference between what
negative and!stereotyped nature. by this activity and often try to act attempted murders on television by is real and what is make believe.
Whether or not television reflects it out Cartoons that used to be the time they turned 16. There have Parents need to consider that,
our social system accurately; it is innocent and just fun entertainment also been cases in which television even if their children do not act in
> i •:• contributor to that have now been made very life-like was blamed for someone's murder- violent ways, their intentions can be
system, and it is a major socializing and are destructive to children's ous action. In the early 80's, for somewhat vicious. Anyone at any
force in children's lives. minds. The roadrunner and coyote, example, a 15-year-old boy con- age can feel the hate between the TJRUISE JOBS
Cruise Lines Now Hiring. Earn]
I strongly feel programs watched for example, was rated one of the fessed to murder but claimed that roadrunner and the coyote, Tweety
$2,000+ per month working on cruise!
by children need to be monitored most violent programs shown to television had made him do it; he and Sylvester and even Tom*and ships. World travel! Holiday, Sum-
due to the violence often seen; children. The intensity of the coy- was later convicted during the first Jerry. It is most important that those merand Full-time employment avail-
children easily pick up on violent ote flailing from high cliffs and televised trial. In another example, a feelings of hate do not transfer from able. For Employment- ProgranVta
acts which result in brutal actions getting hit by cars and trains one story was printed in Time magazine the screen,resultingin violent acts 3 -206^545-4155 ext. C 313
t o .i>:w and sometimes to them- minute and then running after the a few years ago that sticks in my to themselves and their peers.
selves. 1 roadrunner the next must affect a mind because it was such a crisis. A The harmful effects of televi- NEED EXTRA CASH?
Weknow that children are great child's mind. Ninja Turtles are even four-year-old boyfromCharleston, sion violence really go beyond teach-
behavior imitators. Even infants as more life-like showing animal/ South Carolina, committed suicide ing children to be violent So even if
young as 14 months have demon- people warriors shooting guns and

by hanging himself in his bedroom scientific evidence does not totally

strated} significant and deferred burning "bad guy" hideavt after watching the "coyote" hang support the claim that violence in
imitation of televised models. The Discovering possible links be- himself on television. television teaches children to com-

Clark plans for adult college the adult student Shereturnedto registering adult" Clark appears ing as many adult students as she

Become a Plasma Donor


By Susan Lee Eback college as an adult with a family.

Merciad Staff Reporter
professional, alert as she speaks of would like. She said that her office, iEarn $25 a Week}
She is currendy working toward redoing the adult admissions pro- deep into the adult college com- Plus Bonuses
The college classroom v can her masters in counselling from cedure. plex, does not give her the quick
appear intimidating to any fresh- Gannon. fShe said, "I'd like to see the
Call for Details
accessibility to the students as the 4544)070

man, but how much more intimi- & She has two daughters, both initial interview as a requirement department secretary, Jan Hill, has.
dating can it be to^a student who attending Mercyhurst Amy, 21, is for the adult It would help us to get Clark said, "She (Hill) knows
has not attended formal education a junior, 4 and Lisa, 18, entered a better handle on the student and many students; she talks about them
since high school 12 years ago? Mercyhurst as a sophomore. Lisa their needs." and will point them out when we
Bonnie Clark remembers that earned credits towrd a degree while * 'There is so much we can give see them. *m N

fear. Win I be able to keep up? WiU attending Mercyhurst Prep J them in an entrance interview," * * But I get to know some well,
they look down on me because I'm Clark, an Erie native, has been said Clark.' 'Advice, counsel." like Wallace...he's always in the 111 West 9th St Erie, PA 16501
il¥ with the college staff since 1984, One area Clark is looking to become attached to Male and Female Donors Needed*?'
Clark says,' 'I remember when when she started as an assistant in improve is the recruiting of more them." dark said. "He'll gradu- F.D.A. Approved
I returred to college.j I had just die alumni office. | adult students. "We can't go to the ate this year and I'll miss him. But
turned 30 and I hated being 30.1 * Qaik look a leave of these duties high schools to recruit Maybe we then someone else will come along Bring in this adfor an
was taking a French class. The to obtain her teaching certificate in could set a booth up at a shopping to take his spot"
instructor wanted us to say our age 1986 to 1988. Returning to Mer- mall, or go to companies that have
additional $5.00 Bonus
in French. I was the only adult cyhurst in '88, she became the reimbursement programs and see
student in the class. director of alumni relations. if we can offer more to meet their A V

