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Khaterine J seems to me to be an extremely important character, since she represents

perseverance in the face of adversity and not letting circumstances or in this case, the social
context cloud your abilities to achieve a goal

Dorothy V. seems to me to be an exemplary leader, her way of acting in the face of the lack of
support that the calculation team had, she knew how to direct correctly and knew how to improve
the capabilities of her colleagues, also that way of adapting to her companions to be able to
control the machines and not allow their companions to become unemployed

Harrison seems to me a man ahead of his time and I believe that today's bosses should be like him,
give an opportunity regardless of your image, race or gender, or if you have experiences, after you
show him that you are a positive contribution to the team, no would he care to give you the
importance you deserve

2. I think the film frames many contexts, not only the female role, but also racism, this can be seen
in the importance of Vivian M's work, who because she is white has a more important position,
although part of the film is based on the fact that khaterine is the only woman with a main job in
the flight calculations, and as A. harrison supports said woman due to her abilities and improves
katherine's work environment by allowing access to the bathrooms, all so that she can work
comfortably, Also like Mary J, she entered the university to be able to be an engineer, this marks
the beginning of female inclusion in more advanced studies, this film is different because it shows
us how talent is present everywhere and that by excluding they do not occur account of the
potential that is lost

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