* * I was relieved she didn't call » Two years ago she moved to needs." .•»
•>. :•:<-

on me that day. We had only cov- the adult college as assistant direc- \ Where would Clark like to see sss
»V»T cOC*I\_*Iv

ered the numbers up to twenty or tor. In July she advanced to direc- the adult college go? ]lTd like_ ^to_
twenty-five. I went home and locked tor of that department expand career counselling.''
up the answer. Her thoughts on the adult col- "I'd like to be able to have its is;
"The next day she asked me lege arc that it is here to serve the resources for formalized testing."
and I gave my answer. The teacher needs of the adult student At theSpresent, she does a little sssss
replied 'Par impossible!' (that's She would like to see the devel- testing of her own.
I:«K* We).
1 ^ *
"I know what it feels like being
opment of additional programs
geared toward the non-traditional
Her ambition is to some day
earn her doctorate in vocational
^MmlMlllI « ;


an adult student I was there," said student psychology. "I really enjoy work- SSSSS:^
Clark. She is now the director of
(he Mercyhurst Adult College.
—«™— —•—™*—v— —.— _
Clark said, "I'd like to restruc-
hire orientating the student I hope
_ . '
ing with people and trying to fit
them into their career." 838 H^^^HMM
Clai't knows the problems of 10 put together a packet for the She apologized for not know-


Team looks to next season

Sports Editorial
B aseball lends on winning jnote
By Ed Hiw\

Rybczynski tackles Merciad Sports Writer

Mercyhurst sports
The Mercyhurst baseball team
ended its season the same way it
started * out, on a winning note.
"What a long, strange trip it'sEM!I
can best sum up what happened in
between those two victories.
The Lakers found out that life
at the top is not all it's cracked up to
By Craig Rybczynski be. The final record, 11-17, seems
Merciad Sports Editor dismal compared to last year's
playoff season. However, the nu-
The Merciad fis under new cleus of the team remains intact,
management As you can see, a and there is no reason to believe
different staff is now in charge that national recognition is far off
of bringing you the news. The in the future.
happenings in the area of sports After dropping thefirstof the
win be covered by co-editor, John final two games of the season to
Danknich and me. Ashland University, 4 the Lakers of the day to*add to the Laker The brightest spot may be me
John joins me from the arts battled back in the nightcap for the offense. future for the baseball team. The
and entertainment section. He «rt . The extra inning affair ended "Winning the last, game is Lakers return 1? players and only
brings with him an unprecedented amount of sports knowledge. The with the Lakers on top 14-10. always important,*' said Craig. "But
Pittsburgh native is a walking sports encyclopedia. John is currently Things did not look extremely I sure thought there would be some • C-ithree I IMU 111 players from
a sophomore communications major, with a minor in creative writing. bright for the Lakers as they were more wins between those • : • : • this year's team.
Some of you may know him from WMCE, as he has a showfrom10 down six runs with just two outs "I think this team wiD mature
p.m. to 1 a.m. on Saturday night After college, he plans to go to remaining in the game. A barrage There were some very bright and rise to the occasion next year,"
graduate school. He is also an avid 49ers, Penguins and Tigers fan, of seven straight hits evened the 71 E l on the Laker squad this sea- said Craig. "We know what it's
though I don't know why. However, those of you whose social lives score at ten and sent the game into son. Senior Jeff Nicholson paced like to win and lose...and winning
hinged on his movie reviews will be happy to know he will continue extra innings. Ed Hess drove in the the team in hitting with an incred- definitely leaves a •rvirv- KP«
to critique movies, but only once a month. I would read his article this first of four runs in the extra frame, ible .402 average. Hess and Craig your mouth."
week because it will be his last of the year. and freshman pitcher Jason Runtas nun th tallied a team leading three - With the season nowM I PI I I > I
Now let's talk about me. I am afreshmancommuni ns major • » ' . ! • silenced the Ashland bats to secure home runs. Tim Donaldson won the Lakers will begin to prepare for
from Hamburg, NY. For those of you who don't know where that is, the season ending win. Tom Craig the ERA tide among the pitchers next season over the summer s i t r t
it's located near Buffalo, the sports capital of the Northeast If you've also notched his second home run with a solid 3.12 average. « • : •to camp in Mlir^fl • >
read my early work and, by some of your reactions you haven't, I
covered crew and J V hockey. I am also a member of the crew team.
Will scrimmage with foreigners
Let me tell you, getting up at 5:30 am., being attacked by ducks and
rowing in the snow is not my idea of fun.
I, unlike John, have taste in athletic teams. I am a Minnesota North
Football team travels to France Lyon. At 2 pjn., they will play the
Star, Atlanta Brave, and Atlanta Falcon fan. Those of you from will leave Paris for Raleigh, North
Buffalo, don't be discouraged, I am also Bills and Sabres fan. By Chris Fiely Lyon Sixty-Niners in a real game. Carolina. After Raleigh, they will
My goal in life is to become a sports journalist for the Hockey Merciad Sports Writer Following the game and a •«i for travel to Cleveland.
News. As a student at St Francis High School in Athol Springs, NY, both teams, they will leave Lyon
for Vichy. Head coach Jim Chapman is
I never dreamed of being an editor myfreshmanyear. I came to the the one responsible for the trip.
Merciad this year with the idea that I would be a contributing writer, For most of us, we will be de-
When he was at Case Western
but the paper gave me the opportunity to expand upon my writing parting either May 19,20, or 21, for "I am looking forward to take Reserve University, he and
ability. My reaction can be summed up by the immortal words ofNew home. For 43 players and coaches, advantage of visiting a new culture Cleveland Browns head coach Sam
York Yankee broadcaster Phil Rizzuto, "Holy cow." instead of home on May 21, they and a different country. This is Ratigliano started this exchange of
Well, enough about us. John and I would like to tell you what we will be departing for Ranee. Foot- something that not very many•AW.
f football knowledge with European
will be covering next year. Unlike this year, where the sports section ball officially starts in the middle of get a chance to do, and I am really countries. "This is a greatlit i:t
addressed only a few national sports, next year our coverage will August, but our Lakers have an looking forward to it," said kicker nity to see France. It has brought
expand to include nearly all professional and major college sports. We • i 1 1 1 : 1to show their stuff early George Faydock. moral and unity to the team.'It is
will also have increased coverage of the Erie Wave, Sailors and this year/as they will play two
teams from France. "It is a good experience both great public relations for the col-
Panthers. intellectually and socially. I hope to lege," said Chapman. He also added
Here at Mercyhurst, Danknich will cover varsity men's basketball "It is a historical step for Mer- have fun and take advantage of a that the NCAA has allowed the
Dick Vitale would be happy to have John along side of him on ESPN. cyhurst football and Mercyhurst once in a lifetime opportunity," team to have 10 days of spring
Returning to our staff will be the pride of Sheffield, England, Richard College. World travel by such a said Michael GalupL Galupi is the practice because of the trip. 3
Shelton; and Titusville's own Chris Fiely. Liam Barron, Dave "Bar- large number of players on an ath- only quarterback to make the jour-
celona Bound" McQuillen and Keith Courson will also contribute. letic team is impressive for the col- ney to France. On the lighter side, detensive
By the way, Dave, just kidding about the Olympic joke. A newcomer tackle Michael Fbss said, "I am
lege," said, offensive line coach looking forward to the fine flight,
to the staff, Jay Kennedy, will report on the cross country team. The next three days will be for
Dave Armstrong.
My beat will be varsity hockey. I take over for the immortal Garth sightseeing and other cultural tours. the fine country, the fine women
McCurdy. McCurdy is, in my estimation, the Dan Kelly of sports *On May 21, the team meets at They will stay in Nice and Paris. and the fine wine. Oh yeah, we're
writing. I will also cover varsity baseball. Now, I am able to write Cleveland airport. They will fly to Finally, on Thursday, May 28, they going to play some football, too."
about the two sports I treasure the most My previous beats, JV hockey Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina.
and crew, will have to be passed on to other competent sports writers At Raleigh, they will take a transat-
(read: freshmen). Finally, the people at the Merciad will never get a lantic flight to; Paris, France. | In
moment's restfromall the complaining I do.^ ! Paris, they will meet Fred Asbeil of
This weekend, I have been given the assignment of a lifetime. I the International Sports Connec-
will accompany the crew team to the Dad Vail National Champion- tion" (ISC). From Paris, they will
ships in Philadelphia, PA. I will be able to watch the bestfromaround take a charter bus to Vichy on May
the United States compete in one regatta. Stories of boat house row, 22. While in Vichy, they will stay
and kegs lined up on theriversidereally intrigue me. J in the Centre OmniSports (COS).
In the final two weeks of the school year, the sports page will
essentially remain the same. Next year, however, ex] t some subtle. May 23 will consist of break-
but new, looks in this section. John and I just hope we can build upon fast, practice, lunch, practice and
what former editors Kevin McHugh and Joe Legler, now editor in dinnec During one of the practices,
chieft have done. We are really excited about the possibilities which they will scrimmage the team from
will be available to us next year.? Vichy. On Sunday, May 25, they
leave the COS for the city of
**. fc*rt*$4A^ ••?-< j-,--!. . t. r j t s-jr*. m » m r «•«>••.'• . • « ' * M
? v , ;
^ * ••*•'
Cyclers Expert Men s event
HTV airs
Although they were outnumbered,
the Mercyhurst cycling team
refused to be outpowered at the
Indiana University Stage
Scoring his first win of the year,
Mumford won the Novice time j
trial with a time of 2723. Alio way
Race, May 2 to 3. The race was the
final event in the Western
Pennsylvania Collegiate Cycling
was a dose second with a
27:37. Thefinishwas reminiscent
of Mumford and Alloway s one-
Series and, in the end, the Hurst two performence in the Edinboro
emerged with 17 medals: seven Road Race a week before. By John Danknich
bronze, five silver, five Dziekonskifinishedsecond in the Merciad Asst Sports Editor
gold. The team also claimed two Women's, with a time of 29:30. enough points for second Dziekonski capture the Women's
district championship titles, McQuillen moved up a place in the overall in the stage-race. * title, while Mia Urycki finished a
through the strong riding of Leon class,finishingfourth The 45 minute Expert Race finally hard-earned fourth. McQuillen
Mumford and Marce Dziekonski. in 25:17. *f T saw McQuillen take the Win placed third in the Expert Men's. For those of you who missed
Twelve teams arrived for the the On the second day, thefieldlined that has eluded him this year. At- For a team in its first year, the the Cleveland Browns Basketball
first day of racing, which up at the starting line for # tacking with half a mile to go, Hurst won 29 medals over the Challenge at the Mercyhurst Ath-
consisted of two races: a 25 mile timed criterions around the Indiana McQuillen just held off a Carnegie course of the season. Now, with letic Center (MAC) two weeks ago,
Mall The 25 minute Novice Mellon rider in die race for two District Champions, the team the game will be shown on Hurst
road race in the morning and a
Men's race j looked like another the line.. The finish boosted will be a favorite in the '93 season. Television (HTV) Friday night*
10 mile individual time trial in the
chance for a Hurst victory, but a McQuillen to third in the stage- According to team director The challenge, which featured
afternoon. The road race was
furious field sprint saw Young- race, y and mentor Big Jim McKeever, "We players from the Browns compet-
difficult for the Hurst riders, as the
«rt wn State take die win. Alloway After the race was over, the results worked very hard this year and ing against the Mercyhurst football
climbs were longer than
anything they had raced on before. finished second, by less than$12 were combined with the we succeeded beyond our greatest staff and faculty, will be one of the
Mumford captured third in the inches. Mumford placed third and points earned in the previous six expectations. It's even more first new programs shown on
Novice Men's race, while team- that gave him enough points for the district races in order to remarkable when you consider that Mercyhurst's fledgling television
mates Mike Alloway and Gary stage race win, while Alloway determine the Western Pennsylva- most of the riders on the squad station. |
Ondick ' earned enough for second. nia District Champions. First-year have never raced before. Above all,
Hopes were high for a win in the rider ** we have to thank the school • If you subscribe to Erie Ca-
captured fourth and jfifth. The
30 minute Women's race, but Mumford took the Novice tide, while and Dr. Garvey for giving us the blevision and have a Scientific
Women's race saw\ Dziekonski J
IUP proved to be too strong, as Alloway was an extremely Atlanta converter, the game will be
finish $ opportunity to prove
Dziekonski finished third in the dose second. Gary Ondick took ourselves.. J think we did that and shown at 7 p.m. on channel 62. If
third and Mia Urycki fifth. David
field sprint This placing gave her fourth. Consistent finishes saw* more. you are on the old A/B sw itcher,
McQuillen placedfifthin the &,
i die game will be shown on channel
* % 1
)f The game wasfilmedby Mer-
Erie Wave unbeaten cyhurst students Paul Smith, Wal-
lace Crosby and Mike McClory
Calgary guard Kelsey Weems. Jones Dick Ragan, Director of the Com-
By John Danknkh f * •
and Lee were the difference for the munications Department, provided
Merciad Asst Sports Editor Wave as they combined for 59 It I ts technical ^assistance. Ragan? also
and 21 rebounds. of only 1,731 attended the home in a row starting Wednesday, May mixed and produced the vid • VI
The Erie Wave is off to their In the home and season opener opener. Tuesday's crowd was a 13. All Wave home games start at
The game will be called by
best start in franchise history. The on Friday night, a ringing dunk by sparse 11,031. However, die [few 7:30 pjn. 5 \ WMCE basketball announcers
Wave defeated the Calgary 88's Speedy Jones off a Richard Hollis fans have been very supportive. • The Wave will travel to Hamil- Keith Courson and Glenn Ondick.
113411 in overtime at the Tuillio miss at the buzzer secured a 101-99 The Wave will play 13 of their first ton, Ontario, for their next game Other broadcasts of the challenge
Convention Center Tuesday night victory for the Wave over the Sas- 16 games at home, including nine Saturday night will be announced at a later date.
to put open their season with a katchewan Storm. Rod Mason led
record of 3-0. *i i >i
5 Forward Danny Jones' two free
throws sent the game into overtime
a balanced Wave attack with 16
pbints. Six other players were also
in double figures.
Men's crew captures gold medal
I Sunday night, the Wave trav- Coach David Baugh said, "It's Championships, qualified because
with 10 seconds left in regulation.
In overtime* the Wave stopped the eledtoJacksonville to face the Sting- By Craig Rybczynski always nice to beat Big Ten they won at the LaSalle invitational
88's from scoring on five posses- rays. A12-0 run late in the fourth Merciad Sports Editor schools." * on Saturday, April 11. According
sions. Three of die possesions came quarter helped the Wave post a Three Mercyhurst crews quali- to coxswain Melissa Waclawik, their
when Calgary was up 5-3. In die 111-100 victory. Danny Jones led fiedforDad Vail National Cham- race was delayed one hour when
the Wave with 24 points. Roscoe The men's JV eight won a gold pionships in Philadelphia, PA, on thunder and lightning trapped crews
World Basketball League, the first
Patterson's 21 points off the bench medal at the Midwest Champion- May 7-9. The women's varsity eight on the water. "It hailed just as
to seven points in overtime
Wins. also helped the Wave to victory. ships in Columbus* OH, on Satur- and men's lightweight four also crews approached the starting line.
* With the game tied 5-5, guard day, May 2, defeating teams from competed successfully last week- The crews had to bring their boats
Despite the Wave's unbeaten
Kurk Lee sunk twofreethrows for die Bis: Ten Conference. Head Crew end in Columbus. I back to shore," said Waclawik. In
record, attendance has been poor at
the victory after being fouled by theirfirsttwo home games. A crowd The men's JV eight defeated their race, the women were beat by
second place University of Cincin- one-tenth of a second by Michigan
nati by one boat length. Michigan for third place. Northwestern and

Rioting affects sporting events finished third in the race. The

Mercyhurst JV eight didn't even
exist until after spring training. The
University of Cincinnati took first
and second.
The men's lightweight four once
By John Danknich? Portland Trail Blazers was moved sonics in the second round. boat which 1 features two novice again finished second. The crew
Merciad Asst Sports Editor to the<Thomas and Mack Center, The Dodgers will make up their rowers, Mickey Brenhan and Eric thus has won a gold medal in Au-
the home of the University of Nevada lost games by sacrificing part of Anibaldi, had little time to prepare gusta, GA, and a silver at the La-
at Las Vegas* basketball team. their All-Star break in July. The before the season began. Double Salle Invitational.:Dan McQuillen
Unfortunately for the Lakers, the Dodgers and the Expos will play sessions on Prcsque Isle Bay helped said,' 'I expect to take the gold and
Blazers defeated them 102-76 on night doubleheaders on July 6-7 at them gain more experience as a to show everyone how fast Mer-
The violence and unrest in Los Sunday to win their five game se- Dodger Stadium and a day game team. This weekend they represent cyhurst really is." This spring, they
Angeles which resultedfromthe ries three games to one. The Blaz- on July 8. Monday, July 14, the day Mercyhurst against the best teams have only been beaten by Fordham
verdict' in the Rodney King trial ers advance to play the Phoenix before the All-Star Game, is tradi- from around the United States. and Western Ontario. The crew from
also had an impact on the sports Suns in round two. tionally an off day. However, the The prominent schools at the Ontario, according to Coach Baugh,
world. I The Clippers moved their se- Dodgers and the Expos will play an regatta in Columbus included Uni- is part of a national development
The rioting in L.A. and the ries against the Utah Jazz to the afternoon game that day. versity of Cincinnati, Ohio State, program.
ensuing curfew caused'the post- Anaheim Convention Center. The Also, the brother of L.A. Dodg- Michigan, and Michigan State. The The women's JV eight had their
ponement of four Dodgers games Clippers won game four in Anaheim ers outfielder Darry1 Strawberry was top two teams from this regatta best finish of the year, placing third.
which included a three-game series by a score of 115-107.on Sunday injured in the rioting. Michael Straw- advance to the championships this They were one place away from
against the Montreal Expos? Also, forcing a fifth game in Utah on berry, an L.A. police officer, was week. However, a crew could qualify qualifying for Dad Vail National
both the Lakers and the Clippers Monday night However, the Clip- shot while patrolling South Central for the event if they placed in the Championships. Marietta captured
had their NBA playoff games post- pers tost to the Jazz 98-89 after L.A. Strawberry} was treated for top two in the LaSalle Invitational. first place and Duquesne finished
poned.^ blowing a 12 point halftime lead. minor'injuries at? an Inglcwood The women, despite not plac- second. The men's novice four fin-
The Lakers* series against the The Jazz will play the Seattle Supcr- hospital and released. 1 ing in the top two at/ Midwest ished fifth in their heat race.

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